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Green Goose

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  1. Had a Stock Dove in the garden today. Makes a nice change from the usual wood pigeons. It was on the ground picking up the crumbs from the bird feeder above.
  2. Why not visit https://trapbarn.com and get the problem solved?
  3. Not many people like rats so if you want a professional solution, I can supply you with the approved traps and safety tunnels. I can deliver locally or you can purchase direct via my website ... https://www.trapbarn.com I am local and can deliver F.O.C. Please PM if you have any queries.
  4. It is our duty to help eradicate vermin - especially the non-native types. The grey squirrel is a foreign species which has proliferated and displaced our native red squirrels almost to the point of extinction. The reds are only to be found in a parts of Scotland a few minutes enclaves in England like the Isle of Wight. Grey squirrels are officially classified as vermin and anyone is entitled to take control measures. In fact it is our obligation to take positive action. This can be done legally provided the DEFRA approved equipment is used in the specified manner. I can supply you with the approved traps and safety tunnels. I can deliver locally or you can purchase direct via my website www.trapbarn.com An approved humane trap is only ?10.50 and the tunnel ?13.00. Please PM if you have any queries. Here is some supporting links?. https://www.forestry.gov.uk/fr/infd-7rlgm2 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/sep/27/red-squirrel-population-northern-italy http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/newssummary/news_5-6-2014-14-51-16 https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/squirrel-pox-and-other-squirrel-diseases
  5. Can we have today's sitrep please.
  6. Green Goose

    8 June

    JoeLeg Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Green Goose Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > JoeLeg Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Green Goose Wrote: > > > > Do nogt forget the Labour government survived a > > motion of no confidence in December 1978 by ten > > votes after negotiating the support of the > Ulster > > Unionists. > > > > > > Party leaders, in my view, will do anything to > get > > back in to power. Similarly MP's will > compromise > > their views to get elected so I would not rule > > anything out. A supply and confidence > arrangement > > can be made to appear palatable to most. > > I agree with the principle of what you say, but I > think Labour/DUP is a bridge too far. Nothing's > impossible in politics, but in this day and age I > just can't see it happening. Well, stranger things HAVE happened. In 1979 the SNP went through the division lobby with the Tories to defeat Callaghans govt in a vote of no confidence. OK, it wouldnt happen today but it did.
  7. Green Goose

    8 June

    JoeLeg Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Green Goose Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > JoeLeg Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Well then GG, ain't it lucky it's just the > > > bigoted, racist, reactionary, religiously > > driven > > > idiots with links to terrorists that we have > to > > > deal with? > > > > > > As you yourself pointed out, there's a lot of > > of > > > overlap at the fringes. > > > > If the election result was switched between Con > & > > Labour, most of Labour would be sorely tempted > to > > do a deal with the DUP after 7 years out of > power. > > Even JC might compromise a few of his > principles > > to become PM. If he didn't then there might be > a > > coup. > > They might be tempted but I doubt it would happen. > The DUP is anathema to Labour, and loathe Corbyn > and McDonnell personally. > > A Labour minority would be doing confidence and > supply with the LibDems I reckon. Do not forget the Labour government survived a motion of no confidence in December 1978 by ten votes after negotiating the support of the Ulster Unionists. Party leaders, in my view, will do anything to get back in to power. Similarly MP's will compromise their views to get elected so I would not rule anything out. A supply and confidence arrangement can be made to appear palatable to most.
  8. Green Goose

    8 June

    JoeLeg Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well then GG, ain't it lucky it's just the > bigoted, racist, reactionary, religiously driven > idiots with links to terrorists that we have to > deal with? > > As you yourself pointed out, there's a lot of of > overlap at the fringes. If the election result was switched between Con & Labour, most of Labour would be sorely tempted to do a deal with the DUP after 7 years out of power. Even JC might compromise a few of his principles to become PM. If he didn't then there might be a coup.
  9. Green Goose

    8 June

    Lordship 516 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The DUP consist of ex-paramilitary > members/sympathizers - Ulster Resistance & UVF > Hard on maintaining relationship with the rest of > the United Kingdom at any cost > Climate change deniers > Hard on Civil Rights > Hard on abortion > Hard on Gay marriage & LBGT rights - how they will > get on with the new openly gay Taoiseach will be > interesting > Hard on immigration - racist & sexist overtones > throughout their history even from Arlene Foster - > described Michelle O'Neill as 'blonde' > Agreed entirely. The DUP are stuck in a 1970's time warp. But hang on a bit, that's just like Jeremy who wants to take us back to nationalisation, union militancy, widespread strikes, flight of capital, plus wastefull spending funded by borrowing leading to devaluation of Sterling.
  10. Green Goose

