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Helen GV

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Everything posted by Helen GV

  1. I don't really know, but wanted to sympathise! I would be inclined to give her food if she is hungry (dry toast/rice cakes maybe)if only to avoid the distress of hunger. Perhaps call your GP and check? Will you have to take her with you to the laundrette? If you need help I can take the sheets for you, my dad is here from NZ so can watch my little one. Helen
  2. gosh, sometimes that would be 4am for me! I'm lighter by a few kilos (also had to watch my diet closely due to gestational diabetes) but not as firm (and as i wasn't really firm before thats not saying much) and since breastfeeding one boob is a couple of cup sizes larger than the other. Also I have more thread veins on my legs and my tummy is a bit crepe paper-like... HOWEVER my arms are much better now due to lifting and carrying my son and pramming (hurrah!) not quite linda hamilton in terminator but i'm sure i saw a bicep the other day :)-D
  3. Thanks everyone, this morning it was my toes, though I moved in time.. Hopefully it will pass soon, with some discouragement! x
  4. My 13 month old son has started biting me! Not while feeding thankfully but he'll pull himself up while I'm doing the dishes for example and take a chunk out of my leg! I have tried saying 'please don't bite me, it hurts', and I have tried yelping loudly, but he gets upset and out comes the bottom lip and the tears... He bit me on the chin while we were at the doctors the other day and I had to go and check for blood (there wasn't any but it really hurt...) Any ideas of causes or solutions/ experience of similar..? Helen
  5. I became a step kid to a 30 year old when I was 12, it wasn't easy for anyone really! MInd you when both families were there we numbered 10 so there were bound to be difficulties... I didn't mind my step mother but there were tensions between her and my mum, and her and my little sister, and of course my loyalties lay with my family. It can be so complicated as there are so many dynamics in play with step families, never mind when you add teenage girls to the mix! Don't put all the pressure on yourself to make things work, it's up to everyone to help, and if they're unwilling then there's not a lot you can do.
  6. And don't forget to drink loads of water!
  7. I think Mr GV would be well up for a pint with other dads. I'm sure he would love to chat about bub but also wouldn't complain if there were a football game on in the background...
  8. I was also induced and to be honest it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Painful, yes, but quick! All the best Heidi Hi
  9. Thanks Elly, good to know!
  10. Has anyone done this recently who can tell me how long the process took? I am going to a pre-registration meeting at the end of Sept... Thanks Helen
  11. My upstairs neighbour has a two year old who goes there three days a week and loves it... no personal experience though sorry!
  12. That I am not susie homemaker and have no such aspirations cause a bit of friction in our house! I AM making an effort to keep things clean and tidy, but I would rather spend time doing fun things with bub. and, um, keeping up to date with the family room(s) on this fine forum... I work also but only two or three (part)days per week so it is up to me I guess to keep house, it's just that my husband and I have different ideas of what a kept house is... *sigh*
  13. The Nappy Lady Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pmsl Fuschia, that reminds me of by eldest when > just out of nappies...she developed a poo phobia > and would hold it in until she just 'had to go' > then try to run away from it...we were in France > on holiday at the time and on more than one > occassion I had to chase her along the beach with > a nappy sack trying to 'catch' and apologising to > others as I went. > Nightmare. too funny... definately a story for her 21st.
  14. yes, congratulations! The antibiotics are not nice, my little boy needed them as well and his tiny feet looked like pin cushions! And I felt like a horrible mother wheeling him towards those massive (not really) needles at midnight... But better to be sure there is no infection, and over soon enough. congrats again, and love the name!
  15. my waters broke at 36+2 and I had to stay in the hospital until they finally induced me three days later. I was dreading the induction but it was fine in the end, from the first little contraction to birth it was 4 hours (By which time I had asked for an epidural but was told I was already too far along...) Good luck :))
  16. we just had meatballs and rice, fastest meal I've made in a while! good quality beef mince breadcrumbs egg mixed herbs grated parmesan mix together and make little balls, fry them while the rice is cooking, serve with a big green salad, yum yum
  17. Me too, I have a 9 month old boy
  18. also there's www.deezer.com, similar site from the sounds of things...
  19. I'd vote for you.
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