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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. katie1997 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > woof - you're a star (tu) _________________________________ Katie**** You too are a W**F Lottery W*I*N*N*E*R So ( as "nidd" number winner ) stand by your station & await instruction Prizes to be "revealed" tonight "live" on W**F TV W**F
  2. Narnia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I won....I won! 999 & 666. What do I get Dog? --------------------------------------------------- See Narnia.. You really did win ( & without any interference from "yours truly" ) 2 "nidd" prizes ( your prizes will be revealed tonight, live here on W**F TV ) I was quite "spooked" 999 & 666 came up together "666.... the mark of the devil " * sinister laughing * W**F ( don't you just love that southern drawl )
  3. Yes.... Here we go , the 2nd Drawer of the Nite * winners, await your pm * W**F
  4. OK here we go.... * drum roll * This is the 1st "Live Drawer" of the Nite ( keep 'em peeled ) W**F
  5. OK I'm here & ready * oh, so exciting * ( but just hang on a Mo longer ) W**F
  6. jrussel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yes, last summer. There was one ground floor flat > on that street where the occupants were making use > of a lot of bad language which was clearly audible > on the street when they had the windows open. > There were often children walking on the street > who would have heard it. On one occasion I made a > polite suggestion that they tone down the volume > and content of their conversations but this was > met with a stream of invective. > > I did hear rumour that persons living in > surrounding properties also made complaints about > the same people, some of them relating to the > noisy discussions and some relating to malodorous > fumes dissipated while they were cooking meals > (again with the window open). I gather that they > had a habit of cooking certain types of food at > inappropriate times of day (for example, heavily > garlic based recipes around breakfast time). > > I no longer have cause to visit that street and a > certain manipulative individual who resided there, > so I do not know if the problem exists this summer > too. ................................................................... Hmmmm, you know what ( for what it's worth ) Now, have some of you spotted that some of J.R's contributions and opinions have been a little, well, unusual. Well, I am going to come clean now, and accuse him of being what many online call a "troll". His name is not, as you have come to believe, J. Russel but "Al Satian" a well known hack who writes for "The National Enquirer" He been doing this simply for his own amusement, however. I bet he's still convinced he's an investigative journalist ( he's " actually at large" from the Maudsley , BTW ) and thinks he's been working on a long-term project ( bless him ) which will culminate with a feature in a national newspaper focussing on certain aspects of the nature of online communities. He thinks it's likely to be published in either September or October of this year - ( such is the extent of his delusion ) I spotted him posting in various different forums, which have been selected ( no doubt ) to represent a wide cross-section of the different common-interest, geographical and socio-economic groups that exist in the form of online communities across the internet.Zzzzzzzz( god did that bit sound boring? soz...) The thing is, in my analysis of what unites and separates these disparate "paps" & groups of feral journalists is, what comparisons can be drawn with the nature of "real-life" communities ? If any of you are uncomfortable with this, then TOUGH LUCK. Naturally, the response to my unveiling of his disguise is to some quite shocking ( yeah, wake up & smell the coffee ) I will be reading the thread with interest. Please do not be disappointed , you just have to realise that I AM brilliantly observant & you are half asleep ( most of the time ): the EDF is just one of 23 different forums I have been monitoring. By the way, don't bother trying to google portions of this post. You heard the "reveal" here first. Ohhhhh come on , it was an easy task I can assure you! Thank you all for your time and I hope you will be pleased to learn that you have been duped by a deranged ( & often very amusing ) HACK Yours W**F
  7. woofmarkthedog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hold up.. > > I'm in talks to have a "known person" of TV fame > to draw one of the winning numbers > > Really, it's true & I'll keep you posted > > Now, I have noticed that some esteemed Forumites > haven't taken up the chance to play the W**FLotto, > so I'm giving others a chance to " nominate " on > their behalf > > To get the ball rolling I'm giving Sean M/Gab big > 69'r > > * he'll love it * > > > W**F ----------------------------------------------- Art You are keen BUT it's a nomination Jeepers Creepers W**F
  8. Hold up.. I'm in talks to have a "known person" of TV fame to draw one of the winning numbers Really, it's true & I'll keep you posted Now, I have noticed that some esteemed Forumites haven't taken up the chance to play the W**FLotto, so I'm giving others a chance to " nominate " on their behalf To get the ball rolling I'm giving Sean M/Gab big 69'r * he'll love it * W**F
  9. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What did i pick again? ________________________________ Probably your nose ? Though of course ( as you've been following each & every turn of this W**FLotto thread ) you know you can have an EXTRA turn "So, pick away MicMac" W**F
  10. & the lottery ?
