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Everything posted by hpsaucey
How do I stop Virgin media sending post to me?
hpsaucey replied to wee quinnie's topic in The Lounge
Had repeat ones to someone not at our address. Got really pi**ed off. Returned last letter threatening to use return envelope in anything else they sent us to wrap round a brick and post back to them. Had nothing since LOL! -
Thank you hello sailor! Really helpful!!! Cheers, H
Hello there, Was wondering if anyone knew the easiest/quickest way to get to Blackheath fireworks from the Nunhead side of Peckham Rye by public transport? I'm thinking about taking my 5-year old, so want to make it relatively painless. I've looked at the 'official' firework website - maps, roads closed etc. and am very confused! I'm guessing buses, trains etc. are all going to be busy going and coming back? Any advice much appreciated. Cheers, Helen
In a REALLY loud voice whilst waiting in a supermarket queue to the youngish but balding man in front: 'MOVE, GRANDAD!!!' from my two-year old! The man visibly bristled and looked a bit angry. Tried the same shovelling in some distracting food as crescent above but to no avail!
Anyone involved in NCT Sales?
hpsaucey replied to The Nappy Lady's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi there Molly. I'm the web editor for the local NCT site. You can find lots more info out from the pages under the general one snowboarder mentioned above: How to sell: http://www.nct.org.uk/in-your-area/Brixton/events/slnnssell Seller info: http://www.nct.org.uk/in-your-area/Brixton/events/slnnssellers You might want to try other local branches - Lewisham etc to see if they have sales sooner. H -
Which bit of Peckham Rye? We looked around Bellenden/Rye Oak/ST John's and St Clements etc as we weren't sure where we were going to be living. I thought all were fine as post primaries around here are. Bellenden - small, caring and very friendly; Rye Oak - has had problems in the past but on the up with a lovely Children's Centre and a strong headmistress; St John's - gets good results but just didn't do it for us. We're at Ivydale - further up the east side of the Rye and love it. Really friendly lovely school where theres a good mix of people and they give them a rounded education. TBH its usually more a case of getting into your nearest school as you're unlikely to get into one too far away. Also a lot can happen in a school in the three plus years before your daughter starts. H
Helen GV Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i wouldn't, not good to reheat any type of food > more than once and not worth the risk. > better to freeze in smaller amounts, i know it's > frustrating! > > sorry, crossed posts! Second Helen GV. Freeze in small amounts in minimise waste! And heat up gently so you don't destroy its qualities. You can always use any you're not entirely sure about but think might be OK in cooking for yourselves rather than for the baby so it won't be wasted. H
Another for Ocado! they always let you know if they're going to be late _ HARDLY ever. And there's not often anything missing/swapped. They're always wending vouchers offering 15% off your shop as well which brings the cost down. Wouldn't swap for another.
If anyone has lost a 'jellycat' giraffe-type thing - hard to describe but it has just a head and long neck - I put it on the wall of number 2 Friern Road yesterday. Hope its reunited with its owner. Helen
HI. I had 3rd degree tearing and a difficult birth first time round and Kings said MOST places, but not them, would insist on a caesarian next time around. I was determined to make my experience different and I went to the Brierley for a home birth and had the wonderful Vanessa (now with The Lanes) (Birth was so relaxed it almost happened before the midwives could get there (LOL)). Are The Lanes definatley saying has to be a Caesarian? Can you talk to them/another midwife there about the possibilities? Like other people here I can recommend someone. The truly wonderful pregnancy yoga teacher I had is also a doula/ experienced in birth rehearhals and teaching people how to birth in the best positions etc. See Ingrid Lewis's web site: http://www.aroundbirth.org/aboutingrid.html I put a lot of my lovely experience second time round down to her and to the lovely homebirth team and the confidence they gave me to be in control. Also, I think I saw a note on the noticeboard near the toilet in Therapy Rooms on Lordship Lane about a VBAC group! Good luck! I hope you get the information/help you need to make the best choice for you! Helen
Christmas shows for little-uns?
hpsaucey replied to nunheadmum's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Second the Snowman. Got the cheapest tickets last year- around a tenner I think and the view was brilliant. In fact as we were on the back row it didn't really matter if the smallest ones were wriggly. Thought it was great. Unicorn Theatre always good. Cheers, Helen -
Do you ask for seat on train/bus?
hpsaucey replied to supergolden88's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Priority seats are labelled to make it clear who they're for. If they either haven't noticed OR are too selfish/rude to offer then damn right I'd be asking them, politely, to give up a seat. I know most of us feel awkward asking but better to be safe and get a seat if you can. If I see anyone onviously standing and pregnant and I haven't got a seat to offer them, I'm afraid I quite often stick my oar in and ask on their behalf. Maybe embarrassing but most have gratefully sat down when someone has been embarrassed into offering their seat. YOu can get a 'Mind the Bump; badge from from LOndon Underground as well. -
Hello there, I've yet to really take my five year old swimming but think he'd finally like to go. Can anyone recommend classes/a pool that aren't too manic. he's pretty sensitive to noise so I'd really like to try and find somewhere relatively calm/quiet. Any ideas gratefully received. Helen
Ko - probably seen you there then as I've got an active afternoon toddler LOL! Also always wondered why more activities MOnday to Wednesday and less towards the end of the week? Not complaining - just wondering. Don't know what I'd do without the One o'clock to go to. Probably join my little one in climbing the walls.
