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Everything posted by Kalamiphile
25 month old won't let mummy leave bedroom HELP!!
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Ha ha, I think I recall doing the same with mummy, 37 years ago. Last night 'E' cried until sha was sick and then instead of getting off bed in ussual way climbed onto the end high bit, straddled like on a horse as if she was saying look i might hurt myself so get in here!! I think mummy might try gradually moving towards the door and then to corridor over the next week. She is so exhausted she is finding work hard poor love x -
'E' has been great at soothing herself to sleep until a few weeks ago asked for door ajar, went down happily. Over the past 2 weeks insists mummy 'sit in chair' or 'E get up now' and stays awake for another 45 minutes, if Mum tries to leave cries until mummy sits down. Last night it took 90 minutes! Mummy tonight has put stair gate on bedroom door and E is at door crying for mummy until hysteria sets in. If this technique does'nt work has anyone experienced this and have some ideas as to other approachs that mummy might try? Many thanks EDF Mums x
nearly 2 and hating any child near her.....help!
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thank you for all your helpful suggestions, glad to know we are not alone! We have always said to her use your words as she is way ahead of her peers in talking, singing and reading, and this seems to be the only area she does not use her vocabulary! She is happy with the children at child minders. We have wondered if the park is too big for her as she doesnt seem to do it in one of the smaller parks, so maybe she is overwhelmed and as you suggest GCO is saying 'go away'From what you have all said I think I can reassure my daughter that she is doing all the right approaches. -
nearly 2 and hating any child near her.....help!
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
That was very helpful GCO, she is quite shy and her child minder says she lets the other children take her things and rather than getting it back will just cry. She has children of same age Fuschia at the minders, and is taken to lots of play sessions etc. -
My grandaughter who is a bright, happy girl is going through the usual challenges for this age, but her Mum is at a loss as to how to deal with this and is wondering what she has done that her daughter is turning into a monster! She would like some reassurances from others apart from her Mum. If a child of any age is in front of her or behind her on the slide she whines ( no other word will do) and tries to push them away, even a child coming towards her will sometimes get this reaction. Today whist sitting in her buggy in waitrose, a child in buggy was coming towards her, she started the whining and then !!!!! tried to kick at the child. My daughter was mortified and really does not know what is the best approach. Any one had a similiar problem? Needless to say none of the behaviour is coming from the family. Many thanks for any help xx
Grandma confused re getting into schools
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
No offence taken as i didnt feel there was any offence meant, and can understand why you might be a tad touchy. Made me smile tho', your storey reminded me of that old BT advert with Maureen Lipman :)) -
Grandma confused re getting into schools
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Sorry Ruth, didnt make myself clear I realise, of course I would not go on my own, but as we go to the fetes at the school I might suggest that she speaks to other mums, the reason she wants her daughter to go to the school is that it has 'good' ofsted and is right opposite her house! I have learnt over the years with both of my daughters to never do anything without them wanting me or asking me to do it, but thanks for reminding all us older Mums to be thoughtful x -
Grandma confused re getting into schools
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thank you for that Renata, I had found it yesterday and realised that she did need to contact the school directly. They already go to Curzon which offers excellent activities for toddlers and young children -
Grandma confused re getting into schools
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks Mrs TP, made me smile. My daughter is very good at begrudgingly saying, yes I know, you were right. But next time I mention something, we are back at square one! Bless>:D< Will definately think about open day as I look after my grandgirl every 2 weeks and can always go to a school event. -
Grandma confused re getting into schools
Kalamiphile replied to Kalamiphile's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Many thanks for that. I did look at the Brent site and she does have to approach the head directly, but may suggest to her to do it earlier than September as you say Cora. -
My daughter lives in NW10 and has an excellent school opposite (Mr Therouxes child goes there) She thinks as she lives opposite she just puts her name down in September and she will get a place. If I mention stuff I have read on this EDT she thinks I am being negative and creating problems. The area has a highly mixed ethnic culture of Polish, Somali and Africans ie potentially large families. What is the process for nursery, do you just put your name down with the school you fancy or is it done differently now? many thanks
Some advice/a moan:ruby wedding
Kalamiphile replied to Vickster's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Not sure what generation of gp's you are referring to Vicster, but if it is mine (63 at present)we are the generation of women that had no advice and are now if single destined to live in poverty due to raising children and not paying stamps. When I got divorced from my childrens father, we were not given any pension rights and therefore now have to face the consequences of that law. Also we, rightly or wrongly, were given the impression that the state pension would be sufficient after a lifetime of work or bringing up your generation to support us. I think that often what leads us to our decisions on inlaws and parents is our childhood experience. As someone from a poverty stricken background (food boxes left at christmas by annonymous neighbours)due to a mother with mental health problems and a father who due to stress had a heart attack at 36 and therefore we lived on National Assistance, I know they did the best they could, my father was a proud northener and would not accept help and that taught me not to take from others. Now I give to my children to help them out, and they take it willingly and sometimes with gratitude! They dont know what real struggle is, and maybe that is my fault but I know that my parents did the best for me in very difficult circumstances and I do the best for my children. What goes around comes around. -
