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Everything posted by hpsaucey

  1. Putting bottle of oil in the oven, dinner to cook in the cupboard! Luckily remember soon after. Baby brain - early on with second baby, sometimes forgetting I had two!
  2. I have a Brother Innovis-10 - basically a sewing machine for dummies - bought because I am, as you might have guessed not particularly gifted at sewing. About 200 quid but it is fantastic. It numbers the points on the machine in order of where you need to thread it, has an automatic buttonhole maker; automatic guide to hold the material straight if you need. Can't fault it - its been brilliant. Got given a copy of a really straightforward but inspirational sewing book too. Its this - cheap on AMAZon at the minute: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sewing-Book-Alison-Smith/dp/1405335556
  3. Seconding this really. Long may this continue!!! H Lukedaisy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hmm not really, what the kids and parents gain > from having the playground to themselves overides > anything else. Some autistic children need a lot > of physical space around them and may have > behavioural problems. Having a non judgemental, > safe, enclosed, stimulating place to go is like > gold dust. Many families with disabled children > rarely get the opportunity to get out for a > variety of reasons. Unfortunately patience > tolerance and understanding by neuro typical > children and parents doesnt always happen. . and > I do agree it would be good to offer some > additional supervised mixed sessions with limited > numbers. Southwark Council take note :)
  4. Not even bias binding related - but I - as a crap sewer - bought a sewing machine that does my buttonholes for me! I tried it out yesterday. Maybe these have been around for years, but couldn't believe how fantastic it is. Is that sad?????
  5. any chance of a photo? Would lovw to see it...
  6. Excellent advice from KidKruger about not really commenting at this stage - you will need time to think and get some advice after the meeting. I'm a Union rep and have seen a fair bit of this recently. Also, good advice, whoever said to take someone with you. Another pair of ears and eyes when you're probably not thinking quite straight. It's an emotional type of meeting to go through, even for those who actually aren't so 'attached' to their jobs! GOod luck! Helen KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think it may be useful to not explicitly commit > to anything / sign anything until you've done your > research and spoken to unions/advisors. > It'll serve you well to be as prepared as > possible, write your questions down with plenty of > space to fit the answers. > Also you could take a small recording device > switched on before you go in and wrapped in > something like a tissue so sound gets through OK, > or use the iPhone voice recording app (this is > purely for referential use but also if something > is later contested and you find you need > evidence). > In court I use an Edihrol device wrapped in a > tissue. Never needed to use the evidence but > useful for reference going forward, it's > surprising what you think was said but actually > wasn't (and vice versa).
  7. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just donated. > > I suspect many 'selfish' singletons and non-mums > will donate too op ;-) Well, not saying singletons are all selfish, but saying i was a selfish singleton lol! No offence meant to others out there - just judging my own past!
  8. Or straight to: http://www.dec.org.uk/
  9. This isn't of course East Dulwich, but such a heart-rending appeal, especially affecting now I'm a MUM - selfish singleton as I was before! Please donate if you can ..... link to DEC pages on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Disasters-Emergency-Committee-DEC/33268280976 Helen
  10. can i plug rascals softplay at bellingham leisure centre. Ok, no carousel, but still pretty big, with a football area and other nice bits. Its clean, has lovely staff and not too expensive! Kids always have a lot of fun. Good chips too.
  11. Thank you everyone who posted and thank you Renata for investigating! Helen Renata Hamvas Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'll investigate and post when I know more, > Renata
  12. Does anyone know why the lovely trees on the main path across Peckham Rye Common down from the Cafe are having their branches so savagely cut back? Seems pretty brutal unless there's a really good reason for it. Didn't think it was a good idea to cut off so many branches as you ruin the tree's natural shape and just get a multitude of small branches sprouting up. They're roping off the really big tree just near the main park entrance today and its quite upsetting to see that they're probably going to do the same to this one too! Going to lose all thet shade just as summer hots up.
  13. A belated thank you to those who replied - my friend moved her picnic slightly! Glad its open again though - missed it! Helen nununoolio Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please don't go in there! The signs are up for a > reason. Five trees have been identified as > hazardous by the council tree officer. A survey > has been commissioned to check for bat habitation > before works can be carried out. This may have > been carried out in the last few days, so > hopefully any felling/pruning neccessary will > commence soon.
