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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. Well.. No one can say you didn't try W**F
  2. Bellenden Belle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh and I love the meals his grandma serves him as > a vegetarian.... 'shall I bring your avocado out > now Simon?' ----------------------------------------------- Yes..& the hot water with honey " We haven't got any honey, so I put a couple of sugars in " W**F
  3. bonniebird Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don't like Anstell but love the programme : ------------------------------------- Oh.. Really ? * looks up "irony" in dictionary * W**F
  4. Why walk your own dog, when you can hire a naked dog walker http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/06/article-1309614-0B0FE4DA000005DC-364_468x567.jpg
  5. I'd recommend Jo 07939 635662 ( you need to book ) She works M-Fri in the City/ Barbican But she works on Saturday from home & not far from you She is a very good cutter of young boys hair & my youngest won't let anyone else near his head I've tried others BUT she's very good Otherwise, my eldest boy & I use the excellent Barry road Barbers in East Dulwich, near the Peckham Rye end W**F
  6. Yessssssss..... http://res.nz.eventdirector.net/SEALT/SITES/543/ZUSER/Pink%20Ribbon%20cyclist%20lo%20res.jpg W**F
  7. Nooooooo.... http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h226/coolhunkforu/France1.jpg W**F
  8. Simon Amstell.. You know the sarky guy off of Never Mind the Buzzcocks & that music programme with Maquita Oliver Now I didn't want to like him & some people positively hate him BUT....Have you seen his recent work on BBC2 Grandma's House a six-part comedy written by Amstell and Dan Swimer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00tffgy The series stars Simon Amstell as a TV presenter who is quitting his job to try to do something more meaningful with his life. Each episode is set at Grandma's house, where Simon's family regularly congregate to catch up. Everything happens under the watchful eye of Grandma, who is desperate to see everything going well. ( It sounds in premise like the f**king awful "The Royle Family" except there are no miserable northerners sat round watching sh*te on tv ) That comparison aside, the writing is very good, tackling the nature of fame & it's meaningless pursuit. Amstell's acting is at times awkward but believable & what could seem like a vanity project "playing yourself" in a sit-com about you being famous but hating it, is I think brave. All his characters are well rounded, infuriating, vacuous even at times & I can't stop watching as they could be people we all know. It makes me cringe in that way "the office" did on first viewing; it's uncomfortable & very funny This weeks episode was a joy; though the series finishes next week, I'm genuinely hoping there will be more to come Lastly, I'm sticking my neck out & saying he'll get an award for this, I'm sure ( watch it on the link above ) W**F
  9. rubsley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- I'm easy. Surprise me. Something that > might generate some giggles. Take me to see your > favourite squirrel, that sort of thing. _________________________________________________________ rubs It might be a South London thing BUT we eat our "favourite squirrel" round here ( really, isn't that true K-kel ) Now there's a "suprize me" romantic thing... Sharing a "squirrel" & licking each others fingers ( who said that romance/squirrel is dead ) W**F
  10. MrBen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I once got dumped for being "too nice" and another > time for having sex with two other girls in one > day. You can't win. ---------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, sure you did W**F
  11. legalbeagle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't think I have ever been a beard, though of > course that might be the whole point. If you're > never going to come out that is. Kind of like > George Clooney I suppose. -------------------------------------------------- So let me just get this straight George Clooney (who has a beard) is using his "beards" (girlfriends) to hide that he's gay Blimey, so deceptive but so brilliant OK now, I have a ( real ) beard & a girlfriend ( she has no beard ) where do I stand ? Am I "in" W**F
  12. Moos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can't the gay girls of ED arrange a pissup without > being subjected to heckling? > > Not cricket, IMO. ____________________________________________________ What team are you batting for ? ( there, a bit of hetro heckling to even things up ) W**F
  13. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > people LOVE a tube strike > > There, I said it? > > They love a good moan about the loony left in the > weeks leading up (in between complaining about how > THEIR managers don?t understand the job and can?t > believe X isn?t being replaced) > > Then they love detailing just how they managed to > use their map/app/brain to get all the way from > Victoria to fekkin Picadilly > > There is more self-congratulation going on than > there will be at the next Tory conference --------------------------------------------------- Sean I couldn't agree more Though, I'm trying to work out how to get from my bathroom to the kitchen Is there an overground/bus/app for that ( don't say bike as the stairs are a bit tricky ) W**F
  14. It's a great way to get around... W**F
  15. Hey... We're in the final phase now Come & play *LOTTO BONUS* balls All the Draws & Prizes will be this week-end W**F
  16. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ha ha....well you might be suprised to know that > lesbians trim and shave as much as any > woman.....unless they are French of course (as > shown in my favourite painting by Courbet ;-) ) ----------------------------------------------------- What painting is that ? W**F
  17. What even * points south * "downstairs" ahem W**F
  18. The upside is you'll need to open a window anyway ( unless you're wearing the "viewing goggles & snorkel" set ) The downside is; emptying the "thermally retentive" contents W**F
  19. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How many of you girls go to the barbers? _____________________________________________ Mic Mac Does your wife know you're lurking in here ? Cos I can see where this is going ( for a minute there I thought you were going to come out with your totally inappropriate "scissor sisters" gag ) * drags mic mac out by collar * W**F
  20. You need one of these http://www.waterfrontscuba.com/acatalog/cd4-pro-dry.jpg A full sealed CessPit Suit? Available in "his & hers" 25Lts capacity of 1's & 2's * Reduces trips to the Toilet by 90% * Wear it to bed & down the offie * Empty once a week wether you need to or not * Hygienic as all the stuff is on the inside W**F
  21. Sign on instead of working No Tube needed ( unless you take your Lambrusco intravenously ) W**F
  22. I've been adding useful in-depth contributions to the..... Top ten worst foods to eat........apparently! Thread *ahem* W**F
  23. What about a tub full of Heroin* Is that bad for you now then ? W**F *flake optional
  24. And your numbers are ? ( I just count them btw, I'm not allowed to play with my *LOTTO* balls myself ) The draws will be this week-end Prizes will be allocated a short time there after W**F
  25. Oooooo... Now I'm feeling really hungry N.B. I notice nob cheese isn't on the list? W**F
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