Some advice/a moan:ruby wedding
Kalamiphile replied to Vickster's topic in The Family Room Discussion
That sounds awful, poor you, no wonder you are smarting. Maybe hubby could be a bit more assertive on your behalf, after all they are not likely to disinherit him, or are they?? Surely if he knows how hard this is for you, he could make quite justifable excuses re travelling with baby and go on his own or simply tell them this is too disruptive right now but would love to come when baby is older. I wonder if you feel you are doing the complaining and despite him agreeing with you nothing is resolved. -
Some advice/a moan:ruby wedding
Kalamiphile replied to Vickster's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Having read through all the comments, the only one that occurs to me is 'what does the husband/partner/son' feel about all of this. Maybe it is for the both of you to discuss and compromise on future events. After all without them you would not have him or the particular child you currently enjoy and maybe this is important to him to keep up with these family functions. x -
Are there ANY nappies out there that do not leak on a semi regular basis, for an 18 month old girl? I have researched and am unable to find any consistent reviews. Obviously I am sure this is personal to the child like it is with tights?!! But she is slender and active and moves around a lot at night. We moved from pampers with the awful smell and leaks to Huggies which have leaked in bed, sitting and walking. Any suggestions gratefully accepted if it helps my daughter to stop wasting my money!!!
Well stupid me. As a medically trained individual, I have obviously been blinded by some sort of faith rather than keeping an open mind and exploring all approaches to the physical and mental condition affecting the human race. I begin to wonder why the NHS supports a number of hospitals staffed by medically trained doctors who practice homeopathy along side modern medicine, plus a number of GPs. It wasnt that long ago that acupuncture was dismissed as rubbish, now it is used as standard treatment in many areas of the NHS. I am happy that once I have used standard treatments without improvement to use some forms of complementary treatments. Thank you HS for your comment. I was there watching the changes in my grandchilds skin, and I see the changes in her hair where the steroid was applied, and this is my truth. As I said in my original post I am sceptical about using it for all conditions, but have good personal experiences of it working where all else failed. I would also add that one of the reasons that there is no research is that drug companies will not make huge profits and therefore it is almost impossible to obtain unbiased funded research
My grandaughter had excema around 3months and after spending ages messing around with the hospital my daughter finally took her to the training place in Finchley and guess what. Now at 18 months no excema altho' she still has sensitive skin. I would like the sceptics to explain to me how a baby knows, that as this is not scientifically proven, it should not work. No placebo effect there I imagine. And I hasten to add this is not the fist time I have seen this with children and animals. I would however say that I think it works better with some complaints than others
Thank you for all your replies. Would never have thought of the poppers being too tight, so that very useful. Have passed on to my daughter, so hopefully won't be too long before grandgirls bottom is looking better xx
Grandaughter (16 months) has got very sore from brown soft massive poo's which happen about 3 times a day. Her diet is healthy, not eating anything that would obviously cause this,she is changed regularly, sudofed used as barrier cream each time. Tonight she couldnt get in bath as so sore:'( Any ideas, advice, suggestions?
Cant sit in the lounge with a leccy blanket tho'. Get her this for Christmas! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Homefront-Luxury-Washable-Electric-Chocolate/dp/B001IRYFJG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1323345696&sr=8-1 She will be warm as toast and cosy too.
There is a heated chocolate coloured throw on amazon, brillaint, have hardly put heating on at all at night and in day, just an hour in morning:))
I shall send this page to my daughter! The least it can do is make her smile. Many thanks xx
Thank you both for your re-assurance. I did wonder if it was one of those interminable 'phases'! Especially as she is finding her self and testing out the boundaries. She is a little minx and sometimes you can see the glint in her eye! I think the few people my daughter knows have babies who sleep well and eat what they are given. I do try and point out that they dont talk and some dont walk and that they are all different, but she will be encouraged to know that others have gone through this xx
My 16 month old grandaughter is worrying her mum to death by not eating. She has had a good and varied diet since weaning but over last few weeks she will not take anything except from the pouches you can suck from. She has 2 bottles, one morning on wakening and before bed. She is bright and bouncy, talking non stop, but just refuses food, even the stuff she previously loved. Any advice or re-assurance greatfully received! xxx
Like she is some oil painting! Have been to her store in HoF and the space is good but the clothes awful. I am in my sixties with silver hair, part of the group targeted and would not be seen out in most of them! Rather go to the other franchises in the store such as Biba, Coast and away from there Zara and Gap and actually loads of others but not Mary's
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