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Mick Mac

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Everything posted by Mick Mac

  1. Are your children finished at Alleyns now James?
  2. I have missed out on a margin point by a single point in the last two matches. Got the score within 6 points and got nout for my nous.
  3. Yes very interesting article from a historical perspecrive. Of course DC was there long before any state schools even existed.
  4. DovertheRoad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Big opening tonight. I want a big plate of chips! I'm surprised at your level of interest in this venture DTR, do you know the guys setting it up? I'm keen to see it up and running. I guess with ventures like this if the chef leaves you probably need to be able to jump in and get your hands dirty in the kitchen or have a plan b . Esp if it's mainly burger and chips?
  5. tiddles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Its all ok! The posters in the window say The > palmerston is only closed for a refurb and is > reopening > At the end of june! No mention of the spotty pig > at all - hirrah!! This is presumably irony? Surely.
  6. fishbiscuits Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Terroirs is good. But more of a lunch-with-kids > place for us Have not thought of it as a place to go to with the kids. I think I'd send the kids across the road to GBK whilst I ate some nice Terroirs food. Not selfish at all. Monkatsu however would be good for kids. Although theyd much prefer Wagamama, as would I.
  7. tiddles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Interesting -my youngsters and their friends are > determined to vote - loads coming back from > manchester > University esp for that reason (and possibly a > quick hop over to the rye this weekend) > > Good on them!! I imagine the hop over to the Rye trumps the vote as a reason for coming.
  8. Captain Marvel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > When our two gerbils Ronnie and Reggie died, we > buried them at sea > > RIP Ronnie and Reggie. Great lads.
  9. I'm having difficulty telling whether this is a troll thread or a thread full of trolls.
  10. Sorry all, yes, was locked to a bikerack outside Beauty shop. No CCTV covered that particular spot. Was a normal combination lock in both cases. Thx
  11. My wife had her bike stolen this afternoon from outside the new Beauty Shop near the small Sainsburys at about 3pm. Please let us know if you saw any suspicious activity. The bike was a hybrid with a basket on the front. Last week my daughter had her bike stolen outside Dulwich Library. Both bikes were locked. Obviously as the locations are close to each other it could be the same thief or gang so please take care with your bikes in that area. Thx
  12. I cant do it I'm afraid Mike - have work drinks
  13. I love midget gems. I'm happy.
  14. nxjen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Freehold owned by Jamie and Paul Rigby who > > Lease to > > Enterprise who > > Sub-lease to Jamie and this sub-lease is due to > expire in June. I'm wondering if this originated as a "sale and leaseback" - would only be the case if EI were the Freeholder before Jamie - and dont know how to check this 15 years ago: EI (tbc) owned pub freehold, but have no tax deductible expense. EI sell FH to Jamie, on the understanding that he will then offer to lease it back to them on the long lease. EI get cash from the sale of the freehold EI's annual lease cost to Jamie is tax deductible - they have therefore created an ongoing tax deductible expense out of an asset they previously owned EI creates a sub lease to Jamie out of the long lease, perhpas 15 years - all is friendly EI decides after 15 years not to renew the short lease. As freeholder who has granted a long lease Jamie has no control over this EI now free to either create a new short sub lease for the remainder of the long lease term to a new venture, or take over the running of the pub themselves under the long lease If EI feel that they had undercharged for the original 15 year sub lease, and will charge significantly more for the new sub lease they may have offered this renewal to Jamie at a rate that was too expensive for him to continue - or they may have just, as is assumed, not wanted to continue working with him, full stop.
  15. alice Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Those who knew him will miss him. of cousre and apart from anything else, its an absolutley brutal way to die. Horrific. poor man. with so much knife crime, there will be more knives "needed" for protection and it will esculate further if there is not a structured approach put in place to reduce this epedemic.
  16. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Hong Hong is by far the best Chinese t/a in the > area but is in the opposite direction to my place > and food gets cold by the time I get home. I like Magic Wok by the Plough.
  17. Robert Poste's Child Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If the account in the Metro is correct, a gang war > seems very unlikely. Really? i havent seen that mentioned anywhere.
  18. Loutwo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello everyone. > > After a period of abstention I have had time to > reflect on my reckless behaviour last year. I > realised that I needed time to reinvent my image > on the forum, and as my long standing username had > been rightly deleted by admin, it was only correct > for me to step away from the forum and consider my > actions. I had put the administrator in a terrible > position numerous times and they had every right > to delete my account. If I have upset anyone > previously I would like to apologise now. I hope > everyone is well. I will try not to involve myself > in any class related conversations, and aim to be > as nice as I can muster for 2019. > > Louisa. This was written for you by either A) admin or B) your lawyers
  19. seenbeen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The lights were on in the school at night, all > night, throughout the whole of the Christmas > Holidays and, over the past weekend, the lights > were on and some windows were open- so our council > tax money is being spent 'wisely'- it looks like a > case or two of 'the lights are on but there is > no-one home' If you only had the Internet, you could find their number and call them. what a shame.
  20. I still think the best part of this thread was the shopper's reaction to being questioned. "I'm ok with it thanks" :) I asked him to not do this but to use a shopping basket like all the other customers. (or words to that effect). I was assertive but polite. His very calm reply was ?I?m ok with it, thanks? and to continue putting items directly in his calico bag.
  21. Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Thanks Mick. I think it's my only talent. I'm guessing this is non sarcastic?
  22. Lynne Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My husband just politely tried to warn a woman > parking across the notorious dropped kerb in Lacon > Rd. that she risked a parking ticket. Her reply? > "F..k off and mind your own business" That's funny. :)
  23. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This person must surely have been mentally ill? i agree, there has to be something seriously wrong for a reaction like that, to a haircut.
  24. Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Apologies, my last remark was a bit sarcastic. You're getting good at the old sarcasm.
  25. savvygirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This is the correct procedure when shopping, > unless you're royalty and the rules don't apply: > Enter store, pick up shopping basket/trolley, put > items in shopping basket/trolley, take to check > out, empty shopping basket/trolley, pay for items, > put in own personal shopping bag (calico or > otherwise) and depart store. Or enter store, pick up items, pay for them, exit. Dont steal anything.
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