  14. Hello there, Does anyone know if this area of the park is still closed for Tree Works etc? Friend is hoping to hold a party there tomorrow. Any info gratefully received. Helen
  15. Totally agree. Saturday afternoon on Lordship Lane usually leaves me seething with the general lack of manners of some people (shoppers not shopkeepers) -so much so that sometimes I avoid going there altogether. I'm obviously not quite alone in feeling this, although maybe I've got a dose of overrighteous indignationitis? H Unkle_Paulie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > does a sunny day in east dulwich cause people to > forgot their manners! > > a simple thank you or even smile surely can't be > that difficult... > > poor poor poor... what's happening to this town!
  16. Likely to be a sibling of a child already at the school. H Sol Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Between Friern and Underhill road. I just checked > the brochure and the distance in meters of the > last child offered a place at the Hamlet last year > was 1104
  17. updating my entry. OH's experience was Saturday (same as that poor man in the OP) outside Barry's on Barry Road at around 4. Three mid-teens two white and one black! Wonder if it was the same lot? Wonder if there's any CCTV anywhere? H hpsaucey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My OH was asked for the time by a group of young > men on Barry Road I think last Thurs/Fri. He said > he sensed trouble! When he looked at his watch and > told them the time they asked him what date it > was - presumably disappointed because he hadn't > produced a phone to tell them what the time was! > Obviously a spate of this at the minute.
  18. updating my entry. OH's experience was Saturday (same as that poor man in the OP) outside Barry's on Barry Road at around 4. Three mid-teens two white and one black! Wonder if it was the same lot? Wonder if there's any CCTV anywhere? H hpsaucey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My OH was asked for the time by a group of young > men on Barry Road I think last Thurs/Fri. He said > he sensed trouble! When he looked at his watch and > told them the time they asked him what date it > was - presumably disappointed because he hadn't > produced a phone to tell them what the time was! > Obviously a spate of this at the minute.
  19. My OH was asked for the time by a group of young men on Barry Road I think last Thurs/Fri. He said he sensed trouble! When he looked at his watch and told them the time they asked him what date it was - presumably disappointed because he hadn't produced a phone to tell them what the time was! Obviously a spate of this at the minute.
  20. Walking up the east wide of Peckham Rye from Nunhead Lane I found an obviously well-loved monkey toy! I've left himn propped up on the wall there. Anyone lost him??? Some child will be really missing him. Helen (PS - I've put this in the Wanted section too).
  21. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It takes how long to write a post? duh....hardly > distracts anyone from their work now does it? > > (although how someone that only joined the forum > just over a month ago could know anything about > anyone in that time is a bit bewildering - second > account perhaps?) Alternatively could 'Anotherperson' have been reading along merrily for months and only NOW have been distracted enough from their work to join in?? Duh! Sorry - pithy and off topic.
  22. My mantra is 'I'm on toddler time'. It reminds me to slow down and listen. Doesn't always work - especially as the young-um has entered the 'why' and 'how' stage of questioning - but does help me remember to see things through their eyes. Love the OP quote but think I'd have trouble remembering a long one, memory all shot by sleep deprivation lol!
  23. HI traceyjp - not really on message, but I would like to donate items to this place as it sounds as though they might be gratefully received? Helen traceyjp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am 30 seconds from the Barry road church. I have > never had a problem. Yes alot of men hanging > around outside,because they have nothing else to > do.These people arrive from countries with awful > problems and lord knows what they have witnessed > and what they may be escaping from. > I have donated kids clothes,toys,bedding etc. and > even a sofa. The alleged "awful" men came to my > house to collect the sofa and were truly decent > folk. > > Please reconsider "buddha" and think about what > you are trying to relay. AND think about less > fortunate people. > If you are a true buddha,you should get it? I wish > you well.
  24. London Wildlife Centre - Marsden Road. Get the inside room to add AND can run around in their lovely garden if the weathers' good.
  25. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > By the way, did you get the parachute idea from > trips to Whirl.Y.Gig in the past??? It brought > back memories of my mis spent youth :)-D Ah the whirly.y.gig! What a place. not been in years. Apparently you can now take your kids there! Now THAT would be a venue for a toddler party lol!
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