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Everything posted by dougiefreeman

  1. In a city where successive governments have allowed property prices to spiral out of control, this just seems like a really cynical move. Given that every other mid-terrace already has a full size dormer, I can't see what benefit there is to anyone to prevent further such development from happening. For many it will be the only way to increase space without moving out of the area. As families grow up and kids get bigger, more space is needed. What is the reason for doing this? It can't be aesthetics because then presumably they'd go to all the other properties and force them to reverse their developments. OK it seems like permitted development stands for houses. What on earth benefit is there to restrict the top floor in a house (i.e. a flat) from doing the same thing? Also what'll it do to property prices? Surely it could put a big value divide between neighbours houses? Really bizarre thinking
  2. Be honest @Dulwich Roads - did you jump the gun here in a moment of passion? I'm sure many of us have retweeted or posted something without doing our due diligence from time to time - it happens. Particularly when views are strong about connected issues. But I guess the respectable thing might just be to own up to it if your tweet (as un-intentional as it most likely will have been) genuinely caused widespread panic. When your twitter account has 1200+ local community followers, you arguably have a responsibility to take particular care in what you post would you not agree? Is it just a case of not wanting to give @Rockets the satisfaction of holding up your hands?!
  3. Mal you clearly have strong views however you seem to only have one perspective (your own) with which you use to justify / reason which I don’t think is at all helpful in this discussion. My perspective, for example, I can say with absolute certainty that getting out of london as a family of four is definitively more economical and significantly more straightforward in our car. And I can also say that having it makes life locally more bearable as well when we need to make a trip to the supermarket, garages where we store stuff, doctors if we have a child with us, nursery if we have to drop one but have the other because our partner is at work etc etc. With the best will in the world, online grocery shopping etc, being human and that doesn’t always equal perfect organisation so although technically not a necessity, there are times where we do ‘need’ to make local journeys in it for non-urgent means. I don’t mind admitting that. I should also say that both my wife and I are gigging musicians requiring a car to transport larger gear for work - I’ve tried to do it on PT but it’s usually not remotely viable. The car is expensive to run already and can be an absolute pain in the proverbial when it goes wrong (as it just has with a £1900+ bill) - so believe me when I say we’d rather not have to use it, but life without it would be fraught with complications (we’ve just had a taste of that as it was in the garage for over a week). If the council impose more costs, sure we’ll just suck it up and pay them because we have no choice (that seems to be your solution for people like us right Mal?) - but it will just feel punitive. I, like HeadNun, don’t agree that owning and using a car is a sin, it is a very necessary part of our lives. We’re not your typical dulwich millionaires either - we love this area and feel fortunate to live here but we don’t have an endless pot of funds for the council to increasingly dip their hands in. Maybe open your mind up a bit Mal and try and think from other peoples’ perspectives. Oh and before you suggest Zipcar, we’re both members (have been for years, it’s how we went down from 2 cars to 1 being both self employed). The service has deteriorated drastically and the thought of trying to exist purely using it is a bleak one at best, completely impossible at worst.
  4. …. In your opinion.
  5. We live on barry road, there was a dreadful crash outside our house a few years ago (thankfully no-one was hurt but 3 cars were written off and property damaged). Young guy doing 60-70mph - it was late in the evening , I shudder to think what would have happened had it been earlier in the day since he shunted a car across the pavement into a wall. Its my understanding that a standard fixed speed camera would do nothing to improve the issue of speeding since people just slow down and then speed up once past. Average speed cameras are the only way to ensure a limit is adhered to consistently but owing to the multiple different entry and exit points to the road, it would be extraordinarily difficult to actually enforce average speed checks. Theres the added problem of large poles And cameras lining the streets being an eyesore. Technology will eventually solve the problem with much smaller cams mounted to existing lampposts with computer systems that can cope with all the different surrounding roads and junctions too.
  6. There was a helicopter circling last night for hours. Felt like right above and we’re on barry road. Could be linked.. although could be something else. Always feels disconcerting when it’s up there for so long.
