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Everything posted by expat

  1. I did the link: noting from 1945 that I could see
  2. "You'll Never Walk Alone" is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, Carousel. AFAIK
  3. >Well I LIKE the Queen. But She is not getting married
  4. congratulions
  5. >He is about an hour or so a drive from Helsinki - out in the sticks. I confess to not know Finland very well but if he is out in the sticks and not in the 'big' city I would say go or it...
  6. Is he in Helsiki? If not I am with Sean - go for it.
  7. >told her this will remained confidential. so why do you say the line manager discussed it with other staff?
  8. have not had a drink sibce August 2010.....
  9. simple really: supply the recent by-election and eclection reults in question for all parties
  10. >So no victory, but since by-elections are generally not good for parties in government, it's not bad news. Not bad news at >all. I am sure loz can supply the voting details of the previous election as well as this one....for all prties
  11. so in the recent by-election the lib-dem went from coming seond by just over 100 votes to coming second by over 4000 votes. Some victory
  12. >This thread currently has 12448 Views but they are not unique views
  13. >Am I not allowed to sing the national anthem in case people find it divisive or offensive yep go to Westminster Abbey to celebrate and sing...
  14. > She dropped it So what is the dilemma?
  15. Here is some stats of visitors http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?12,467368,467424#msg-467424
  16. next they will move the ley lines :)-D
  17. Had another thought this afternoon while listening to a couple of Dulwich yummy mummies chatting in Luca. Apparently they're not at all keen on the idea of schlepping their offspring to the cinemas in Peckham or Brixton because they aren't comfortable about them "mixing with the locals". I'm not going to comment on the attitude one way or the other, but it's a niche market that might offer an opportunity. Mrs Expat
  18. From a very selfish personal perspective, I'd like to see the number of stalls increased and Sunday opening added. I can see that it would be necessary though to look at ways of mitigating the impact on residents living on North Cross itself and immediately adjacent streets. I used to live practically on top of Petticoat Lane market and it was being woken by the noise of stallholders and market staff setting up early on a Sunday morning that aggravated me most of all. So, putting myself into the North Cross residents shoes for a moment, I think I'd ask that on Sunday the market shouldn't open before 11.00am with no set-up taking place before 10.30am - but that's just me of course. (Mind you, might be willing make an exception for one stallholder selling freshly baked crusty bread, croissants, muffins or other breakfast goodies...) I think the idea of a farmers' market treads a bit close to the existing farmers' market at Dulwich College. Decades ago when I spend alternate Saturday mornings trailing around Stockport market with my mum, there was a section dedicated to stalls selling things like dress patterns, dress fabrics, curtain fabrics, knitting wool, reconditioned sewing machines, zips and buttons, cane for basketry work, leather work supplies, rug making gear, picture framing materials and a bunch of other things that I've either forgotten or never properly understood in the first place. Given the austerity and make-do-and-mend flavour that the world seems to be taking on at the moment, maybe that would be a fresh angle to explore? For the record, our postcode is SE22 9QH Mrs Expat
  19. What a fantastic idea! And couldn't we use the forum to gather groups together for particular films? Any takers for Stand By Me, with some Southern soul food before or after (or both)? I'd love to see that again. And and and.... anyone for Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid? Mrs Expat
  20. You can definitely add me to the list of those wholeheartedly in favour of the idea. Preferably in place of Iceland. I doubt whether Badger Bakery is struggling because of the competition from Sainsbury. The fact that two other independent bakers have opened in the area in the last 18 months (Luca and Blackbird) strikes me as more likely to impact on the poor old Badger. Mrs Expat
  21. >accidental death in the apartment. So I ask again how was the body disposed off in such a way nobody has found it?
  22. Hill Dweller will get banned
  23. Assuming (and it is a big assumption) Maddie died in the appartment how was the body disposed off in such a way no-one elase has been able to find it?
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