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Everything posted by hpsaucey

  1. Great food hygiene link Out of Focus! [Edited to remove link to cafe hygiene report] ... Might want to change the title OP, so the poor cafe doesn't get it in the neck? HP
  2. Maybe read the whole string of posts ... Ah - more likely, given all the new posts, ... one of these???
  3. It would probably help if the Park Run didn't start and end by it - lots of kids out for/with the run seem to climb it. Hopefully the tree officer can get it properly supported and with a notice not to climb.
  4. Link to the consultation hopefully: https://engage.southwark.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/galaseries2025 HP
  5. I've emailed Friends of Peckham Rye Park to see if they were aware/know any more about this; in case they don't see this thread. HP
  6. I thought they were having a revamp ... at least I'm sure that's what one of the staff said a couple of months ago. HP
  7. Yes - reply from the facebook group; they're being distributed in the area and also by the artists.
  8. You're right Sue - not seen any printed ones yet this year. I've messaged them via their Facebook page. Also wondering why the map on the website is at 90 degrees to 'reality' lol. HP
  9. You might be able to get someone to come and check chip https://www.microchipcentral.com/find-a-scan-angel/ HP
  10. Agree with MissB - are a fair number now set up with online classrooms; activities etc. You can look on Southwark's Local Offer pages. Some include King's Interhigh; Nisai; The Complete Education Solution's online school for ND students etc. HP
  11. Whew! What a relief - so pleased for you. Helen
  12. Brilliant! Where was she found? HP
  13. Agreed! Beaumonts - great local greengrocers and reasonable.
  14. Another vote for Barrys! The Red box original. There's also the green box 'Irish'. Also available online through Ocado. HP
  15. Thanks - good idea! We'll try and intercept them... HP
  16. HI - did you see the other post from an hour ago about the same cat??? Can the neighbour knock on some doors locally? Could be a local oldie out and about but always worth checking out. I have a microchip scanner if anyone wanted to scan for a chip but am over in Nunhead [you'd have to contact a vet to get them to check any number on their database]. HP
  17. As above. I"m trying to request this for a neighbour who's not online. I've trawled through Southwark Council's website and can't find a way to get a broken bin taken away. SC's phoneline peeps only have access to the info on the website so they were useless. Only option seems to be to request another replacement. I daren't do that as last time they delivered a replacement but didn't taken away the broken one - don't want to end up with three bins. Many thanks HP
  18. Looks like an oldie? If you don't get any responses from here, worth knocking on nearby doors to check lives locally? Also, I've got a microchip scanner if you wanted to check for an identity chip? HP
  19. @EDmummy - some of the groups listed here might be of interest: https://localoffer.southwark.gov.uk/youth-offer/social-networks-events
  20. Any update? I have a microchip scanner if anyone worried about this cat. HP
  21. And no nesting birds at all??? Hard to believe and depressing if true. What did they say about the hardcore infill of the stream? HP
  22. Was this or the tree cutting mentioned in their plans/ 'engagement' events? Can't believe it would have been agreed.
  23. Also, is he chipped/neutered? Will impact on how far he's likely to have wandered. Lost cat advice here: https://www.cats.org.uk/help-and-advice/lost-found-and-feral-cats/lost-a-cat
  24. This lot specialise in rescuing wild birds in London. They're brilliant! There's an emergency phone number to ring. https://www.londonwildlifeprotection.org/ Helen
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