  7. Yeah was going to say, I looked on that map also earlier in the year and there were definitely no 2019 data points. These must have been added recently. Once again, digging beneath the surface reveals just how bogus these ?official? council data figures are.
  8. goldilocks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dougie - try not to come on and mansplain. > > I've even given sources - because unlike > Heartblock I'm a fan of that > > The data shared showed a fall on EDG Central - > this is based on actual data, not made up. There is no mansplaining in my post. Plenty of it (and general condescension) in yours though which is just a bit odd given how misinformed you appear to be.
  9. All you?re spelling out Goldilocks is that you don?t understand the data sitting in front of you. Try again.
  10. kiddie_coach Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi there! > > Has anyone / anyone's partner had a baby recently > at King's? I'm due next month and just looking for > some local personal opinion on how it went, what > the ward/ midwife led unit was like, what > interventions were offered or pushed? > > Any info greatly received. > > Thanks so much! My wife had a baby at Kings last August and the care was second to none. She wasn?t in the suite as she had to be induced - but the midwives were all superb. If you join the east dulwich mums group on Facebook there?s loads of discussion about this so you might find it helpful.
  11. Waseley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Ps written upstairs on number 12 bus ..which is conveniently having its frequency cut yet again. #progress
  12. I shouldn't think rahrahrah will be on again any time soon now that their post has been exposed for what it is. It does seem to me that their trend is to post fake news at times of relative quietness on this thread presumably in attempt to sway fleeting readers who perhaps skip to the most recent page. Then once the fact-checkers come on and put right the swathes of mis-truths in their posts, rahrahrah disappears again for a while until the opportunity arises again. I don't recall any attempt ever by rahrahrah to address questions posed by anti-LTNers on this or the other threads - just statement after statement of 'their truth'.
  13. Goldilocks I thought you placed your steadfast trust in all of the council's information and data online? Yet here you appear to be very suspicious of the information they've put up stating there was no counter before... Epiphany perhaps? ;-)
  14. Anyone know what's going on? Should I be locking doors and windows?
  15. goldilocks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Or it wasn't the same date - If you had a date for > when the counters were there and a date for the > image it would be more compelling. Eg if the > counters were for a week there are 3 weeks where > they wouldn't be down within a month. > > Heartblock - I do agree that the data on the site > doesn't help - but neither of the counts show > there so I'm assuming that theres been some error > or oversight somewhere re its inclusion - but not > that they've just extrapolated the data point. How can you have a date for when the counters were there, if the counters weren't there?
  16. If you don't have any luck with the macbook - have you tried the iMovie app for iphone (assuming you have an iphone)? It's free and actually really quite good. Might tie you over for a bit until you find a mac?
  17. Good luck emailing Cllr Rose. Doesn't respond to anything.
  18. Dulwich caller on LBC this morning - catch up here: https://www.globalplayer.com/catchup/lbc/uk/episodes/2zGtPJwrfFWC6sFW1rhx4WtLKG/ Segment starts at 1hr 20 in but the caller is in 1hr 23
  19. > They just do it because it is the right > thing > > A bit like LTNs and other measures to reduce > driving. And there, comrades, is the patronising arrogance of Southwark council and the pro LTN crew summed up in two sentences. In other words, ?we know best, you?re clearly either too stupid or too selfish to see so we really don?t feel it necessary to listen to you. We have the moral superiority here? blah blah blah..? My parents live in France and would gladly run you through the major problems that this style of governance causes.
  20. redpost Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Rockets Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I say "beleive" you say "understanding" - you > see > > nobody knows and by releasing the reports > without > > the back-up detail the council has just allowed > us > > all to come to our own conclusions as they have > > not provided the transparency to back up their > > report. > > > > I did read somewhere that the Jan 19 site is in > a > > different location to the Sep21 location, > perhaps > > Cllr McAsh could confirm. > > > > It would also be good to get some clarity on > how > > the Jan 19 and Sep19 figures were arrived at - > > what is modelling, what is actual data from > > comparable locations as by adding that > additional > > site in Sept21 there may be an element of > > double-dipping going on in the conclusions. > > Why don't you do something positive and submit an > FOI request instead of endlessly complaining on > this forum? Translation ?Oh you are a nuisance with your continual questions and scrutiny. Do please go away so we can enjoy Christmas in our lovely quiet gated communities without your valid points constantly making us feel guilty about it all the time...?
