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Everything posted by Kalamiphile

  1. My 5 month old grandaughter has started sleeping on her tummy and during the night is becoming wet at the front. She is using asda nappies which are very good during day. Pampers also leak at night. Any suggestions as which are best for a tummy sleeping baby? Many thanks
  2. My daughter is wanting to introduce nearly 5 month old to the bottle. It takes her so long to express 15ml even with electric pump, which little one plays with and then spits out with great joy, that she is thinking about trying a formula mix to begin with. However baby has very dry, irritated skin, ongoing cradlecap and ? excema, she is seeing specialist in january. Is there a formula that is less likely to cause potential irritation to her skin? Any help much appreciated:)
  3. no way as expensive as cabs, it can be cheaper to park car( approx ?40 Gatwick) than take cab, ?40 each way.
  4. will tell her about the doublebase cream, she is already using dentinox and it hasn't helped unfortunately
  5. Any ideas please. My 10 week old grandaughter developed cradle cap which spread all over body. Olive oil and aqeous cream has helped on trunk. Doc has given oilatum for bath and shampoo but skin on arms and legs scaly and dry, but bearable. There is a patch on head very sore and itchy, which doc has given steroid cream for, but not clearing up, what else can she use to a) help clear the cradlecap and b) stop the itching whaich causes her to attempt to furiously scratch head :( Many thanks x
  6. Have spoken to midwives where I work and they all very quickly said if she is feeding 6-8 times in day and gaining weight then no problem. I guess I am maybe being stuck in the past plus I did not have co-operative babies! so therefor was being woken every 3 - 4 hours for months!
  7. Thank you for all your thoughts. My other daughter told new Mum daughter about my concerns! She has said she will consult her midwives, altho' reading some of your posts, none of them seem to agree. Younger daughter took the route of comparing it to animals and how you would feed them 24 hours on regular basis. Sadly due to circumstances of how the pregnancy happened daughter is very defensive and my absolute wonderment at her beautiful baby girl does'nt seem to carry much weight!! Hopefully she will get good advice from the midwife and I can let it go.
  8. Think you are probably right Smiler. She has had all her visits, so nothing now until the 6 week check. She feed ever 2 to 3 hours in day for about 10 minutes and seems to be putting on weight. Guess I must wind my neck in!!
  9. Bearing in mind that she is highly sensitive to me, and when i suggested that 6 hours was a long time she asked if I thought she should put an alarmclock on, in a not nice way! How would you want your mother to tell you this piece of info. I did say that I thought it was too long and that her little body was too small to go that long, her reply was she would wake if she were hungry. Not sure how to approach this and feel quite upset now :(
  10. pebbles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would make sure that I fed every 3 hours during > the day so I didn't worry about waking at night. > However i only felt comfortable about not waking > at night as both were good weights - if they were > not good weights i'm sure i would have woken!! > > Well done you for not saying anything - very hard > i imagine I'm learning fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-$
  11. Can you Mums bring me up to date with current thinking on waking baby to feed. My grandaughter went from 9pm to 3am without waking and she was only 2 weeks old last sunday. That seems a long time for a little tummy to go, but don't want to say anything in case I am being old fashioned!
  12. many thanks to all of you with your welcome advice. Baby is now 2 weeks old and is feeding beautifully, it was as so many of you said she was not latching on properly despite being told she was. Once she was seen by lactation nurse all turned out well, many thanks once again :)) xx
  13. Thanks for that. My toes are curling at the memory and that is from 36 years ago!!!! Sadly all this help was not availble so I very quickly went to the bottle :((
  14. you are all stars, many thanks. she lives in willesden GinaG3 if you have any info for that area xx
  15. My daughter 3 days post c section has a beautiful girl who loves the nipple. They are already getting sore with little cracks. She will be heartbroken if she is unable to continue and the nurses at St Marys are rubbish, tried to give baby Mums antibiotics! All advice happily received xx
  16. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't think anyone would deny that there are a > lot of urban foxes, but just because they die > somewhere, as we all do, doesn't make them a > problem. Every day council workers similarly find > elderly people that have died and not been > discovered for weeks and that's similarly not > pleasant. Death and decomposition are a natural > process. > > The main gripe with foxes is scattered rubbish > after bin bag raids. That's where the nuisance is > (but easily fixed by using enclosed bins). There > are far more people than foxes, making far more > mess and nuisance though. > > *waits for onslaught* Well said. Foxes cause havoc in my garden, leaving poo, ripped up rubbish and dead rats. I do, however, reluctantly tolerate this as they are wild animals. What reason do the humans have for dropping their rubbish, spitting (don't get me started!), using the sreet as a toilet ets, etc?
  17. She's had it done, uncomfortable but not painful. One finger, and cervix is not too posterior, maybe happen in 48 hours if not back next thursday! Thank you for all your lovely input and encouragement xx
  18. I cannot stop my imagination picturing some midwife (a very ancient one) with long poles with big black circular brushes on the ends!
  19. OMG I am beginning to feel scared for her now! Have advised her to take 2 paracetomol, maybe should add in the bottle of gin?! She hates her smear, makes her feel sick, even has resorted to valium before. Heaven knows what this will be like. xx
  20. Many thanks for all input, fascinating for a Grandma to be. Not like this in my day! What I am understanding is it will still be nature who decides in the end, I hope!
  21. Thats what I thought, tho' thursday would be good for me!! It seems like its 50/50, in the laps of the stork. xx
  22. This is all so interesting! She is very uncomfortable and as the pregnancy affected her joints believes that the lack of sleep she has experienced over the last months cannot be any worse with baby! Lets hope it works well, think I will not warn her it may hurt.
  23. Thank you both for feedback, really helpful. I guess as my other daughter just said to me, having sex would do the same thing??! or not?
  24. Has any one had this done? My daughter having one on thursday despite EDD being either 12th or 18th. Is it neccessary, did it work, would appreciate some opinions. xx
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