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Everything posted by zoester

  1. Is anyone else having a power outage? We are on upland road by Goodrich
  2. Aria has helped me out a couple of times now and has always been quick to respond and get out to sort the problem which ironically have all happened out of working hours. Such a relief to have some trustworthy in the area to sort these problems. The guys are always polite, communicate really well and are very transparent about costs so there aren?t any ugly surprises.
  3. intexasatthe moment Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Do ppl really think that ED is abysmally served by > public transport ? Yes, because it is! It takes us an hour at 7:15am to go 6 miles to green park. There might be multiple buses or choices of routes but none of them are simple and if you get held up by a minute or so the chances of the entire journey braving impacted are very high meaning what should take 30 minutes takes double half of which is spent waiting around for the next link to happen As for the parking bays on streets idea, it doesn?t sound great but the alternatives aren?t either. We live on upland road and parking is a total nightmare particularly when it comes to school pick up and drop off. Most people who have drive ways don?t actually use them and opt to park on the street instead. All in all transport and parking in ED leaves a lot to be desired.
  4. There is a man at Royal Mail that oversees the department for these sorts of investigations. He is really nice and helpful and has called me several times regarding the fraud we experienced as a result of intercepted cards at the Peckham sorting office. I believe his name is Craig but the last time we spoke he asked me to tell any neighbours in the ED area if they faced any suspicious activity with their post. I would suggest getting in touch with him about this as it definitely does not sound right. Sadly not having problems with Royal Mail in the past absolutely does not mean they aren?t occurring now and there are it seems a lot of bad eggs being recruited somewhere along the line
  5. Dawson?s hill I think! My fianc? saw fireworks left up there when he was walking the dog this morning
  6. Simba is now home!
  7. A recent photo of simba
  8. Hi everyone Our very friendly tabby Simba has been missing since Christmas Day. This is extremely unlike him as he never ventures far and always checks in on us every couple of hours. We have walked up and down the road calling him and have been in the garden every hour calling him but he hasn?t come back. I?m worried he is caught in a neighbours garage or shed. Please, please keep an eye out for him. He is wearing what looks like a hi vis collar and will normally respond to his name. He is only a small cat still looks like a kitten. If anyone sees him please could you call me on 07713891385
  9. Morning, apparently O2 networks are down in the area because of a faulty phone mast. Happy days!
  10. I sent a mega complaint to Helen Hayes the CEO of Royal Mail and the operations manager around 10 days ago. Since then I have had emails back and forth with Royal Mail and an acknowledgement from a Helen Hayes that she is collating all the complaints and raising them at a higher government level. How this hasn?t made the news yet is beyond me though. We have had fraud on our accounts because of intercepted cards, one was an American Express who are very good about fraud, the banks not so much! I?ve been at the sorting office three time this week to collect packages from supposed missed deliveries despite me both being home, having no call alerts on the ring doorbell we have and no postal note just an email to say the item couldn?t be delivered and needs to be collected. Obviously everyone is having problems but it?s really important they are all raised to both Craig and Andrew at Royal Mail and Helen Hayes so that the severity of this issue is highlighted. All I can urge you to do is keep at them and cause them such a headache that they are forced to do something
  11. Hey everyone, We are expecting our first in April, would love to meet other local mums as I know no one here !! Hope to speak to you soon Zoe x
  12. SebsC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Living on Upland Road, it would have been nice to > have been informed beforehand that the top of the > road would be closed to traffic. Also, no signs to > tell drivers of this on Upland road. Completely agree, we had a nightmare getting back into our flat yesterday afternoon after having been out for the day. They should absolutely be doing this in the school holidays not when there is already a massive traffic issue owing to school traffic and especially on upland road during school drop off and pick up the parking is dire as is
  13. Is anyone experiencing these issues on Upland Road as well? Been nearly 2 weeks without post including a couple of recorded delivery parcels which aren't showing any tracking since they left the original location.
  14. Thank you everyone really appreciate the comments and feedback!
  15. Our lease says that we are permitted to keep one bin there, but this was written well before the council were requiring separate bins for separate things so I?m hoping that we can challenge it on that basis. If it continues I will be trying to find a way for their bins to have to be moved as well. There is no way I?m parking a pram and baby up on the road unattended while I move their bins back into position after collection day just so that I can access my front door. They might want to be introduced the concept of give and take. Thanks everyone! Hope you all have more civilised neighbours than we do. We had heard so much about the East Dulwich sense of community when we were looking to move here, it?s a shame to have had such an early spur experience.
  16. Thank you, that?s helpful. There is nowhere else to put the bloody bins and there is space in this little enclosure where theirs are for ours too. Crazy!
