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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. OK I'm still here ( though work interrupted play this week ) 37 for LegalBeagle 50 for Brum & a bottle of champagne to "the cause" I thank you W**F p.s If for some reason you haven't played, then please do so now. This thread & the issues it's fund raising for are not going away
  2. ❖ *Free Lunch ( is there such a thing..? ) Well... ⌘ Local businesses have gifted me lots of great prizes Franklins, The Meat Wagon ,Green & blue, The Herne, The Blue mountain, William Rose, plus many more... & I'm trying to raise awareness & donations for the Pakistan Flood Appeal & St Christopher's Hospice So I've started a *BONUS BALL* lottery you can choose 2 numbers & play here "in the family room" ( or click onto the link above ) & I hope you win Good luck & Enjoy W:)-DF
  3. ❖ *Free Lunch ( is there such a thing..? ) Well... ⌘ Local businesses have gifted me lots of great prizes Franklins, The Meat Wagon ,Green & blue, The Herne, The Blue mountain, William Rose, plus many more... & I'm trying to raise awareness & donations for the Pakistan Flood Appeal & St Christopher's Hospice So I've started a *BONUS BALL* lottery you can choose 2 numbers & play here "in the family room" ( or click onto the link above ) & I hope you win Good luck & Enjoy W:)-DF
  4. Please... For me, let your son post his view of the holidaywhen you get back If he's into G.I.l.Fs, then a day trip to Palm Springs should do the trick ( I'm on the record here: I hated Vegas ) W**F
  5. Loz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Having seen something on a TV programme earlier in > the year, I quite fancy making my own sloe gin > this year. Now that summer is coming to an end > (or failed to arrive, even) my research says that > the sloes will be ripe for picking after the first > frost. > > So, does anyone know of any wild sloes growing in > the ED surrounds? Or anywhere else, for that > matter. ----------------------------------------------------- Oh Loz... Any forager worth his salt would rather chew his arm off than give away their actual "secret spot" Mine is North of London, near an area famous for shoes * taps nose * I'll give you an easier TopTip? though "Blackberry Whisky" "Oh, ding-dong " W**F
  6. legalbeagle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not sure how this works cos I just moved house > and so I am a bit disorganised and haven't had > time to read the whole thread so tell me if I > can't do any of this but..... > > 1. I would like 37 please. > 2. I would like to give 50 to Brum please. > 3. Green & Blue will donate a lovely bottle of > champagne to your cause. ------------------------------------------- Yeahhhhhh Legal.. That'll do ( very ) nicely W**F ( i'll be back later this evening , will pm you, ta! )
  7. Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > May I have a Messerschmitt for my bonus ball > please, Woof. You choose which one. ---------------------------------------------------- You FOKER 109 is yours W**F I will be further attending to this thread tonight ( work is getting in the way somewhat...grrr..)
  8. Shall we find "NutKin" ...? http://www.thecostumeshop.ie/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/carrot_n_pea.gif " Well, I'm afraid the E.D "hicks" have eaten him" W**F
  9. Jeezus H... No outlet who puts this on the menu will sell meat that has been poisoned I mean, do you see the following... Marsh Lamb Line caught sea bass Free range Chicken/ Beef Squirrel ( poisoned with warfren ) No of course not, you're an Idiot if you think that Actually you are an Idiot, whatever What next hmmm, a placard protest on LSL "Don't eat pretty animal, only smelly & ugly ones " W**F
  10. Gina3.. Y-es 33 is all yours Next ? W**F
  11. EDKiwi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is 2011 still up for grabs? I'll take it if so, > thanks Mr W**F sir. --------------------- Now 2011... is all yours Ed W**F
