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  1. Rockets Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think the reality is, unfortunately, that if > someone wants your bike enough they will get it. I > am looking at an Asguard bike store at the moment > but it seems from most forums that they will only > slow the thieves down or might deter them if they > think it will make too much noise. Ground anchors > seem to be good to slow them down and definitely > worth doing if you go for something like an > Asguard. > > There is also an argument that something like an > Asguard attracts thieves as they presume an > expensive bike is stored within it. > > Bikes are very attractive to thieves at the > moment. A friend of ours had a cargo bike stolen > and, as they had it property marked, when they go > it back (it was found in a shipping container with > hundreds of other bikes), it still had the > tracking sticker on it that the thieves had stuck > to it. Apparently they stick them on the bikes to > be able to follow them to where they are stored > and then go to steal them. We've had our Asguard for years without any probs - ground anchor, motorbike chains etc etc. It got broken into 2 weeks ago - they barricaded the front door with the bins to stop us going out if they disturbed us and used hydraulic bolt cutters for the outside locks and straight through the ground anchor. In and out in 5mins. We thought we were covered insurance wise as sheds are specified but turns out these are exempt and classed as temporary structures. Beware!
  2. They?ve had no communication from Southwark It's so frustrating they didn't bother responding at all to the business case and it's not like this a distant field - the building overhangs the already tiny playground! Find your councillors by postcode here: https://bit.ly/findmycouncillors Rye Lane ward councillors are: [email protected] (also Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools) [email protected] [email protected] twitter.com/Jasmine_Ali instagram.com/jasmineali01/ twitter.com/peterbabudu instagram.com/pbmb/ Council leader: twitter.com/kieronjwilliams twitter.com/lb_southwark instagram.com/southwarkcouncil/
  3. They are carrying out works to the block of flats on the bottom of Adys Road (1-11) and will need space for a large skip and barriers directly out the front of the block and containers which will go on Oglander Rd. In total this is around 11/15 spaces and they hope the work will be done within 4 months (but didn't sound too confident of that). Given the exacerbated parking issues since the DH CPZ came in suggest people email the council if they have concerns Richard Livingstone is the Cllr responsible for highways. [email protected] As twinhunters says they are hoping for resident cooperation to clear enough space so are going to try putting barriers in vacated spots until they have secured enough spaces to install the skips / containers.
  4. They are carrying out works to the block of flats on the bottom of Adys Road (1-11) and will need space for a large skip and barriers directly out the front of the block and containers which will go on Oglander Rd. In total this is around 11/15 parking spaces and they hope the work will be done within 4 months (but didn't sound too confident of that). Given the exacerbated parking issues since the DH CPZ came in suggest people email the council if they have concerns Richard Livingstone is the Cllr responsible for highways. [email protected]
  5. Am waiting for the project manager to call me to explain what is going on. I have also contacted the council.
  6. Really annoyed about this, total the lack of information and prior notice for residents. Our car wasn't parked on Adys Rd (as per usual!)and no notices were put through residents doors. Instead we saw the notice on other parked cars many of whom discarded the letter and the plastic wallet it was in on the floor when they went to leave the area. I tried to contact the resident liaison officer via the details provided but the mobile went to voicemail and had no response by email. 4 months of parking suspension in an already congested area is ridiculous, especially coming after the recent CPZ has been done creating additional pressure. The area leafleted was massive and if indeed all of this is subject to a suspension that's a huge amount of parking spaces. It comes into force on Monday and the letter also states that lorries and vans will be loaded / uploading from the containers - where will they be travelling to and what is the plan to manage this additional traffic?
  7. alex_b Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------ > > I'm not sure I follow the logic. My (unscientific) > observation is that most traffic down Adys is > through traffic (often commercial/goods); > presumably as a cut through from Peckham High St > (and North) down to the A205. I don't see why > parking restrictions will reduce that traffic > volume. I accept it may improve traffic flow and > hence reduce road rage, but at the cost of > increased speed. See comments from others about the CPZ reducing traffic and the roads generally being quieter after implementation. I agree it won't stop it being used as a cut through by commercial vehicles but it should stop the additional commuter traffic at the rush hours driving round looking for parking - even a reduction in this traffic will help. The road rage is unbearable so i'd vote for the CPZ just to reduce that. As for speeding, the volume of traffic makes this unrealistic and at the bottom end we have 2 consecutive high and hard speed bumps (we get the noise and vibrations every time someone drives over them) to slow traffic right down as a result of someone going straight through the front of one of the houses on Oglander some years ago. Can;t see how people will be able to drive faster as a result of improved parking and more passing spaces given the volume of traffic and the anti speeding measures already in place.
  8. TTW Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We have just had the new CPZ implemented on > Chadwick Rd (11-1pm only). During the heated CPZ > consultation process, lots of people tried to > claim that stories about commuters parking on the > road to walk to Peckham Rye were a myth, despite > clear evidence to the contrary. Since the new CPZ > has come in, the number of cars parked on the > street has reduced by 50% or more (probably pushed > to your roads - sorry) and we can actually park > near our house (helpful with two small children). > There is also noticeably less traffic and noise on > the street. This is what I have seen in the Lyndhurst Road area and had as feedback from other friends who live in the CPZs which is why i am in favour and do feel it will address some of the broader issues in relation to traffic volume and road rage on Adys Road.
