Perhaps a more direct approach would be to email the head of leasehold management.
they are responsible for both major and service charges.
long ago Service Charges and Major works were 2 separate departments and the people involved knew in detail what was going on. I was told long ago that both service charges and major works were combined. They then had to have knowledge about both even though they had no knowledge.
Got rid of those that knew and load everything on one person for a neighbour hood area.
What do you think could happen?
Found the original news letter 20/21 from Southwark for the brown bin service. In large letters on the front of the invite just £40.00.
What improvements are they now offering to warrant this price?
I had exactly the same problem.
Came and fixed a water meter in and then told me I was using more water than what was going over the Victoria Falls.
Monitored my daily flow and it turned out the meter was faulty and all their figures were wrong.
"As for councillors engaging with school children, it's easy to present ideas to kids then get them to draw their solution as they are in learning mode and believe what they are shown, whereas adults stop and question things so it's a bit of a low trick for a school teacher / councillor mCash "
How very true.
It appears this current generation have learnt their lessons at school well well as they seem to know all the answers to everything without any real life experiences. Not only lessons but social media directs them in the direction required without thought.
As its one of the few travel options where you can break every rule in the book and nothing will happen to you its no surprised if true why cycling has increased.
Blink in a car and you end up with a fine.
I have noticed in "Bellenden Village" area the black monitoring strips are again running across the roads.
Is Southwark planning more information gathering now we are approaching the quiet christmas period to implement new schemes no body wants.
Always appears to happen during many holiday periods.
Perhaps they might like to monitor how many older people have to wait standing for the P13 instead of putting in the large amount of cycle stands for the young and able bodied put in some seating
Also I noticed when I went yesterday the actual space for people is now very limited. two trolleys at the same time and it is impossible to move let allowing allowing for staff to restock the fridges which look a lot smaller.
Not a very nice shopping experience. Who makes these decisions? 5 year olds?
If you are going to Sainsburys today allow a lot of time.
Many shelves are empty, a lot of the stuff has been moved and the staff , if you can find them, have no idea where the new places are.
I gave up and came home.
Good luck