I grew up on TOS (and Dr Who) and was a voracious reader of everything sci-fi until the early eighties - haven't read much in that genre since, though. But, for me, Voyager represents the pinnacle of the Star Trek franchise - I'm not sure why it's my favourite (Seven-of-Nine notwithstanding) perhaps because the production team had by then refined and perfected its story-telling skills to the point where fantasy and reality became virtually indistinguishable, albeit sparse on humour. I especially like the Borg story-arcs (originally introduced in TNG - admittedly) - the Borg being an extraordinarily creative alien construct that, I think, probably evolved from the humble Cybermen. I also think the world of The Matrix may well been inspired, in part at least, from the Borg's UniMatrix Zero. The original Stargate series, on the other hand, is notable for its self-effacing humour and plethora of in-jokes - always good for a laugh.