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Everything posted by sputnick

  1. Sorry to hear about your father passing. I've ordered the book, it looks good.
  2. Can we do this with Brexit then? Just implement it for the people who voted for it! 69% of residents voted against a CPZ. That's pretty conclusive to me. But no, hang on, Southwark Council know better, lets implement a partial CPZ - which will ultimately affect everyone - and probably be worse than having a blanket CPZ!
  3. BrandNewGuy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > James, I was questioning the idea that it's people > driving in from miles away to take advantage of > cheaper fares. The 'commuters' are far far more > likely to be people who are a. working locally or > b. only live half a mile away and are being a bit > lazy. > > We are 7 mins walk from ED station and have > parking spaces all day long. I agree, this is a much more likely scenario.
  4. I think there is always going to be more parking pressure on roads near to a train station. If commuters are to blame then there needs to be a way of preventing them from parking other than a CPZ. By introducing a CPZ on roads near to the station we are simply going to be pushing that pressure onto neighbouring roads and eventually we end up with all roads in ED having controlled parking. This is not fair on 80% of residents who don't have issues parking. You could argue that if you live very close to a train station, as you do, then you are lucky. You have great access to public transport and central London. You can walk to the station in a couple of minutes. You can walk to Lordship Lane high street easily. Residents who live further out from the station and high street don't have these benefits but understandably have less difficulty parking. You can't have it all.
  5. I'm at home everyday too and I have two young kids. I rarely have a problem parking near to or outside my house. I rarely have a problem parking in or around Lordship Lane, on the occasion I need to. I've lived in an area where we had a CPZ and it was a real pain. Parents can't just pop in for a quick visit. Fines for friends overstaying. Fines for friends or relatives staying over at the weekend and not moving their car by 8am on a Monday. Can't drive anywhere because I can only park on my zone. East Dulwich is great as it is. We have a thriving high street - which lets face it many towns don't have now days - why jeopardise this and make life more difficult for residents by introducing a CPZ when we just don't need it.
  6. Bobby P, I agree... I have lived in ED for 10 years and rarely have too much difficulty parking wherever i need to. I think it would be a shame to introduce a CPZ. There are already too many restrictions on everything in life! I also think it's bizarre for jimlad48 to be pushing for a CPZ when he lives in SE5
  7. I also vouch for Outlook - they did a super job on ours, and it was quick and fairly painless! You won't regret it.
  8. Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help. We're renovating and trying to find a kitchen. We love Devol, but with a starting price of ?25k for cabinets only, that's way outside of our budget. Does anyone have recommendations for similar looking units, but a lower price tag? I don't know with kitchens - do you just get what you pay for, or are the prices varying according to company reputation etc? I'm terribly at making decisions on this sort of thing and dread getting stuck with a kitchen i can't stand! Many thanks.
  9. I also think the double yellow lines are uneccessary. Plus I can't believe the incompetence of whoever painted the lines. They did't issue a notice for people to move their cars. Hence cars were parked on most corners in ED where they needed to paint. On our road i don't think we have a complete set of painted lines. I's a mess... They've even painted around one car! There was a consultation by southwark council own the double yellows in the summer last year. I filed an objection, citing pretty much all the issues raised on this thread. The council were supposed to respond to me but surprise, surprise they never did. I bet they didn't respond to anyone else either. I just get the feeling they will do whatever they want regardless of local opinion.
  10. I have lived on pellatt road for years and never had a problem parking. I can usually park outside my house and never had to park more than 30m away.
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