  11. Trust me.. http://www.zoogstercostumes.com/images/products/ra7265_xl.jpg " I'm a Doctor " * film loops out * " ACTION " W**F
  12. ianr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For those of you who unfortunately missed out on > selecting 1729, I'm now willing to consider offers > for shares in it. _____________________________ Ianr Jeezzz, everyone knows BLUE is bad Come back with a different colour * licks finger * W**F
  13. Act 3 Arch villain "Lon-G John " enters stage Left: http://www.daydreamersfancydress.co.uk/acatalog/longslongsilver.jpg "Argh,where's that baddie Ivor Biggun " "He's behind you...." * stage explosion & lights down * W**F
  14. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > OIH, WMTD STOP COCKING ABOUT! > > Where's my 71 going in all of this? ------------------------------------------- *Tisk* H... Lucky for you my "in Nidd" cards are elsewhere.... Anyway, calm yourself... FRIDAY NITE is http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/514rC2cAsRL._SL500_AA300_.jpg"W**FLottery Drawer Nite " "Keep em peeled" 71 could be L*U*C*K*Y W**F
  15. Here you go Lucky 13 It's all yours W**F
  16. Iran... Shot a fully loaded Warhead at the sun The world went dark & ice covered the planet ( all this just as somebody won the W**FLotto ) Shame W**F
  17. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Must they be whole numbers? It doesn't say. > > If not, can I have pi(e) please. It's my very > very favourite. --------------------------- Well Rosie.. You ( & only you ) could have 3 & 4 (whole numbers)as a lucky pair . Narnia tried pi & rightly ended up "in Nidd" though he was pushing his luck elsewhere Should "Marshall Mellow" pick pi , then I'm sure we can sort out a " Bonus super prieaze* " Lastly, good luck Rosie "They're in the draw & on the board" *polishes numerical balls * W**F
  18. I make the Prof right too.. It's a national scourge though. I was in L.A with an old pal who lives right on the beach & we went to the diner for breakfast. So far so good however, when we ordered he said " I'll have the banana pancakes but hold the banana & hold the cream" I wanted a chicken sandwich "We only do a bacon, chicken club so order that but hold the bacon" " So, I'll get a chicken sandwich then" I said "No, you'll get a bacon, chicken club but the bacon held" I shook my head Why so stupidly complicated W**F
  19. Oh her.... That's the undertakers wife ( her teeth are missing at the front BTW ) W**F
  20. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yippee.....I will take 1000 and 2000 respectively. ------------------------------------------------------ OK DJKQ 1K & 2K http://rookery9.aviary.com.s3.amazonaws.com/4720500/4720900_55be_625x1000.jpghttp://shop.2000adonline.com/images/product_full/sdtr.jpg "They're in the hat Sista... " W**F
  21. Fi Don't worry about it Boys will do this & girls will do that It all comes good in the end I'm now telling my 9 & 6 year old to " Please be quite darlings" ( shut up ) W**F
  22. Good God.. ( doesn't that look good ) I'm soooo "peckish" now.. http://img.timeinc.net/recipes/i/recipes/su/05/08/salmon-bagel-su-682809-l.jpg ( Jah, I know you are licking your lips too ) W**F
  23. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How many numbers can we have? because I only have > one at the moment :-S ----------------------------------- Two DJKQ... Though I'm going to award you a bonus "Pick" from the reserve pool " Go ahead & triple pick your balls " W**F
  24. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Woof..? ---------------- Oh I wonder.... Do you think there's room for a dog like me? Also, I'd need creative freedom as part of the deal. I mean just imagine the games I could come up with Like ( & this is off the top of my head ) Boiled egg snooker Ostrich Polo Banger Racing in soft top cars ( driver stands up ) That's for starters Game, though I might be more inclined to do it if she ( Gameshow ) plays her luck on the W**FLottery ( that'll show us what she's made of ) " So, let's have your numbers " W**F
  25. ianr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Experiments have demonstrated that human beings > are not very good at generating or selecting > numbers randomly. What makes you think a guinea > pig will be any better? ----------------------------- Well, we'll see... * re- wraps turban, pours water on sauna stones * ( jeezus, it's hot in here ) Anyway, who cares about human ability re random number selection. If "Marshall Mellow" can drive me back from the dentist, then I'm sure he's perfectly qualified to make the draw on Friday Ian, have you made your selection yet? * beats skin with fir tree branch * W**F
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