I was stopped outside the coop once and a young man asked me which bus to get to Waterloo, so I told him to get on a 176 at which he said 'could I have the bus fare, please' ha at least he said please, I didnt give him the bus fare as had no change. Yes, this was a new scam on me to get money out of people. I literally thought he just wanted the directions. Another time a man stopped me and told me a sob story about his Aunt who was ill in Bromley and he had no way of getting there and needed ?4.00 to get a travel card, I fell for that one, as he sounded so convincing. The next week he tried the same thing on me again, obviously he didn't recognise me. I told him in no uncertain terms to rack off. Another time I gave a beggar a bag of apples, he smiled from ear to ear. Sometimes you just don't know who is genuine. ps sorry for spelling mistakes if there are any, I wouldn't know as I don't know how to spell. ha ha ha