  17. I have had the same concern, I am in the early stages but was discussing with the midwife yesterday and she said that because Kings has such a high number of home births there is rarely an occasion where the midwifery suites are over booked. I really hope that is true as I just don't have the space for a home birth and the thought of a ward intimidates me.
  18. I'm wondering whether anyone can help here or can offer their opinion on a neighbourly dispute we are having. We have just moved into a ground floor flat on Upland Road. We own the back garden, the freeholder and owner of the flat above own the front garden. They have cut their front garden in half by erecting a wooden enclosure which provides a separate looking walkway for us to access our front door (there is not a shared front door). They store their bins on this 'walkway' to our front door. To date, there haven't been any problems other than the fact that the freeholder lets the property out to 3 boisterous people that come in and out at all times of the night, pound the stairs and seem to spend most of the evenings dragging furniture along the floor. We haven't complained about that by the way! However, today, the freeholder, completely out of the blue has informed me that we are no longer permitted to keep our bins on the walkway leading to our front door. This poses a problem for us as if we pull the bins into our side gate; I will not be able to fit a buggy through so the bins will need to sit in our garden which attracts foxes and is less than ideal with a puppy and a cat roaming around outside. It also just seems unreasonable, if their bins are there, is it really so out of the question that ours are kept there too? And on that note, when the bin men come and put the neighbours bins back messily thus blocking our access to our own property, is it not their responsibility to ensure that their bins are moved rather than us constantly doing it for them? We can be pedantic too! Would appreciate some outsider perspective on this, in my opinion, yes they technically own that land, but we have right of access to it, they do not look at it, or use it other than to put rubbish in their own bins, their actions just seem pedantic and hostile. I own my garden land, I am sure they wouldn't want a structure erected in the back that said a big F*ck You every time they looked out their living room window. What has happened to friendly neighbour decency?!
  19. I am on hold cancelling my contract as well. I have had the contract since the 14th August, it worked until the 27th August. The wifi has been down ever since then because of an area fault and every day it is supposed to be fixed, they extend it another 6 days. There must be rules against this, how are they not getting fined by the relevant ombudsman?!?!? Looks like I will need to go back to Sky although they drilled a hole through my door and their connection wasn't good either. I am at my wits end!!!
  20. By the 12th it?s going to have been 2 weeks for me without broadband and I work from home. I thought that sky were bad but this is another level of appalling. I?m going to have to cancel it, the complete lack of care and concern from their customer service is doing nothing but aggravate matters
  21. I am on Upland Road where it meets Dunstans and Goodrich and haven't had broadband or TiVo for 3 days now and they told me the same thing that it won't be until 6th. I am at my wits end because I work from home and am racking up a complete fortune in 3G bolt ons to be able to hotspot. I have only been with Virgin for a month after Sky colossally let me down, it really isn't a good start. I'm also not hopeful that it will be done on 6th September because every day I have called it has been pushed out further and further.
  22. Carissa88 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We are looking to sell at the moment but the > estate agents have said how bad the market is at > the moment. How did you find Nested? Quite an > interesting idea! Funnily enough through social media, that?s there they were doing most of their advertising. It just worked a miracle for and my boyfriend as we had a flat to sell each to find the purchase of our move to East Dulwich and without nested we wouldn?t be here. My flat is only just going through the sale process after nearly a year on the market and my boyfriend has had 4 viewings on his flat in a highly desirable area east when the pricing is below that of similar properties. It really isn?t as simple as ?if the price is right then it will sell?. there are so many contributing factors so if you want to get moving quickly rather than stagnating on the market then you might as well talk to nested and see how the numbers would work for you. They?re on their way to completely changing the way people buy and sell property, your average estate agent is going to be hugely at risk
  23. I?m definitely interested too. 27 and just moved here, plus love a good book so this is right up my street.
  24. To chime in here, we just bought a 3 bed flat on upland road. It is newly renovated and we were prepared to pay the asking or close to it because it was so special. However, our mortgage valuation had different ideas. They undervalued the property by a big chunk so we ultimately ended up paying less than we first offered. The point I?m making isn?t that we are total morons willing to over pay but that the people carrying out valuations for mortgage companies are down pricing because they can see the market has stalled. It?s worth bearing in mind that even if you are waiting for an offer on your property that is acceptable to you, it might not be worth that in the eyes of the lender. Of course it all depends on the buyers LTV but I do think that estate agents are generally guilty of over inflating prices to have you sign up with them only to lead you on a long road of price reductions and disappointment. Just my two pennies worth! Wishing everyone the best of luck and if you are really stuck try Nested. We have used them for both of our properties in order to make this move happen. It?s not a perfect solution because it?s more expensive than the generic sales route but it does guarantee you?ll be chain free in 90 days.
  25. We have also used Aria, they came to us on a Sunday at really short notice to look into a washing machine problem. They sorted it quickly and were really easy to chat to
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