  9. alex_b Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We have occasional spaates of it on Adys, where I > wind up parking on nearby streets or down by the > park, but by and large it?s ok. Could it be that > as the houses are slightly narrower there are more > houses per metre of road? Or perhaps more houses > split into flats? It is odd that Nutbrook is so > much worse than other streets. We must be on opposite ends of the street!! It's terrible down at the Oglander Road end. We have lived here for nearly 11years and it's got progressively worse - the first issue was the council making the end of Crystal Palace Road no right turn around 4 years ago forcing all the traffic and HGVs straight on down into the Adys Road area where the streets are too small to cope (note the constant knocking over of the bollards!) Then the introduction of the CPZ's at Lyndhurst Grove meant a further increase in commuters parking (i've followed lots of them to the station in the morning and we can park more easily at weekends before people say this isn't a cause) and of course more recently the Denmark Hill CPZ. Apart from the challenge parking (i don't expect to park outside but reasonably nearby would be great) means there are no passing spaces for cars. This end of Adys Road the street isn't wide enough for 2 cars to pass so almost every night there are road rage incidents, damage to vehicles, car horns blaring at each other. It's horrific to live with. Seeing how pleasant it now is around the Lyndhurst Grove area and how easy it is to park since the CPZ was brought in i am now hugely in favour. Being the only area left without one is crazy and it's obvious all the issues previously faced by other areas will now be displaced here if it doesn't go ahead!
  10. It doesn't serve all ages and that is hugely disappointing. It's really poor for the under 5s and even our 5 year old needed help and very close supervision as others have already said, things with too big a gap unless they are taller, very fast slides etc. Our 2.5 year old just gets frustrated. The pumps and diggers are too stiff / hard for her to use by herself, she is desperate to go on the slides and climb but is far too small. I can't take both our children there together if i am on my own which is ridiculous. Given there are already adventure playgrounds at PR (age 7 plus) & Denmark Hill (age 5 plus) and the large playground on the corner of Adys Rd that all serve the older age group well it's really frustrating that this is so toddler unfriendly. At Brockwell the older and younger ones can play really happily together in the sand and water area, but it's such a trek on the awful number 37 service to get there. Pleased we have a new facility but such a shame it wasn't designed to be inclusive. A real missed opportunity for Peckham Rye here I think.
  11. I've been frustrated many times by others using these spaces without children. So much so i have tackled Sainsbury's about it. They don't own the car park and so aren't responsible for policing use of the spaces (which is why people continue to abuse both the disabled and parent and child spots) Those selfish enough to do this in the first place don't respond to being called out on the tannoy either. The staff who work on the customer services say it's the most common complaint at this store and really frustrating for them.
  12. I can vouch for Lea, She's really lovely and very reliable. Any questions, please ask. Thanks Lea.Vladia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey, > > I am a French au pair in Peckham Rye and I have > lots of free time, and I would like to do > something to earn money, i love dogs (and any > other animals)and I ve always been living with > them, I know how to take care and I would like to > work with animals in my future. So if you need > someone loving and caring but responsible with > dogs, I can be this person for you ! I know how to > manage big dogs as I have a husky in France so > that is not a problem for me. If you have any > question, please send me an email or a text and i > ll be happy to answer any question you could have, > I can understand that you need to trust the person > who will take your dog out our look after him ! > smiling smiley If you need me to take care of > others animals, i can too, I ve had horses, dogs, > cats, guinea pig and birds. > Looking forward to talk to you ! > +447455824528 > > L?a
  13. I can vouch for Lea, she's really lovely and very responsible. Any questions, please ask! Thanks Lea.Vladia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey, > > I am a French au pair in Peckham Rye and I have > lots of free time, and I would like to do > something to earn money, i love dogs (and any > other animals)and I ve always been living with > them, I know how to take care and I would like to > work with animals in my future. So if you need > someone loving and caring but responsible with > dogs, I can be this person for you ! I know how to > manage big dogs as I have a husky in France so > that is not a problem for me. If you have any > question, please send me an email or a text and i > ll be happy to answer any question you could have, > I can understand that you need to trust the person > who will take your dog out our look after him ! :) > If you need me to take care of others animals, i > can too, I ve had horses, dogs, cats, guinea pig > and birds. > Looking forward to talk to you ! > +447455824528 > > L?a
  14. We are in a similar position. I understand that if you defer they essentially miss thereception year and go straight in at year 1. Sadly the rules mean they still have to have left primary by the same point irrespective of any deferred start so they end up in the academic year as they would have anyway. Having spoken to loads of our teacher friends, they all feel that missing reception would exacerbate the issue of them being the youngest and instead we'd be better off trying to work with the school on what additional we and they could do to ensure they cope. However, I'm still really conflicted and would be interested to hear others experience. I heard that Belham are having a deferred intake starting in January (like the old system for summer borns) and something like that sounds like it could be a good solution.
  15. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have an extra box instead of a blue wheely bin, > but why oh why are the new blue bins not a less > obtrusive colour? Why could they not be a darker > blue,eg the blue the existing boxes are, which > would have blended in a little better with the > surroundings? > > My road is now a hideous mass of bright blue bins, > all clearly visible as there is nowhere else to > put them except our miniscule front gardens. > > I'm all in favour of recycling, but not the vile > effect it is having on the visual environment. Totally agree with Sue. The new bins are such a blight, i'm guessing whoever chose the colour doesn't have to live round here!
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