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Everything posted by Kalamiphile

  1. Is anyone else having problems sending, receiving texts, no calls despite having full bars. I've had this problem for 3 days now going from emergency calls only to five bars but trying to a text message comes waiting for connection. Turned on/off, airplane, reset settings all to no avail. Three said initially no problem in area despite when I looked it said there was, then their system went down so couldn't look at my account!!
  2. Thank you for both posts Saffron which reflect my experience with gdaughter. She becomes beside herself and at that moment any reasoning is an aggravation to her. We help her to name her emotions and to think about there purpose when she is calm and can think rather than just feel. I really like the idea of hiding something with clues, especially if I can get it going before she moves into emotions! Many thsnks
  3. Thanks for all suggestions most of which as a Psychotherapist have already used! Hopefully it is just a phase, I wonder if loyalty is underneath her tears as nothing will distract and somethings make her angry! Sadly I live opp side of london to mummy so school friends not an option. Always resolves after a few hours just wondered if anyone had had same experience and found a way of avoiding/ resolving it. Many thanks
  4. All good ideas but nothing is working. She does it on her visits to father but he has 2 boys that distract her. It's only after she had her misery will she engage with what I am offering when I have her for longer period than just a school pickup 😢
  5. Reassuring her, explains and outlining time scale, giving a hug, understanding sympathetically but firmly, everything apart from telling her off.
  6. She is driving me bonkers. If I sit for a few hours or a day, she spends the first half of time weeping cos she misses mummy! Just driven back from central London with her crying next to me. I don't want to be mean but I am getting fed up with it. Is this a passing phase? Mum is single parent and I am there every week for one after school pickup and occasional weekends for mum to have a break. Any help much appreciated 😨
  7. How do you get in touch with Seema? Have pm'd but no answer yet. Thanks
  8. I have lived here for nearly 25 years and have many foxy visitors. I have tried everything! Occasionally I get lulled into a false sense of hopefulness, as something appears to work for a day or 2, but they always come back. I would suggest you wash area with a strong smelling disinfectant. The only thing I have heard is male wee, but don't have a spare male around to regularly 'water' the garden so have never found out if this works! I also get the same problem with the neighbourhood cats :((
  9. I doubt that the Bishop reads the forum so am not sure how that will come about j-s-c. I think we will find our own way of processing this shocking experience. I would usually choose to share this processing with others who have been involved but having read some of the posts I doubt I could do that. I don't want to get into gossip, debate or discussion about the wider aspects of this including the church and I would be afraid that is what might occur. I am using my friends, both religious and non religious, they are able to listen and allow my pain without judgement and opinion, only expressing sorrow at what has occured for all of those that this has impacted
  10. Thank you for that Miga. Personally I didn't sleep last night. This is a man I have known and trusted for many years. Both my adult daughters are devastated by this news having only met him a few times. I wept at his memorial, thinking that he was a troubled man and now I know why. Before anyone yells at me, I am a psychotherapist in the NHS and have worked with both the victims and the perpetrators. I have seen the pain caused by abuse sitting with me so I have no liberal view of child abuse and its consequences. This does not alter the shock that those of us who knew him feel as we try to come to terms with this revelation and sit it alongside the person we spent time and conversations with. What his family must feel cannot be imagined. For them and for those from St Johns this is a time of great sorrow and grief. The fact that we are experiencing these feelings in no way detracts from the feelings that we might have about the trauma inflicted on the children involved in the downloads. You are right Miga, this is not an abstract discussion for us.
  11. How much is the cost of a there and back taxi to heathrow. Will be returning 10 days after departure. Which firms are best for that journey?
  12. Does anyone know if this hospital has parking on site or is it all on road? many thanks
  13. Many thanks, have looked them up and decided she can walk!!
  14. Thanks for responding, flying to corfu, some flat, some bumpy terrain, would be good if supportive for evening naps when if out in taverna.
  15. It is as much for me as for child as I can use instead of sticks, but which is sturdiest but cheapest most comfy travel buggy please, it hopefully will only have to last for this year many thanks
  16. I like the last tip, bet I wouldn't get away with it!! Good idea about going to closed check in, will definately try that one. Thanks
  17. Thank you, that is very useful. I had already checked my electronic scales and only ever use on hard surface, what seemed strange was that both my machines came up with same weigh and it was Gatwick that was different. Might take the article with me!
  18. I recently flew from Gatwick on Easyjet, where luggage allowance was 20kg. As I am soon flying with a luggae allowance of only 15kg wanted to keep to that to check how much could pack. Weighed at home, on electronic scales and luggage scales, did number of times to double check. Both machines came out at just under 15kg, at airport they weighed in at 17kg..... Before I throw away more money on machines that don't match the airport ones, have you tried any and got same weight at home as at airport. Feel like I am being conned here somewhere along line! many thanks ps, have also weighed empty suitcase with luggage machine and that weight is accurate!!
  19. How strange if I go to Firefox everything works ok. As I don't even know about clouds apart from those that drop stuff on us, I guess you can imagine I am doing everything at a basic level. But will now log in from Firefox! Many thanks for all help x
  20. Just took me to a blank page with EDF details at top
  21. Yes, have done all that you said, clicking on links, and have cleared history, which makes me think it is my end. Thing is it also happened at work. Guess as I can bring some stuff up now by going in logged out, better than nothing :)
  22. Nothing comes up as I click on my username, if I log out and click on username it brings up 6 posts, not the hundreds others find
  23. How strange, and thank you for such a super fast response. I have tried logging in from different computer with same result. Have just tried searching when not logged in and 7 posts came up. Still nothing if I type in username either way.
  24. Hi Mark, have emailed twice with no answer or resolution. If I click on my user name no posts come up, if I enter something I know I have put on forum eg Tefal steam cuisine nothing comes up. I assume if I cannot do it nor can anyone else. It is almost as if access has been blocked. Please resolve as have had this for some weeks now. A great forum, much admiration for anyone who can do these things. BW
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