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Everything posted by geh

  1. I attended the drop in on Sat 1st March and asked the representatives given Southwark Labours track record of failing to consult with business (Melbourne Grove) would they confirm there will be a full consultation with business on and adjacent to Lordship Lane. “Yes, we will drop in to see every business” was the response . I’ve just spoken to a local business owner, their experience is not only have the borough not done this, but they appear to have deliberately excluded businesses to the eastern side of Lordship Lane (Franklins side) deeming them “unaffected by the proposals”. What ever side of the argument you’re on this is disingenuous, dishonest and underhand behaviour from an administration driven by dogma rather than the wishes of its constituents.
  2. you can have some of mine if you like, dm me
  3. As most readers will be aware, this is an issue that has persisted since the closure of the East Dulwich sorting office. I have been complaining to the Royal Mail periodically over the course of summer, and finally raised it with Ellie Reeves as our new MP, when a bulk delivery was received containing PCN's, court letters relating to those PCN's, hospital appointments and much that has been referenced by other forum posters! It appears this was acted on swiftly, and ER paid a visit to the Peckham Sorting Office, which is welcomed, and indeed, we have received some post, but it is sporadic, and it is very obvious that non essential mail (for example magazines/periodicals that have differing publishing dates) are being lumped together and delivered in a single weekly delivery. My father (Peckham Rye borders of SE22) has not had mail for 3 weeks now. My concern is, rather than admitting that the closure of the East Dulwich sorting office has caused systemic issues that have not been addressed, The Royal Mail continues to blame staff sickness and recruitment problems. In my view, they continue to lie to their paying customers, and have also lied to the MP when challenged. Does this make any difference, probably not, it's another example of how in my view utilities/infrastructure and public services do not sit well with the privatisation model. What will happen, ultimately I suspect the Royal Mail will be subsumed into one of the more efficient carriers, and letters by post will become a thing of the past (if they are not already!!) Its like a reverse highway robbery, instead of the mail coach being held up, it's paying customers who have their money stolen, for which they gain no service.
  4. Boom ! https://www.theflygerians.com/ friends of my son ran this, I've never been to this one, but have been to a sister restaurant - ver y good!! https://www.805restaurants.com
  5. there is a proper pedestrian controlled crossing nearby, which is arguably safer than crossing at the junction of 4 roads?
  6. missing here too, the post is particular bad at the moment, even by our standards. Postie apologetically dropped a load (I mean a load) off a few weeks ago, apologising that they had been off sick, and no one covered the round. Suspect they are away again, because no post for 2 weeks now, bank cards, driving licence, postal vote, it goes on and on.....
  7. begs the question, how would you provoke a crow?
  8. Taken early hours of this morning 25.07.23 from central ED. any suspicious activity or other info please DM me. Long shot I know but thanks in advance. geh
  9. Apologies for my pedantry but in the same way Dulwich Hamlet is singular, it’s The Dulwich Estate, just the one. Sorry again.
  10. still getting post from November!
  11. No independents are being threatened with the arrival of Poundland (replacing another chain Foxtons), and the increase in footfall will more than make up for any losses independents make. It’s competition, pure and simple. except when it comes to rent review time
  12. what's the cost/benefit, it would be useful if Southwark detailed the revenue raised. More useful still if that was directed/ring-fenced within Peckham Rye area, but I realise that's optimistic.
  13. ate in there last night, and delighted to confirm its as superb as ever!
  14. also, and more importantly Cauliflowear, why are you so vile?
  15. Cauliflowerear Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I used to think Johnnies but they seem to put up > their prices every month, pure greed, hopefully > they go out of business. can't imagine why they would be putting up their prices monthly now?
  16. 37 ED to Brixton, I used to use this all the time, can't face sitting on it now, and presumably when Herne Hill 'improvements' enacted it will be even slower. Two consequences, no spend directed to local Brixton Market, restaurants/bars, plus if going into town, more often or not get an uber - so that's not terrible good is it!
  17. Labour flyer through the door (Goose Green Ward) this week, appreciate that its not the full manifesto but no mention of LTN's - not exactly conviction politics is it? Nothing from the other parties (any of them). Not sure who is the least bad...
  18. In any other world taking money for a service when you have either no ability, or no intention of delivering that service is called fraud. So frustrating, and I have no confidence that anything currently in the sorting office will ever be delivered.
  19. absolutely lets do this, then we can all truly share the benefits EDAus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ashbourne Grove has become the driveway to > Melbourne Grove South, we have had an increase in > traffic, speeding and pollution - all the multiple > cars, vans and delivery trucks. > > The residents of Ashbourne Grove were promised our > views and concerns would be considered when the > proposals were reviewed, this seemed fair as we > were the ones adversely affected. > > What happened? When Councillor Rose visited > Melbourne Grove South she was taken into a > pro-barrier house and other residents were stopped > from approaching her ? how is this is fair and > transparent? > > Low traffic neighbourhoods do work but not the way > they are being implemented in East Dulwich. > > If Melbourne Grove South want their barrier and > the council are serious about climate change and > active travel, they need to remove all the parking > between Tell and Ashbourne Grove. That section of > road should be reclaimed and made into a bike shed > and a community garden with a bike track through > it. Strangely that option has been soundly > rejected by the ?local? residents every time it > has been raised.
  20. LTN?s definitely altering my transport habits. I now never get the 37 to Brixton to then get the tube, too congested, too painful, too slow. What I have done is to make a conscious decision to only purchase pre 40 year old vehicles that are classed as classics and exempt from Ulez and Congestion charge. Someone once said for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!
  21. eastdulwichhenry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I received an update on plans from the council > today, and I opened it with some trepidation, > thinking they might decide to just scrap the whole > LTN based on the noisy objections like those we > see here, reversing the gains we've made in ease > of walking and cycling on Melbourne Grove/Calton > Avenue, but apparently it's even better news than > that, they've decided not to proceed with the > Melbourne Grove south reopening. If I understood > correctly, that's great news. Reopening that route > as a LL to EDG rat-run would have reversed some of > the fantastic gains that we've made due to the LTN > - in particular the ability to go from ED station > to the library along a largely traffic-free route. yup, great news, great for the businesses that have closed great for those that are suffering great news
  22. DM me I found something of yours this am
  23. or is it 100% diverted from landfill? Perhaps it's that, but I think one leaves the centre thinking the situation may be better than in fact it really is?
  24. slarti b Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Renata Hamvas Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > I don't know exactly the total recycling > percentage but nothing goes to landfill and > nothing goes abroad. Most of the recycled > material > > According to Govt figures for Southwark, about 35% > of household is sent for recycling. This puts > Southwark in the bottom 25% of boroughs across the > UK. The Govt figures don't say the waste sent for > recycling ends up being burned, is that something > you can find out? > > As a long term councillor I am surprised you > didn't know this sort of stuff already ;-) ? This is a rather disappointing read, I'm sure I recall from previous visits to the Old Kent Rd centre, as will others, that the signage proudly claims 100% of the materials are recycled. Cllr Hamvas, it would be useful to understand whether this statement is true, or in fact another interpretation of the facts, perhaps you would be able to clarify for me please? Thanks
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