Someone stole our Monkey Puzzle tree last week and I am still so flabbergasted that I feel I have to post, lest anyone can shed light on what strange motivation there may have been for this crime. I suspect they're worth a fair few bob, although ours was only a few feet tall. But would it have been stolen to order? Someone went to the trouble of digging it out of the pot and carrying it round the corner, presumably to a vehicle (there was a trail of piles of earth at intervals, suggesting the b*ggers at least got spiked and had to keep putting the thing down) in an apparently premeditated act. I can't imagine that the sort of person who cares enough about their garden to particularly want a monkey puzzle tree is also the sort of person who would then thieve to get one ? is there a black market in plants? My three-year-old is distraught and will not stop talking about the naughty people who borrowed it without asking and how we might find them and ask for it back (it was a birthday present). If anyone sees a discarded, sorry-looking monkey puzzle tree hanging about Nunhead, Peckham or Dulwich, or one recently planted, having mysteriously appeared overnight, please do let me know.