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Everything posted by bodsier

  1. rendelharris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Just a fight" at a school I briefly taught at > resulted in one boy hitting his head on a wall > after being punched, ending up in a long coma with > permanent cognitive damage, and with his assailant > going into youth custody. So my advice would be, > if you don't feel qualified to break it up > yourself (and in most cases, especially nowadays, > it's probably inadvisable), do call the police, > you might stop several lives being ruined. > Pre-arranged fights outside school aren't the same > as schoolyard larks and scraps, they're a serious > business and need to be taken seriously by the > public, the police and, if needs be, the courts. > If nothing else, if kids don't learn this is a > serious business now, they'll carry this behaviour > into adulthood, only with higher stakes and > heavier weapons. > > Sorry, pompous I know but I do feel quite strongly > it shouldn't be seen as "just kids" - I've seen > firsthand how this stuff can quickly escalate into > very serious shit indeed. That's why I asked the question Mic mac, and didn't assume anything........the OP Described it as 'brutal' not at all laughable is it.
  2. Popping out of the zone and returning on the same day would cost ?12 wouldn't it? It's really harsh I agree especially as co2 levels will rise as electric cars are not meeting financial needs or regenerating needs right now.hopefully they will by then. I haven't read this thread fully, but a pressure group for a decent scrapping scheme would be worth building. I was under the I,press ion the hours would be just 7-6 but it's 24/7....I rarely use my car, I cycle or use public transport but will have to get rid even though it's euro 5, only 7 years old.... The Co2 levels continue to increase globally, but the aim seems to be for health protection locally....a case of 'not in my back yard' to some degree, almost turning a blind eye for now to the consequences of increased co2 in the build up to 2030/40 when they hope to create an electric only car ownership....it's sort sighted and unfair, and really seems an attempt to generate more tax. Particularly when government extolled diesel cars initially. , scrappage scheme would help compensate for that. Another alternative would be to allow cars clemency according to their number plate on certain days of the week, thus avoiding the waste that would result in the scrapping of perfectly decent cars.....
  3. Popping out of the zone and returning on the same day would cost ?12 wouldn't it? It's really harsh I agree especially as co2 levels will rise as electric cars are not meeting financial needs or regenerating needs right now.hopefully they will by then. I haven't read this thread fully, but a pressure group for a decent scrapping scheme would be worth building. I was under the I,press ion the hours would be just 7-6 but it's 24/7....I rarely use my car, I cycle or use public transport but will have to get rid even though it's euro 5, only 7 years old.... The Co2 levels continue to increase globally, but the aim seems to be for health protection locally....a case of 'not in my back yard' to some degree, almost turning a blind eye for now to the consequences of increased co2 in the build up to 2030/40 when they hope to create an electric only car ownership....it's sort sighted and unfair, and really seems an attempt to generate more tax. Particularly when government extolled diesel cars initially. , scrappage scheme would help compensate for that. Another alternative would be to allow cars clemency according to their number plate on certain days of the week, thus avoiding the waste that would result in the scrapping of perfectly decent cars.....
  4. What would the consequences be for under 18s fighting? Would they get a criminal record?
  5. Book trust list looks good. However there is quite a big difference between A 12 her old and a 14 year old don't you think?
  6. Thank you! Seems their website doesn't work...
  7. Used to go to 'Nobodies business' at the pullens estate years ago. The prices were brilliant. Having no packaging reduces the prices a great deal. Been searching ever since to no avail. Bean sprout where in Herne hill are you talking about?
  8. Sorry to the owner of the grey puppy that went running off on park hall road today, we tried to chase it on our bikes it ran into fields off dulwich common (alleyns grounds) we couldn't find it tgere,and from there it could have gone anywhere. I hope you found it.
  9. Network Rail. They really Are a curse. She deserves to be supported. Please get behind this,
  10. I suggested to my neighbour (he is nearly 13) to offer a bike puncture fixing service. He is very capable. when I get a flat tire I literally can't find the time to sort it, I'd love this service to be available where local kids can fix a flat tyre much quicker than I can, rather than pay the hefty prices charged in bike shops. My nephew says he is starting a T-shirt business. It seems self employment is the way to go, it's ncredible how entrepreneurial these kids can be.
