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  1. Let?s see what the police have to say about it. The same lads were on Santander bikes a few days ago whilst I walked the dog. My bet is that they are the same.
  2. I would bet on it being the same lads, but size is relative. The blonde lad was chubby with a straight fringe cut. I?d recognise them again. The police have been notified, if it?s the same boys then there is a pattern emerging. I saw the same boys a few days ago on Santander bikes in and around Dulwich Park. I gave them a wide berth. Let?s hope they get caught.
  3. If you saw them would you recognise them? I saw three boys One tall white wiry boy with longish brown hair. White TShirt, second lad was shorter, much stockier and quite fat, wearing black sweat hoodie and pants, third lad had a light brown skin. Quite skinny with glasses. I?ve reported it to police, 2 of them I?ve seen around the ED area before and I?ve kept a wide berth. The taller one mentioned something about a knife which is what prompted me to walk to the middle of the park. It?s not easy to avoid someone when they ride directly at you. Sorry to hear about your experience.
  4. Today was a novel experience. Whilst walking my dog round the outside of Dulwich Park, three lads, all teens, two pale pink and one light brown of African descent, threatened me. The first lad rode directly at me on the wood chip footpath leading up from the small copse by the cricket nets. He caused me to protect myself, then his mate, clearly the ring leader decided to offer his help. Being in the path and slightly isolated, I headed into the middle of the park, if anything is to happen, best to be seen. At this juncture, I stood my ground, what followed was a verbal assault with anyone of the 3 lads advancing to within a few metres. One took of his belt and started waiving it around. Nothing was happening, but I felt quite worried about my own safety and walked away, the three of them followed for about 20-30 yards causing me to turn and face them to avoid being blindsided. I told the park ranger when I got nearer the path who was up by the gate. It would seem there had been problems with the short fat one dressed all in black sweats. Other then report this to the park ranger which has already been done, what should we do? Is this something we should report to the police? They are kids, whilst I have sympathy for them and everyone else during this period, why should we feel threatened by a wanton minority, and made to feel insecure now every time I walk into the park.
  5. Concurred, why this isn?t being addressed. The selfishness of the few is making hard work for everyone else. Quite tempted to help the park rangers, not sure how we would go about it. More worryingly it shows the amount of single use rubbish we consume. It?s not getting better and this lockdown is not changing people?s attitudes.
  6. Anyone know the idiot in nice white Maserati, revving his engine on Eynwlla and Court Lane between speed bumps? What a sick
  7. You have no idea how much a GP earns and also no idea how hard they work, have you ever tried seeing a full list in a session, (8 minute slot to assess, maybe diagnose or re-refer) then do all the paperwork? Seeing up to 15+ patients a day? Dont you ever wonder how many GPS are struggling with depression and burn-out? Before you cast aspersions on people who dedicate their life to help others and actually get upset when they can not help them, get your facts right and stop denigrating people who one day may be important in helping you with your quality of life.
  8. Will try to be there if we are not away, but I suspect we will be in Leicestershire
  9. Despair won't bring forward any change if not acted on positively. I've a few ideas and a few people who might be able to help. Stopping plastic at source is one idea, providing products in alternative packaging another, campaigning with local councillors, raising awareness through here, twitter, instagram as we are doing here, talking about it, opening discussions are all steps in right direction @Robert Postes Child. To sit in despair with head in hands is no longer a viable option. Something has to be done and the rubbish piles of plastic have to be made smaller.
  10. East Dulwich Councillor, can you help us with trying to stop use of plastics, creating a sea change to help our community with the plastic plague we face on our own streets. 65 pieces of non-biodegradeable plastic along whateley road. It's shameful and saddening in the same breath. Picking up one piece a walk out is not good enough any more. We have to start action and we have to start it now before the world we bequeath our children disappears under a mountain of plastic and pollutants. Can you help?
  11. It's all very well us doing it in little bits and bobs. I spend similar times picking up plastic when walking the dog. What are your thoughts on more concerted action. It needs concerted action, a sea change in attitude, a different approach, not sure how, I have a few ideas but we have to do something. Picking up litter is not enough any more. Take bio-degradable plastic, it's not bio-degradeable and it's not compostable. It's about us changing attitudes of single use plastic. There has to be ways we start to go about that. We have to create a ripple that people will take notice of and change. Ideas please
  12. Has anyone walked down their own street and taken time to count the number of items of plastic which are in the street? Do we know where they end up if not in a bin? Have you counted the straw wrappers, straws and plastic bottles around the park at Dulwich Park, Goose Green and Peckham Rye? We have all seen the plastic pollution images in the Dominican Republic, of rivers in India and Indonesia, blocked by plastic. These problems are our problems and will be the legacy we leave behind for our children to inherit. Practically, what can we do? Twitter @skyoceanrescue #passonplastic @plasticplanet @takeonewithyou1 Instagram @plasticfreeeastdulwich The people who will change this is us, alone we cant make a dent, together we can. If you feel like me and dont know where to start, get in touch and lets make a start and a change in our community where our kids live. Russell
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