I appreciate that lots of the stuff on this thread about SE15 are said with tongue firmly embedded in cheeck but some of the reactions also indicate that people are worried about living so close to SE15. Perhaps a look at the most significant piece of research on race and the criminal justice system will give some balance to the debate. Published in 2006, it looked at the ethnicity of murder suspects for three consecutive years (and excuse me for saying this but that is what I think SE15 is code for in these discussions) and in Table 3.5 (page 21) of the report you will see that 1667 suspects were white, 282 were Black and 135 were Asian. I'm not saying this from atop my ivory tower, I live just off Barry Road, Barry's Offy is my local shop and I was on Barry Rd about 15 minutes before the shooting. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs06/s95race05.pdf "In total, 2,653 homicides (including victims in the Shipman case) were recorded by the police in the three years 2002/3, 2003/4 and 2004/5. Three-quarters (76%) of victims were White, 11% were Black, 6% were Asian and 3% ?Other? (Table 3.4). In 4% of homicides ethnicity was ?Not Known?. The largest number of victims was recorded in the Metropolitan Police District with 601, followed by Greater Manchester with 334 (figure includes victims in the Shipman case), West Midlands with 183 and Lancashire with 155 (includes Morecambe Bay homicides). In West Midlands the number of Asian victims was equal to the number of Black people. In contrast the number of Black victims in Greater London was more than double the number of Asian victims (186 and 75 respectively). Table 3.5 shows, for England and Wales, the ethnic appearance of victims and principal suspect (where it was known). Of those cases with a current principal suspect, 88% of White victims were killed by suspects from the same ethnic group. The corresponding proportions, i.e. suspects being from the same ethnic group, were lower for Asian people (64%) and Black people (74%). However, it should be borne in mind that in 20% of cases involving Black victims and 13% involving Asian victims there is no current suspect, compared to 10% for White victims (see Table 3.6). In 2002/3, 2003/4 and 2004/5 the police identified the principal suspects in 87% (2,229 cases) of the 2,565 cases of homicides. In 47% of cases, the victims had been acquainted with the suspects (Table 3.6). Family members were the principal suspects in 26% of the cases for Asian victims, 27% for White and 17% for Black victims.