  11. Might I add that Jeremy Corbyn was 1 of 6 not to agree to the change in the law. Seems he is not so short sighted..
  12. So shortsighted of them to have charged for bulky waste. It costs considerably more to clear fly tipping. I'd be interested to know the annual cost difference since they introduced a charge. Is there a way to find out
  13. Best to make your own decision. commonsensemedia.com
  14. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/promoted/protect-heritage-lottery-funding-for-parks?utm_source=email&utm_medium=blast&utm_campaign=8_3_2018_fl_park_kick&bucket=email-blast-8_3_2018_fl_park_kick&utm_source=email&utm_medium=blast&utm_campaign=20_4_2018_CBYparkscountdownclock%20&bucket=email-blast-20_4_2018_CBYparkscountdownclock
  15. We went last year with our 10 year old.... If the kids are very young it can be great, and it was ok for us, there was a pool and places to visit. However it's a completely different experience to uk camping.. Families tend to go off for the day usually if there are sites to visit nearby. If your kids play well together that's fine but for single kids not so much so. Also you can't light fires so many an early night as it got too cold so that's worth considering too,.... It was ok but we found uk camping far more relaxing and really missed Sitting by the fire
  16. "Firstly I am not fighting a 'campaign' I believe politics should be collaborative not a battle ground as the old ways of doing " Well maybe the Edf is not the right place for you, it's not always a friendly space.....
  17. Not sure where you mean, I know conscious clothing.....is it near that?
  18. Is the leisure centre open tomorrow bank holiday Monday? I rang but there was no information on the phone line.
  19. Carbon neutral wood? How so?
  20. Maybe don't use them, if quests are forming in ordinary check out area, and enough people complain, they may get rid. we do forget how powerful we are as consumers...... Use your feet they need us, we do not need them, there are others....
  21. I know my child. I find your question curious..... I think I've gleaned the information I was looking for thanks to everyone for your contributions. Signing off now. All the best
  22. A rod for my own back, that's interesting as that's exactly what a lot of parents whose kids own phones say. They regret it, and say that they argue most with their children about phone usage. Anyway I'm not here to convince people who disagree. I posted to see if there were others who felt the same way. When I can see that he can use it responsibly, and he needs it, then I may give him a phone...
  23. Yes I agree they ought to learn balance, but adults are so addicted to phones why expect anything different from kids? My son's friend has said that he will keep in touch with him IF he has a phone! (sure they are scheming, but there is an element of truth there). As parents are we to collude in this social apathy?) I agree redjam, it is tough, but the difficulty appears to be getting past parents, Many I have spoken to don't want their children to have a phone at all, yet succumb to the pressure that their children put on them. It's them That I am appealing to. Some of these parents just like the idea of being able to track their kids. What happened to trust? Can kids really develop independence when we never really let our children go? Schools are doing a great job in raising excellent scheep, are we to continue that job at home? Year 7 is 11/12 Not to mention the sharp increase of brain tumours amongst kids/teenagers..... The repercussions of this won't be felt until they reach young adulthood, doctors suspect that it's due to phone use whilst young brains are developing....not to mention the deterioration of mental health which of course can't be solely attributed to smart phones, but they certainly don't help..but hey, at least they won't be alone... https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/health/teenage-technology-addiction-smartphone-rehab-seattle-clinic-children-aged-13- mobile-devices-a7684356.html%3famp .
  24. Ok sounds like this is not the group for you. It seems to defeat the objective, as I don't want him having access to social media on tap, or be left out of the group when they are all communicating on whatsapp. If anyone is interested in joining with me on the basis of no smartphone at all please PM me. I don't really want to get into a discussion on smartphones per Se, just to ascertain how much interest is out there in steering your child away. The idea being If we form a united group and together stand firm against the pressure.
  25. Wondering if parents not keen on their children having smartphones would be interested in standing strong and forming a group. If we all Hold similar values, it's easier in numbers, and helps as a defence against the argument that 'everyone has got one'. It's hard when everyone else is so heavily addicted and build their social life with phones. Maybe just changing the culture from a must have will change their attitude towards it. They will all live so close to each other so I can't see the need. Who's in?
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