Doh - I'm crap at thie replying lark. Was replying to citizenED's "one, two, three, four, FIVE..." hpsaucey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > LOL - in our house it goes: 'five, four, three, > two, one' ... Also recently, 5-year old bless him: 'Mummy - sea girls are like sea boys but they steal your snadwiches.' Lightsabers are apparently 'light savers'. 'Farmer Christmas' 2-year old: 'damn it' 'my boobies' 'not mummy boobies, my boobies' 'damn it' 'damn it' 'damn it' 'damn it' 'damn it' Damn it - wonder where he gets THAT from!
LOL - in our house it goes: 'five, four, three, two, one' ...
Can anyone recommend a really good baby back carrier?
hpsaucey replied to Lochie's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Personllay I think you get what you pay for. I splashed out for the Macpac Vamoose - usually ?200, although come up on EBay a lot and we got ours on sale. It's been blo**y brilliant. Have carried my 3-year old in it even, with no problem. You need to slow down a bit but the set up and adjustable strapping makes it really comfortable and we could walk for miles. Also a mirror to see behind - actually really useful and a zip on bag for the front of the carrier. Adjustable seating for kid. Had a friend who bought a chaper one - around ?70 and she couldn't carry her toddler far in it. Guess it depends how far you want to walk with it on and where you're walking. You could have demo'd mine but I've just given it to my sis. I would say try before you buy - it's probably a personal thing. Also, I'd say its a personla thing for babies as well - my older one loved it, younger one not so keen.. Hope you find the right one. H -
Aha - but if they're in Denmark Hill too they're gradually surrounding even ED!! Could make for a great horror movie.
Yuk - I started this link and I'm fair freaked out and feeling a bit queazy. We've found 4-5 of them now including one in my trouser leg, but then again we live on the wrong side of the tracks in Nunhead LOL! If you really want to spoil your dinner then have a look at these babies: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=segestria+florentina&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=tF99TPf5GdOQjAeXztzSDg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCMQsAQwAA AND: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jorgenlissner.dk/images%255CPictures%255CSegestria_florentina_female_JL4564_4081.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.jorgenlissner.dk/Segestriidae.aspx&h=817&w=1220&sz=181&tbnid=4A5riewo3yC5jM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsegestria%2Bflorentina&zoom=1&hl=en&usg=__9BpTz5zRYkVewi4g5RRFkC73lag=&sa=X&ei=tF99TPf5GdOQjAeXztzSDg&ved=0CCAQ9QEwBA Or this video showing the aggressive bu**ers in action. They're certainly not shy: Urgh, urgh, urgh!!!!
Partner says - they've got a 'surprising burst of speed too' LOL!
Urgh - I'm sorry for other people's bites! The Minkey - I'm not for killing really and I always put out house spiders but I'm afraid we're killing these evil beasties and you might want to do the same! Nasty bite they have and agressive too.
We've been getting foreign spiders in our flat and garden for the last few years. Just caught another of these nasty beasties: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segestria_florentina Anyone else plagued? Helen
Advice on violent behaviour in toddlers please
hpsaucey replied to Fi from West Dulwich's topic in The Family Room Discussion
I think a LOT of children go through a stage like this, so please don't feel you;re alone in this one (and I'm sure you don't given the number of replies). I'm sure most of us who have gone through this would say that its a phase that they DO get over. My first didn't really act like this but my second did/does. We used the usual mix of displacement activity/disapproval (whilst trying to be reassuring as well) etc. The posts above have said it all really with their usual great ED common sense! Good luck. Like all things, it will pass.... Helen -
Pelvic floor exercises - am I the only one?
hpsaucey replied to supergolden88's topic in The Family Room Discussion
I got referred to the urino-gynacological (God - miracle if I've spelt that right) unit at Kings as I had third degree tearing with my first. The therapist there was BRILLIANT. Was assessed and given exercises to do. MY main point is that its not always as simple as just doing pelvic floor exercises. They told me that I needed to exercise both for long and short 'hold's if I can put it that way. Also isolating front, middle and back muscles. Also how to hold in your abdomen most of the time in order to support your pelvic floor - takes practice but becomes automatic - and most importantly of all, how to cough without putting pressure on it! Maybe worth getting referred by your GP? Good luck, H -
I got one of the Kiddyguard roller stairgates and have to say really love it. Blends into the rest of the doorframe. Got it when they weren't so pricy though! But it fixed on really easily, and when you get used to it you can open it and close it one-handed! Meant to be used up to toddler age but it discourages our now 5-year old nicely. Having said that, if my kids really rammed it I'm not sure what would happen. Would buy another though. H
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