    8 June

    red devil Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Green Goose Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > I reckon you will lose your bet. It will be > much > > closer to, if not, a hung parliament. The young > > (naive & idealistic) voters are highly > motivated > > this time and will be a major factor. > > Goosey calling it right... I?ve come in for a bit of opprobrium in the forum (some of it understandable) from a few who disagreed with my robust take on certain issues, so your acknowledgement of my forecast is appreciated. How did I call it, you may ask? Let me start by saying I voted, but neither Tory or Labour. I took a totally objective stance (some may say cynical) and assessed only key factors. In descending order of importance here?s what I rated. 1. The word on the street was that many, many more youngsters were registering to vote than ever before. They are na?ve and idealistic. They are heavily into social media where there is lots of fake tweets created by twitterbots. 2. Many voters go for the party that will give them a positive pecuniary outcome. They will compromise their ideals if there is a financial benefit. That said, the biggie (for the new voters and their parents) was scrapping tuition fees and wiping out earlier tuition debt. Then there was the triple lock and the winter fuel allowance and scares about senior bus passes. Few understand that, just like with credit cards, govts cannot just keep on borrowing to meet day to day expenses ? debt always bites you in the bum in the end. 3. The middle-aged and elderly are mostly influenced by TV coverage. The coverage, as always, was biased against the Tories ? e.g. sneering Laura Keunnesberg. 4. TM came across as weak and did U-turns. She depended solely on Fiona Hill & Nick Timothy, her advisors, who got the strategy wrong and they sidelined Lynton Crosby who is a known winner. They didn?t exploit the dangers of nationalisation, union influence and fiscal indiscipline. They made Brexit an issue when they need not have done. They didn?t attack Labour, 5. JC surprised everybody by coming across as a cuddly avuncular type who could be trusted. 6. Never, ever be influenced by the bookies odds. They make money, almost always. They would have pulled in a massive amount with their offer of 1/4 on for a Con overall majority. Getting a 25% return on your money is not bad at all. Now guess who I voted for.
  11. Let's have a photo when you have it cornered. If you really want to catch it here is one way that does work and is based on the fact that rats and mice feel most comfortable when moving about if they have contact with a vertical surface. Thats why they run along. walls and love tunnels. The bits you need are... 1. A six foot length of plastic down pipe. 2. A pair of latex gloves. 3. A roll of gaffer tape 4. A glue trap for rats or mice. 5. Hacksaw. Put on the gloves to minimise human scent. (VIP) Now, cut the length of pipe in half. Roll the glue trap into a tube that is marginally smaller than the inside diameter of the pipe. The sticky side must be on the inside of the roll. Slip the glue trap roll halfway into one end of the pipe. Secure it with a little tape. Take the other piece of pipe and slip it over the other half of the glue trap roll. Use the gaffer tape to join the two pieces of pipe. Place the pipe on the floor along a wall say behind the sofa. If you can get the sofa up tight against the pipe then so much better. Go to pub and have a few pints then come back and check. If it is not there go back to pub. Repeat as necessary. Better still get a Mark 4 from https://trapbarn.com GG
  12. Many people will own Santander shares as a result of the take-over of Abbey National some years ago. So today's news that Santander has been leaned on to take over the failing Popular Bank is not good news. This enforced take-over has come about as a result of a directive from Brussels (under their SRB policy) as a means of avoiding a state bailout. Even though this is a problem with a Spanish bank, the govt there cannot step in financially because of the EU. This is very similar to Lloyds being leaned on by Gordon Brown to take over HBOS and as we all know it put Lloyds under govt control in the end. Existing shareholders of Santander will be faced with a cash call to the tune of ?6.1 Bn. More may needed to be raised later. Just shows how all-pervading Brussels control can be. I sold my A.N. shares years ago so I just wish remaining Santander share owners in the UK the best of luck.
  13. Drat Robbin, you spoiled it.
  14. Green Goose

    8 June

    rendelharris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For your information, Mr.Goose, divertissement, > while obviously derived from the French as is so > much of our language, is listed in the Oxford > English Dictionary as an English word with its > first recorded usage as such noted as 1719. > Therefore only an ignoramus would think that it > should be italicized or placed in inverted > comments . RH, had you used it in the context of music it would have been appropriate but your actual words were... Quote "dealing with you is anything other than a minor divertissment in my teabreak" Unquote Like JayW, you were just showing off.
  15. Green Goose

    8 June

    jaywalker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I do hope you are right GG. > > As for ressentiment, there was no misspelling. > > The great thing is that there is hope even for > you. You do not have to be able to afford to buy > the Genealogy of Morals, you could just look on > Wikepedia under ressentiment (if you do, please > make a donation to that excellent site in > penance). > I raised the point, as I said, "for the sake of good order" as the normal protocol, when using foreign words, is to use italics or inverted comments. The "resentment" spelling is good enough for most of us without you having to underline your assumed intellectual/educational superiority. You have much in common with RH and his use of divertissement.
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