Referring to reForm Architects? design for Rotherhithe Bridge Ian R wrote; ?It didn't get any prize or mention in the main competition.? It?s a shame if someone is going to the trouble of commenting that they don?t bother to check their facts. ReForm?s design in fact won one of the Special Awards which are the most prestigious of the NLA Awards. This is recorded in the first section of the NLA book celebrating all the shortlisted and award winning entries- see attached page. All shortlisted projects in all categories were eligible, and rather than being decided by a group of professionals was decided by a vote open to anyone. Ian R got one thing right though, when he quoted the NLA who said that the design ?...celebrates the will of two communities to have a link across the river. Receiving an overwhelming number of votes from these two neighbourhoods...? I voted for it as it will benefit East Dulwich and all South East London, and needs support to get the funding it needs. Ian R... If you want to be miserable and negative about others? posts, at least get your facts right!