Hello fellow parents! I am thinking about starting a toy box subscription service and would love your opinion as to whether it's actually viable. Starting it mainly because my 2 get so bored with their own toys, we are running out of space and they have far more fun with other people's toys. So basically I would bring a new box of toys every month to your house, whisk away the old ones etc etc.It would be high quality toys, worth far more than the cost of renting them. As well as the regular subscription services, I would also deliver one-off boxes to grandparents, holiday cottages or frankly anywhere you are going with your children. I've put together a very short survey (link below) and if anyone is able to fill it in and let me know if they would subscribe before I do something stupid and follow an idea that no one actually wants I would be hugely grateful! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/K6DBM3X Thank you!!