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Everything posted by Fuschia

  1. Though the treatment would start off with a blue asthm pump anyway
  2. Two of my children have been allergy tested via the asthma clinic One is allergic to cats and dust mites The other ditto plus dogs I think gp can refer to the allergy clinic direct
  3. My youngest is there Call them and go for a visit
  4. Report it to trading standards?
  5. EYEwateringly expensive I meant
  6. I would go for a cheap kids Saturday session somewhere New films out are mouthwateringly expensive I took a total of 4 to see nemo 3d, cost me upwards of ?50 all told snd they weren't even very impressed First time I took no 1, it was Cars, he was more impressed by the music in the toilets and he insisted endlessly that he wanted the loo so he could break dance in the loos!
  7. Amott rd Buds If you just want a gentle introduction to nursery, try magic moments cr?che 10-12 By the harvester ?10 a session Lovely place
  8. It's college ward I think
  9. Just called them because I hadn't realised a prescription had run out. Really helpful receptionist who said she would get their on site pharmacist to provide enough to tide me over if not possible to get a repeat today.
  10. Child passports can be renewed same day. I think you might need to go to another city to get an appt though Good luck
  11. How about saturdsy morning cinema Or a film and choose your own pizza toping at your house!
  12. Transport museum followed by mooch round covent garden and lunch ? I second the docklands museum too Though the main exhibits probably more for the adults and older ones
  13. Maths at ks2 seems to have suffered some disaster in 2012 http://dashboard.ofsted.gov.uk/dash.php?urn=100801 English results were good And ks1 msths was good
  14. Heber nursery is very nice and integrated well with reception Personally I would try to keep the child in the same school all through early years, if possible
  15. Toasted sandwiches and soup Hummous pitta and crudit?s Omelette or frittata Hard boiled eggs grated cheese and salad Pasta salad Baked potato with cheese and sweet corn or beans Baked sweet potato Wraps with hummous and roasted veg Scrambled egg on toast
  16. I haven't, but I wonder if you can just go in to the mau and see a dr there? That would get you into the system
  17. Think it might be asthma or an allergy?
  18. http://m.clothingattesco.com/tesco/product/detail.do?itemId=ak221018 Plimsoles
  19. Sounds like reflux? How about going to kings a and e at a quiet time, weekday say 8am Good chance they will get a paediatrician down to advise
  20. Remember that many children are on 2-6 waiting lists. So the pressure on the lists is less than it might seem.
  21. http://www.stevewiens.com/2013/03/06/these-are-the-lines-of-a-story/
  22. I wouldn't choose for my child to be part of a politically motivated experiment of the scale currently underway in education. More places are urgently needed in a number of areas, and local councils can no longer open new schools - it's left to the likes of Harris and the various free school groups. None of it inspires confidence. Even the academies commission is incredibly cautious. I am so unhappy with the whole Harris edifice, and likely to get place only at Harris boys, we are moving ou if the area this summer, hopefully. It shouldn't be necessary. Every child should gave access to a nearby prinary and secondary place, planned in a coordinated fashion
  23. The involvement of academy chains in prinary education is rather unproven. http://m.guardian.co.uk/education/2013/mar/25/education-harris-academies-curriculum 'The only two Harris primaries to have had inspection verdicts published as of last week were Harris primary academy Peckham Park, in south London, and Harris primary academy Chafford Hundred, in Essex. Both have received "requires improvement" judgments from inspectors. The Peckham Park school is the only one of Harris's five primaries to have been open last academic year and therefore to have Sats data to report. Yet its results fell sharply compared with the year before Harris took over, from 90% of pupils achieving level four in both English and maths to 65% after a year under Harris.'
  24. Heber's policy is not to authorise term time holidays. We had a request refused in the past. We are having a trip to meet up with relatives over from Australia shortly though. We will ask, it will be refused... We will still go. Like you, the chance to meet up with family can't be missed really
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