Hi Dom, congratulations, to your wife and yourself. My suggestions are make time for you and your wife whilst baby is growing inside mummy, make mummy as comfortable and happy as possible, foot massages, leg massages, back massages, aromatherapy baths, pregnancy massages at "Therapy" in Melbourne Grove. Manicure, pedicures Go to pregnancy water aerobics with her at one of the leisure centres. Sing and talk to baby whilst in the womb. Still enjoy what you're doing now and when the bundle of joy arrives still do what you're doing now, with one lovely addition. Pack a luxurious bag of essential items and goodies for labour day, to make your wife's stay in hospital a happy one. (I am just presuming it's a hospital stay) Make sure you always have enough petrol in the car, or the arrangements to get her to hospital. Look after yourselves and enjoy the experience.