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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. Piff.... Winners play by the rules & you have to be in it to win it "Marshall Mellow" our resident number generator ( he's a bloody clever guinea pig ) will "select" the winners on Friday nite "Inn Nidders" have till 7pm to comply Good luck to everyone Prieszes* are collectable from secret LSL locations ( tbc ) W**F *may vary in quality & value
  2. woofmarkthedog


    waynetta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, this is Picasso, at his most magnificent. > > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/74/Pica > ssoGuernica.jpg _______________________________________________ Oh God I'm back at art school 3 weeks drawing a dry docked trawler Guernica smernica W**F
  3. Ladymuck Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I believe I've just won Willy-Woof - prize(s) > please. ------------------------------ Sorry.. This is the W**FLottery Not ????? vs LM gambling You are now.... "in Nidd" W**F
  4. ♕ KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON (voting) KARTER By Order ✍ The Ministry of W⓪⓪FLotto?
  5. KATIE**89 Yes you are out of "INN NIDD" The Big Drawer is this Friday Nite http://international.stockfood.com/images-pictures/Stuffed%20Turkey%20on%20Cabinet-637938.jpg Nice Turkey & " an open drawer.." Make sure you get your numbers in ......... Plus ....Nominate a number for another Forum-ite & split the winning prieiezes It's going toop be a "cracker" of an evening W**F ( it's feeling quite christmassy, no ? ) Edited to add an xtra o
  6. Well.. One of the worst UK food poisoning outbreaks came from "Desiccated Coconut" It had been repacked & distributed throughout the UK Who'd have thought eh ? W**F
  7. woofmarkthedog


    This is Pricasso ( he paints with his "Nob" BTW ) http://www.inoutstar.com/images/Painting-With-Your-Penis-13084.jpghttp://www.pricasso.com/images/p017_1_01.jpg Not a bad likeness really W**F
  8. No... It's DEAD Score so far Survivors. 1 x phone down the bog ( pre flush 1's + 2's ) 1 x phone into the hot bubble bath ( mid conversation ). Fished out & carried on convo DEAD 1 x Phone/mp3 slid from top pocket straight into glass of decent vino. Never recovered, dead. I still keep trying to revive but not a sausage. It's the sugar content that does it So, seems your I-pod is in " perma- nidd" W**F
  9. woofmarkthedog


    fairyuk24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's the big apple isn't it?! ---------------------------- No... Actually , it's a very small room * rubs chin * W**F
  10. woofmarkthedog


    fairyuk24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's the big apple isn't it?!
  11. woofmarkthedog


    waynetta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I love the amazing use of colour in this one by > Matisse. And the hairy ampits. > > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/54/Odal > isque_with_Arms_Raised.jpg ------------------------------ DJKQ... I think it's time to re-post your infamous " reclining woman with hairy muff " Really , teamed with the above would be perfect In anticipation W**F
  12. http://thebsreport.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/white-flag.jpg
  13. A thread... ( of mine ) ...that reaches 10 pages..... * hand on heart * "I've never been so underwhelmed " W**F
  14. woofmarkthedog


    Art, eh..? Nice Thread * reaches for statins * http://www.artland.co.uk/StevenPearsonWingsofLove.jpg "Just becuase a picture happens to be erotic, does not make it pornographic " W**F
  15. Robert de Niro.. My x-brother in law is in the film biz, he worked on the "Frankenstein" remake with Robert De Niro. He stole/borrowed the wetsuit that R.D.N wore under his costume in the water scenes. I wore it sailing for years & it had his name written across the chest in permanent marker ( do you think he pi55ed in it? ) W**F
  16. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Stop Kids moaning that your caravanning/camping > holiday is boring by setting fire to your > caravan/tent in the middle of the night. If they > survive the inferno they'll be talking about it > for years. ------------------------------------------------------ So ?????'s How IS the holiday going..? W**F
  17. You... *Bob* are not alone, see the vegan outrage here W**F
  18. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ha Ha.... > > ok here goes.... > > 90p ?1.19 45p > > 25p 80p ?1.59 > > > How did I do? lol > > I'd eat all of them btw :)) _____________________________________ Well... Not bad, not bad at all Actually, completely wrong Put it this way, stick with Arments W**F
  19. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The last one looks awesome. _________________________________________ See Jez Now you are a ( pie ) MAN That "pie" actually costs ?3,475 It's made from Pure Lager fed, Sake massaged, Japanese Kobe beef ( not to be confused with Yonezawa beef ) The pastry is hand rolled up the inner thigh by a Miko "shaman woman" Then baked in an oven fired by burning rare & ancient Shinto text Harrods were going to stock them BUT the ( nasty ) Candy Brothers stepped in, buying the whole stock ( to use as door stops ) So there you go, no pie but & good choice ( Top Left: Greggs Beef & Mutton 70.p ) W**F
  20. OK... Take your pick in the WMTDPieLotto http://files.list.co.uk/images/2008/07/17/meatpies.jpg All you need do is "guess" the prices ( no steaks necessary ) W**F
  21. "A welcome present for friends at the front" This was the slogan used by Harrods to sell a gift set during 1916. The pack designed with first world war soldiers in mind contained cocaine, morphene, syringes and needles. Ah, they were the good old pre "Goat Meat" days W**F
  22. Poor Ol Easties This will sort him out.. http://www.iceland.co.uk/system/products/images/785.jpg?1279639661
  23. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Has Daize been on yet? Or maybe the date went > better than she hoped ------------------------------------- You know..... I was thinking just that Its either "helium heels" or an early bottle of wine ( again ) W**F
  24. WARNING A certain player has PM'd me here at W**FLotteryHQ? with an oblique offer of goods, gifts etc however, I see this as a blatant attempt to sway the result of TheW**FLottery? I won't name names publicly BUT this behavior is not acceptable Katie19** You are now "in Nidd" W**F
  25. These are.... ( from china town ) "So yummy" * did I just say that* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_srPZ7uIIGaY/SA0kEfJa60I/AAAAAAAAACU/alLCzmknNDc/s1600/chocomushroom02.jpg W**F
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