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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. Dogger.. Are you back in the "Stab & Kebab" ( you're slurring your words ) Anyway, it's quite simple; when you join the kids up with the W.C.F they ask if you've tried any other organised brainwashing group. You say "Yes the cubs & it was crap" They say "Ok you're in" Simple really, by proxy you've denounced God & the backbone of a Capitolist society Why wouldn't they welcome you with open arm W**F
  2. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sounds a bit @#$%& up to try and push a political > agenda on kids in that way... -------------------------------------------- Yeah but... They get loads of free Union branded toys & "stuff" ( that aside dianne abbot giving a 9 year old a book on the history of the RMT is pretty desperately funny ) W**F
  3. rubsley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- And have twice > eaten three cream crackers in under a minute. _____________________________________________________________ OK... Now you're talking W**F
  4. "Will you please tidy your..." * previously dressed boy is now partly in the buff * "Erm, why have you got no pants on" W**F
  5. Like I said... " Shag dodger " I rest my case W**F
  6. TheArtfulDogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > dear woof > THAT was a quiet one > > so next time beware as it is Going to be a messy > night out > > you up for it (and some "special" kebab sauce) ______________________________________________ Good god... NOT the "special" kebab sauce I felt so guilty last time W**F
  7. I'm not really worried.. In fact I like it that there are organisations like this My boys absolutely love going & it is so laid back it's horizontal Plus, I know they are very "left" & unashamedly so In this day & age it's quite refreshing for an organisation to be so up front Power to the people I say W**F
  8. My 9 year old has just come back from "camp" with the Wood Craft Folk ( commie cubs ) Today they went on a rally & he collected the following A signed, personalised book from Dianne Abbot: Never on our knees. A history of the RMT A NASUWT The teachers union Frisbee RMT: railagainstprivatisation DVD N.U.T Aqua Px re-cycled water x 2 RMT mini torch A black UNITE union T-shirt and much, much more... "We had a great day & we carried banners & all that stuff & I had my photo taken with her ( D.A ) " he excitedly told me.. Hmmm..Now I wonder if there an agenda going on here ( like have they been infiltrated by the "left" ) What's your thoughts & should I be worried W**F
  9. Stop (S)mothering him Agree a getting up time together Give him an alarm clock Call him once with a cup of tea ( if you are feeling generous ) Let him f**k up if he stays in bed It's his life, let him get on with it It's him that's going to Uni, not you W**F
  10. There's a project in Kent that gets them from the Police F.O.C Have you tried that route ? W**F
  11. Try one of these... Ideas they work wonders W**F
  12. Brendan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don't even get me @#$%& started. ---------------------------------------- Sooooo o.b.v.i.o.u.s Brenda Your shoes are way too tight W**F
  13. I knew this thread was like way ahead of it's time I'm really coming round to the idea that shoes can stop wars & make elections This shoe blog is obviously an inspired idea * polishes finger nails, checks toe cleavage * W**F
  14. KalamityKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > not just wit... rubs what makes you interesting? ------------------------------ Well he seemed up for it Though he's playing the "shag dodger" now ( maybe I.V's direct approach shriveled him somewhat ) Poor boy W**F
  15. It was a client who inspired this thread He had lived in Oz as a kid. When he visited his Aunt she would make Orangeade by mixing cordial with water & putting an Alka-Seltzer in it ( I love that idea ) W**F
  16. Church of England
  17. woofmarkthedog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Eew.... > > Trev's STILL got nits everyone > > > > * crosses fingers * > > > W**F ________________________________ Eew.... Trev's STILL got nits everyone * crosses fingers * W**F
  18. jollybaby Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My niece has been led to believe that the ice > cream van is a mobile butcher! ___________________________________ Yeah... & who the hell broke that spell ?
  19. Mind you... When I took my boys to the dentist for the first time they asked "What happens at the dentist" I couldn't help saying.... "They pull all your teeth out" I then laughed like a drain W**F
  20. Eew.... Trev's got nits everyone * crosses fingers * W**F
  21. I must say.. The piano tuner does lots of trade in our area too W**F
  22. My Sister... Now don't get me wrong, I love my Sister dearly but... When the Icecream van used to come around playing his musical bells, my sister would say to her daughter "Oh listen it's the piano tuner" My poor neice believed her for years Now how mean is that ? W**F
  23. In a makeshift back office, Lagos Airport 08:30 Hrs.... 45 Degrees. Rain falls & the air is thick & humid * a ceiling fan chops the air * "Oh dear, dear Sir, your return ticket to London is very incorrect" "What, but I flew here with B.A & it says..." "NO NO Sir, it is wrong , you must pay a fine" " What fine...OH HOLD ON " "I must call the Police if you don't pay this fine" "Ah Ha ..but...( pulls kettle out of bag ) I HAVE A KETTLE " " Oh a Morphy Richards travel kettle, why did you not say before my friend " " Well I didn't think..." "Sadly although your kettle is in order, your luggage is wrong Sir" " I also have a George Forman Grill ( plonks grill on table ) right here " * silence as the customs man opens the grill * " Everything seem to be in order Sir, enjoy your flight " W**F
  24. Quentin Letts on Radio 4 tonight, spouting paranoia about left wing bias What a fucking cunt http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/site_imagery/quentin_letts_140x140.jpg
  25. rubsley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would like to come but I don't move to East > Dulwich until tomorrow so I'm not sure I'm > allowed. ------------------------------------------------ See "rubs" with that attitude it's no wonder you've never had a date Get in there son W**F
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