  12. I'm ... ..having a sweep & tidy up in here later (who's got what numbers) Please bear with me W**F
  13. OR....
  14. I know the real Spartacus and....... * javelin flies through window & kills me stone dead * * corpse drops to the floor * ( not before shamelessly plugging the w**fLottery though ) W**F
  15. ArtVandelay Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > * meanwhile * > > someone is STILL knocking at the door, a talc > salesman by the looks of it ____________________________________ " Does Mr.Mandela sell talc now " signed the Queen in "Makanan" Philip ( looking through the visor ) shifts his eyes left & right; signaling "How should I know " The Queen lights a cigarette & slumps down onto the bed "Philip, things are not like they used to be" she signs He flips down the visor & taps out "No dear" in morse code * the door is knocked again * " Ahh pleeze wooda you conshider aaaa lettin me iiiin, as Iiii amm aaa nakeed "
  16. Nerrrrr.. http://register.indymuttstrut.org/images/friendraiser_uploads/1040.1176937445.custom.jpg "Let's par-ty " W**F
  17. damzel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You're rather well connected aren't you. May I > have 2828 please? _______________________________________________________ Yes & Yes damzel bonus ball 2828 is yours ( now go tell your friends ) M:))re Numbers & Players Please ... W**F
  18. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > All those prizes...how can any of us NOT win > something??? > > Can I have bonus ball 47 please? -____________________________________________________ DJKillaQueen bonus ball 47 is yours LadyMuck bonus ball 500 is yours "Next Bonus Numbers please" W**F Just confirmed today:The Herne have kindly donated Lunch or Dinner for x 2
  19. Ladymuck Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Damn... > I've been at friends in Oxford this weekend...not > long got back...so have missed the bonus balls. > Even if I don't win one of your prizes, I shall > still donate something to this appeal xxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------------- Woof we haven't really missed the bonus balls have > we? > Can you extend the WoofLottery deadline also? > (people huh?) we never read the small print :D > > Thanks X _______________________________________________ In short NO I'm extending the draw date until the end of the week ( other people have asked for this too ) The whole Pakistan Flood Appeal fund has been growing slowly. Plus I want more people to join in, so I'm posting on the other sections of the forum to push the game on this week "Keep 'em peeled & play on" W**F
  20. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Aww, W**f, you big softie. I might be hung over, > but brought a tear to my eye. Good man. ________________________________________________ I know.. I often make LadyW**F shed a tear ( & gnash her teeth ) The prizes are there to be had & there's a "Bonus" game still going on NOW HERE As you ( a winner ) know ... "You have to be in it to win it " W**F
  21. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > IT'S A FIX.....! > > *Calls for an independent enquiry* ----------------------------------------- Boo hoo * bad girl * See this link.... http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,518303 W**F
  22. The W**F Lottery is now open for a.... BONUS PLAY http://www.myviewsandreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/florida-lotterypowerball-hoosier-lottery-illinois-lottery-power-ball-pennsylvania-lottery.jpg We want new numbers & new players for these great prizes * click link * http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,518303 Have FUN W**F? * 1 number, plus 1 "nidd" number ( that's 2 in total, in one post please )
  23. Welcome ALL Players *BONUS BALL LOTTERY* How to play* A. Choose 2 numbers between 1 - 3,740 B. Post your numbers here C. Drool over the fantastic prizes D. Consider making a small but important donation* ( see below ) E. Count your lucky stars The Prizes kindly donated so far..... The lucky " BONUS BALL LOTTERY " winning numbers will go into the "Winners" draw for one of these excellent prizes Franklins. Lunch for two ( Mon- Fri ) The Herne. Lunch or dinner for two The Blue Mountain. Dinner for two ( Mon-Friday ) William Rose 2 x ?15.00 Gift Vouchers The Meat Wagon, 2 prizes. Casual dinning for two ( this Sunday or Friday nights ) Alhambra in Sydenham. Afternoon tea & cakes for x 4 people or a Tapas lunch for x 2 Pie in the Sky. 2 x Pie's & 2 x juicy sausage rolls eat in / or take away Green & Blue. A lovely bottle of Champagne All the draws & prizes are genuine ( all I do is make the numbers available ) & I am not in the draw/drawer myself Plus still to confirm... Tea for two, Some Fish, Classic sweets..& much, much more.. If you do want to play for the * Very Generous Prizes * all donated by local businesses, then can I ask you to consider making a small but important donation to one of the appeals below ( if you can't do it now, do it later when you're flush or you may have donated already ) Please play, it is all for a good cause or two Donate & Gift Aid here... Right now there are nearly 20 million people ( roughly the population of Holland ) displaced from their homes in Pakistan, they need all the help they can get https://www.oxfam.org.uk/donate/pakistan-floods/index.php The St.Christopher's hospice is local & it's work is beyond measure in helping people & families cope during illness https://www.stchristophers.org.uk/page.cfm/Action=Form/FormID=21/t=m Good Luck..... Mark *All existing winners from Friday 20th Aug 2010 stand, all decisions are final & at my discretion, all draws are done in the spirit of fairness & trust , it's all for good causes. Donation values are confidential & personal, you are not obliged to divulge or post your donation on the EDF. You must p.m me to claim your prize,you will receive a "secret w**f code number ( with out which the "win" can not be collected ) there are 2 Bonus prizes & 2 Bonus "nidd" prizes to be won from this new draw. New & existing numbers will be put into the draw. Any further donated prizes will be gratefully received. A write up on your prize/ experience on my future "so how was it*" thread would be considered polite *tbc Many thanks to everyone W**F
  24. * meanwhile * Prince Philip eases himself in to a "talced" black latex suit "Come on gel, zip me up" " hmmm hmm vvmmm hmm " say's the Queen ( she is wearing a gas mask here) * there's a knock at the door * "Oh bugger, who can that be " say's Philip " hmmm hmm vvmmm hmm " say's the Queen , whilst looking through the key hole " WHO " " hmmm hmm vvmmm hmm " say's the Queen ( pointing to a picture of Nelson Mandela ) * Philip hides in a suit of armor * W**F
  25. How lovely... Well there are W**F Lottery winners, so it's a bit "carnival" in ED at the mo ( though the beach sounds good ) "Happy Holidays" W**F
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