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  1. I too have been done, thankfully my bank, first direct, stopped any transactions, similar pattern, Somerfield, the Indian Canada connection. I am only using cash in Somerfield...
  2. kingtubby


    Totally agree with jollybaby, for anyone who follows road cycling knows NC is a bit of a female Lance Armstrong and the way she rode back for the final sprint was fantastic... Come on our track cyclists.....
  3. Agree with Damo, there is also a bike shop in Elephant & Castle that does a line in "2nd hand bikes"
  4. Hi Peckam native Have you got the number? Thanks KT
  5. well done and a welcome addition to the high street...
  6. My problem with buses that are bendy is that a) for cyclists they are a real challenge and you know the driver cannot see you as he swings round a corner and b) No one pays. I took the bus from the Elephant to Barry road (a 12?) and I counted 30 people get on & off, and only 2 or 3 put their oyster card on the machine (they get on in the middle). This policy works in Europe eg Germany, Holland where people are a bit more honest, fares cheaper etc but not in London. Hence if I was the bus driver I would not have challenged these people as you could end up getting stabbed over ?1. Too much stress for the driver to take.
  7. Yes, Plough DIY have high mark-up too. Dulwich DIY is much better and for electricals the shop on Northcross road, next to the Chip shop is the best around.
  8. Our tax rates even after stealth taxes are one of the lowest in Europe. Pure right-wing tosh to think otherwise. I lived in America for nearly 3 years and it is a complete myth they are a country of low taxes. They may be low but there are loads of them. I lives in NY and had to pay federal, state, city taxes and a thing called FICA, plus sales tax on everything and they want a tip! End of day, I pay a lower percentage over here than in the US (I don't drive so don't pay road taxes & fuel duty). End result paid more tax and did not feel safe in some areas. I read an article on tax rates the hedge fund managers contribute and it turns out to be less than their cleaners (ie about 15%).
  9. ClareC, I appreciate that, but what if I was attacked by a dog, biting and growling round my face, what am I allowed to do? Yes is there another forum other than ED? What is the U75.
  10. I have to agree with Alan here, if I am out running on the common and get attacked by a dog am I within my rights to defend myself by all means possible? ie to prevent getting bitten can I pick up the nearest heavy object etc As for Keef's point, the common land is for the enjoyment of all people not just dog owners.
  11. Very interesting thread as I think the response from the forum contribbutors was not was Eileen was expecting i.e there are people who do not like dogs and in particular think they are a hazard in the city. Personally I agree with the posts from Sean and the one from Amelie I think must have been a joke. I have been attacked many times from dogs, and not all of them fighting type mutts. In many of these cases the owners either say 'He/she is not normally like that' or just try to laugh it off. I don't think dog owners in the city appreciate the apprehension their canine can induce in some people. The city is not the place for dogs and ED which does tend to have small gardens, would just make the dog a bit more frustrated. For what it is worth, on my daily run around Peckham Rye common, I took a note of the number of dogs exercising in the park: 8. Number in the dog exercise area: 0 (dogs & dog owners of all ages/sex/types). The dog exercise area does look extremely large to me.
  12. Personally speaking, ED is not posh enough for me. Not enough late-night coffee bars, Gap etc One day I want to move to Richmond KT
  13. Well I called the police as a "concerned" local resident and they would not confirm or deny the raid or even their own existence. I think it must have been the same mob as Mockney spotted as two lots of battled-up rozzers would be quite a conincidence. It looks like they wait for the villians to get in their rupert bear jim-jams then ask them nicely to help out with enquiries, with a semi-automatic up their jacksy.
  14. Hi All Last night at about 3:30am I was woken by some shouting, looked out of the window and saw 5 or 6 policemen in full battle uniform all with shooters. About 6 people, in handcuffs, were taken out of a house a few doors from mine. Anyone else see anything or know what was going on? KT
  15. Is Clarence upto his old tricks?
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