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Everything posted by Ladymuck

  1. Actually, that's not all you are regularly referred to as... *legs it sharpish*
  2. oooops, just seen your other post...
  3. OY! Mr. Boogie! Now my post doesn't make sense! Ah well...no change there then... Besides, always nice to see you post... Esmerelda Fatima Billington-Jones AKA: Ladymuck Mucky Muckster The Mucktollah Lady Meadow Esme LadyM LM Muckers Lady Muck Lady-in-Waiting Her Ladyship blah blah blah blah blah
  4. PS: I think keef was just teasing...
  5. > As for up and cycling again, think it may take me > a while to get my confidence back! That's totally understandable. I know: been there 3 times. Last time I fractured my hip :-S. I wish you well.
  6. Someone forgot to put a space after the bracket LOL...or are you just telling us that you are Mr. Cool...which we know you are anyway...
  7. It just seems like it. Esmerelda Fatima Billington-Jones x
  8. Hmmmm...not good. I do hope the Police were called etc. Get well and up and running...err...I meant...cycling...again very soon.
  9. Actually katie463.1 you are quite wrong. I regularly hunt slugs and snails. Yes indeedy, I do.
  10. louisiana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > LM, what's your view on intermingling of beans? Blimey, never bean (ha ha) asked that one before. To be honest, I just use what I believe will do the job - it usually works. Having said that, I think that a white bean would look odd in a chilli con carne. The important thing to remember when intermingling is that different varieties have different cooking times (e.g. cooking time for a fava is considerably shorter than for a soy). It is also crucial to be aware of potential sickness being caused by the toxin present in some beans. Thus, I would never risk adding a bean (with a shorter cooking time) to the pot at a later time unless it had first been boiled for at least 10 minutes and then rinsed.
  11. *lobs toys out of the pram*
  12. tts = the tofu shop?:))
  13. PS: Sean, funny, I always refer to that shop as "the Turkish shop" too.
  14. Sainsburys sell it too, as does Health Matters.
  15. Hello Louisiana, You asked, on another thread, for my baked beans recipe. I may as well place it here. Please note, there are no rules, measures, weights, volumes or limits. Everything is done by eye and dictated by personal preference and what the cupboard, fridge, and/or allotment hold. The result is that they taste different each time. Soak haricot beans the previous night. Fry some onions, garlic, celery, fresh chillis and paprika in olive oil until the onions turn translucent and add some basalmic vinegar to turn this base sweet and sticky. Add a teeny bit of tom. puree, some worcs. sauce, some muscovado sugar, any herbs (I use thyme, basil, rosemary, parsley and bay leaves), haricot beans and tons of fresh tomatoes. Then cover the lot with water. Cook slowly for up to 4 hours on top of the cooker. You need to keep returning to give the concoction a good old stir to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Add salt and pepper to taste. Personally, I like them heavy with garlic, chillis and tomatoes.
  16. Why don't you just support the Red Devils and be done with it?
  17. Agreed Narnia...imagine if it had been Arsenal...or God forbid...Chelsea....oh the shame...or, dare I say it...Liverpool LOL! Edited to insert Narnia's name in order to avoid confusion. Edited a 2nd time because I forgot to insert Narnia's name. Ahem...
  18. Buggar! But that's the spirit Sandperson.(tu)
  19. Will The Lying Toad be attending?
  20. Scribe, I'm sure many an allotment holder would welcome both you and your gun to hunt squirrels. You'd have to achieve a clean kill first time around though. Easier said than done, I think, with such a small target.
  21. 7100B)
  22. Annette Curtain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone hunt with a Javelin these days, no ? > > Discus ? > > Ok, then at least a 3 pronged trident ? Oh God, you've just reminded me of something horrible. An allotment friend of mine once (accidentally) killed a (nesting) rat with his pitchfork. He was turning over his compost heap. Never saw him run as fast as he did on that day (my friend - not the rat).
  23. > ...becareful as > Julia may have all your drinks group doing lunges > & squats in between rounds! I'll wear my track suit then.
  24. X-posted...you need to go back a post...
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