Hello Louisiana, You asked, on another thread, for my baked beans recipe. I may as well place it here. Please note, there are no rules, measures, weights, volumes or limits. Everything is done by eye and dictated by personal preference and what the cupboard, fridge, and/or allotment hold. The result is that they taste different each time. Soak haricot beans the previous night. Fry some onions, garlic, celery, fresh chillis and paprika in olive oil until the onions turn translucent and add some basalmic vinegar to turn this base sweet and sticky. Add a teeny bit of tom. puree, some worcs. sauce, some muscovado sugar, any herbs (I use thyme, basil, rosemary, parsley and bay leaves), haricot beans and tons of fresh tomatoes. Then cover the lot with water. Cook slowly for up to 4 hours on top of the cooker. You need to keep returning to give the concoction a good old stir to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Add salt and pepper to taste. Personally, I like them heavy with garlic, chillis and tomatoes.