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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. Narnia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Japers W**f, where do you find this stuff? ________________________________________ "IT" finds me Narnia Though the sales spiel is I think, marvelous The "Brief Safe" is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you're traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4" x 10" secret compartment with Velcro closure and "special markings" on the lower rear portion. Leave the "Brief Safe" in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room - even the most hardened burgler or most curious snoop will "skid" to a screeching halt as soon as they see them. (Wouldn't you?) Made in USA. One size. Color: white (and brown). W**F
  2. I know things are bad.... http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/spyville_2125_45509887 But really, is this how far we have to go to keep our money safe Nice skids though, no ? W**F
  3. Hal said > > What's left - luxury items like whiskey and wine > are doing well right now but how long before Asian > fakes flood those markets too? __________________________ Yep Then the Oriental fakes of the Asian fakes It's unstoppable you know W**F
  4. Start a genuine Top Tips thread Then see it descend into the mire W**F ( I know...I know, I'm guilty as charged but.... )
  5. felt-tip Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yes I noticed that the little bike signs were > painted there too so I've been continuing to cycle > down the one-way. > > Cycle-bashers - jog on. ________ ------------------------------- Tee hee That's cheered me up no end W**F
  6. 0
  7. HAL9000 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > woofmarkthedog Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I'm ... > > I saw what you wrote before the edit - was that a > Freudian slip or what? :) -------------------- Ha... No Hal just my usual mucking about * closes back door & turns key in lock * Funny though W**F
  8. Storm Cock W**F
  9. " I'm with you "b] * did I just say I'm with you ? " ( I meant to say "I'm with you " ) "I'm with you " W**F
  10. ianr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And ...? ---------------------------- Exactly... Anyway Downton Abbey is on soon so who GAF W**F
  11. Ok If I was stuck somewhere with someone & there was fire & a few herbs to hand, then it wouldn't be long before I started "fantasizing" about tasty marinades & how to cook/eat them Really, then a good stock would be made with the bones ( I do believe in the nose to coccyx ethos, it's disingenuous to eat some one for their fillets alone ) * lights oven * W**F
  12. TheArtfulDogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > slightly outside the area but just returned from a > fantastic facial at jh skincare and traffic is > backing up from the south circular on to sydenham > and maybe further afield > > any ideas _____________________________________ http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zp2LXPlMjGQ/Sw6VsZM6hSI/AAAAAAAAJwY/tRBaCmIiDz4/s1600/quasimodo-20whipped-20closeup.jpg " JH skincare rocks "
  13. I agree with *Bob* It's a joy... ( steve T finds life a grind in general, bless him though, he's here & that's what counts ;-)) W**F
  14. Wilhelm Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've seen this chap. On one occasion he was what > looked like a'Beau Geste' type hat. Or should that > be chapeau? He certainly has style. ------------------ So.... I'm not dreaming then Wil I often imagine what his other "looks" are LENIN, in a smoking jacket LENIN, in a football kit LENIN, in a "man riding an Emu" costume LENIN, in a canoe eating a pie Who's him ? W**F
  15. I'll have you know.. I am very real indeed * looks at bone * W**F
  16. Nobody really "owns" a brolly A few days out on a bus or train & "ding ding" off it goes on a number 12 or the 7.35 to Victoria "Oh , now I'm sure there's something missing " as you saunter up LSL
  17. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ...buggies get in the way there ----------------------------------- Yes ???? They do, specially when pushed by LENIN W**F
  18. Yes Just add some logs & kindling.. http://www.greenfingers.com/images/superstore/LD0005D_l.jpg
  19. Well..grey you say Though, do tell, who is that stylish retro Communist fashionista strutting up & down with his buggy ( counting tractors ) Hmmmm..? W**F
  20. OK What colour is said hat ?
  21. Have you seen him ?http://rosenblumtv.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/lenin.jpg?w=261&h=337http://www.hatsonline.com/81/records/45/Chevron.%20Black.L.jpg wearing a hat http://s7v1.scene7.com/is/image/JohnLewis/230946926?$product$ pushing a buggy & walking up North Cross Road Do you know him ? W**F
  22. Miners eh....? Bicker, bicker, bicker W**F
  23. I already have a punishment for such people , I just place random items in their abandoned trolley. When the shopper gets to the till they have to audit the trolley or better still, the items wizz through. So when they get home & unpack.... "Eh, what the feck did I buy that for ? " Small joys I know W**F
  24. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1.75m under offer. ____________________________________________ Really.... Well I'd go to 1.65 m ( 5 feet and 4.96 inches imperial ) Also I'd say that front door is "Light Blue 22 by Farrow & Ball " in an oil based exterior Eco eggshell W**F
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