  21. exdulwicher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Meanwhile, Southwark officers release massaged > data when what everyone wants is the real thing. > > We're going around in circles though. > > We demand the data. > > /data is presented > > No, not that data! Also it's wrong and massaged > and it doesn't cover x, y and z and it wasn't done > at the right time and it wasn't left in place long > enough and the person who wrote the report from it > is biased and...and...and... > > If you think it's fake / massaged / biased / > flawed / out of date, you need to respond to > Southwark Council with your reasoning behind it, > not post "it's massaged" on a forum with nothing > to back up your assertion. I mean, literally every > piece of "pro" data has been called into question > and the poster asked to justify it so surely that > works the other way around? Justify your > assertion. > > We're into conspiracy theory levels of data bias > now, to the effect that no matter how much proof > is presented to say that, broadly speaking, LTNs > work and can form a positive part of a raft of > measures to reduce vehicle usage, nothing will > ever be sufficient. > You'll always be able to find a negative, even > amongst a load of positives. > What's presented will always be not quite what was > asked for. > > It's classic distraction and confusion tactics. > Muddle it all up, spread misinformation, make a > few allegations (it's massaged, it's biased) > without ever really backing them up. Before you > know it, no-one has a clue what's going on! > Especially if someone has managed to add > percentages up incorrectly... OOOOHH SLAM DUNK 🙄 Don't know what you've been reading - but heartblock, Rockets et al have backed up all of the claims they have made about the data with reasoning. It is the proLTN brigade that are the ones obfuscating. Perhaps you, like rahx3, dc, NM etc get blurry vision when your eyes pass over any valid arguments or clear flaws outlined in the data that throw up pressing questions... Care to take a pass at explaining the U-turn on the re-opening of MGS? Or perhaps explain the rationale behind the amended (/"massaged") data for the MGC counter? As outlined here: It is entirely understandable that residents who are living with more disruption and pollution since the introduction of the LTNs would question the data that is being used to justify ignoring the vast majority of the respondants to the review (and all of the objectors). And then equally understandable they might question the council's backtrack on one of the only decisions they made to try and help ease the significant traffic increase on EDG by re-opening MGS. The evidence of data manipulation seems pretty clear to me.
  22. rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > dougiefreeman Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > @rahx3 > > You?re really not in any position to demand > > apologies when you yourself refused point blank > to > > apologise for publicly insulting a group of > > predominantly elderly and disabled folk? > > #idiotsgate > > Suggesting that I've insulted the elderly and the > disabled is completely untrue. It's entirely true. As is evidenced above.
  23. Jenijenjen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > dougiefreeman Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > @rahx3 > > You?re really not in any position to demand > > apologies when you yourself refused point blank > to > > apologise for publicly insulting a group of > > predominantly elderly and disabled folk? > > #idiotsgate > > Can you point us in the direction of the post > where he did this. Or did he just disagree with > them. Sure. Page 221. Legalalian wrote: "Seems to be an anti LTN protest at he closed junction this morning." To which rahx3 responded: "Yep, a small number of idiots blocking the right turn for cyclists with their bags and placards." The protest was comprised of predominantly elderly and disabled people who were peacefully protesting following major disruption to their lives as a result of the LTNS and other measures. This was following unsuccessful attempts to have their concerns heard (let alone valued) by Southwark Council. You can read on from there to see how Rahx3 responded to the varying comments made on this reaction.
  24. @rahx3 You?re really not in any position to demand apologies when you yourself refused point blank to apologise for publicly insulting a group of predominantly elderly and disabled folk? #idiotsgate
  25. rahrahrah you missed a bit.. ?Ltns reduce car use and increase active travel for the select few streets that have been lucky enough to become an LTN but this has only been possible by increasing congestion and pollution and making active travel more dangerous on the roads immediately outside those LTNs.?
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