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Everything posted by woofmarkthedog

  1. I have that " Bond" feeling, you know the one? 007 is tied to a saw bench, blades whirring & instead of 007 it's us tied to the friggin thing. And if I hear " it's the mess we've inherited " one more time I'll screeeeeeeaaaaam my head off ( again )
  2. Try this version... Your complaint will be taken "WAY" more seriously ( honest ) If you complain (to a company) what do you expect to get out of it? Is an apology sufficient, or should you expect financial compensation? I?ve had good cause to complain to a couple of companies recently. One took an order for an item that was on the shop floor at the time, but then found it couldn?t deliver. Not only did it not tell me that it wasn?t going to deliver that, and several other items (on our wedding list) in the first delivery, it didn?t bother to check when it could deliver the item ? I had to phone manufacturers myself to find out. So although we ordered in May, we only took delivery yesterday. And although I?m not going to name and shame, it was not a company you?d expect that level of service from. I am now waiting to hear how they propose to compensate me ? and I?m hoping for vouchers. I am also trying to sort out problems with a lost Oyster card/annual season ticket. Having bought a new card, I took it to a tube station last week to register it (despite having done so online) as instructed by the Oyster call centre (after a series of problems that I won?t bore you with). I put my card in the little dip in the ticket office whilst I finished filling the form in and the chap took it. When I?d finished the form, the chap denied that he had my card. I insisted he did, he insisted that he didn?t (I started doubting myself, despite seeing him pick it up), I was asked to move to the next window and someone would come and help me, which I did ? but no-one came and then they closed the ticket office. I was still without the Oyster card. Fortunately there was a customer relations chap in the ticket office, and although he also insisted that the chap in the ticket office did not have the Oyster card, after some histrionics from me, he agreed to go and check ? and reappeared with the card. However, the office was now closed, and I still couldn?t register the card! I was away for a long weekend, so only managed to do it today, so still don?t have the season ticket? I put in a complaint, however I was thinking today about what I want the outcome to be. I have already received a verbal apology from customer relations chap and the call centre. What I really want is for it not to happen again, but I?m never going to know whether it does or not. So do I want money? I received a call from the Oyster call centre just now, and there is yet another problem which means they are going to have to send me out a brand new card ? but they?re refunding me ?15 as a goodwill gesture. When you complain, what do you expect to get? W**F
  3. I think it's time to say.... * drum roll * "BIG PINK WILLY" W**F
  4. DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Was she a Vegetarian Thomas? ------------------------------ No, she likes the Cock too much Talk Talk are a bunch of shisters though W**F
  5. I JUST love this W**F
  6. Any Mustachio'd Fixed Gear riders in ED? ( it's a bit niche, though you never know ) W**F
  7. Dofine "Colour makes people happy" do ( a little cryptic but I'm sure you'll figure it out ) W**F
  8. Is a unicycle a " Fixie" I taught myself to ride one, to annoy my then wife.. http://www.sjscycles.co.uk/images/products/medium/11536.jpg ( hang about, it worked & we're now divorced ) It was the most pointless thing I could learn to do ride BUT massively enjoyable Anyway I LIKE a fixed wheel bike, it's a very pure, esoteric item W**F
  9. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > *Bob* has ruined Matt for me. He has got a whiney > voice. ............................ He was great, anyway what does * Bob* know ? it's not like he qualified or anything anyway ! * hums some cook show tune * W:));-)F
  10. Hmmm.. Look under the sink & follow the cold pipe , it sounds like it may be one of these, turn the slotted screw part 90 degrees http://www.diytools.co.uk/diy/Images/DB_Detail/_88993__184170__.jpg Isolation valve It should work, if not the mains isolation tap elsewhere W**F
  11. Me too... Watch this space..... ( work is such a bore ) W**F
  12. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Im snoring now. ------------------ BEER... ZZZzzzzz
  13. Moos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > well, me and Mr. Moos on the arrival of a new > little brother for the Moosling. > > Twosling was born yesterday and all the family is > well and happy. ______________________________________ Ahhhh.. Congrat's Moos family A new baby boy Well done & hope all is well W**F
  14. Does my thumb look fat in this ( photo ) ? W**F
  15. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mrs had control of computer. So off to bed. I feel > incredibly sensible. > > Dont stay up too late boys or your heads will hurt > in the morning. ----------------------------------- See Quids... Now you've got to him W**F
  16. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > is the non-drinking old misery guts about tonight? > I fancy getting lashed and winding him up ................................................. ???? Wrote: > Gardener's world just finished --------------------------------------- Mic Mac I wouldn't stand for that if I were you W**F
  17. ?1.20p of joy Curry Pancake Roll Proper Rot Shopped tonight from "F SH BAR" (off barry Road) If you cast your mind back to a Vesta beef curry circa 82, you'll get an idea of the powdery spices flavor that draws me on a wet night. These are competing with the Bavarian style smoked cheese, as sold in Tesco for 87p ( I've also found a place in Gypsy Hill that sells them ) W**F
  18. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > now people are picking their favourite businesses > - is that what the OP meant? > > Shut up Sean. -------------------- Poor Sean I know what he means though. Actually when I really think about it mine are small areas like the bit out the front of Moxons when the Sushi lady is there, the wood threshold into Franklins Farm shop where I stand on & talk toss with Tim. Those bits are good for me ( if talking toss were an Olympic sport, oh... ) W**F
  19. If a fly lands on your carrot or pork chop, do you swat it ? Or is if just doing it's fly thang & should we just see it as part of the way it should be ? W**F
  20. Boss Man Franklins W.Rose Saturday, Nortcross rd at the foodstall next to the bread people , the sushi lady at around 5pm, then Emily's W**F
  21. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Day 4 and a bit bored. Seem to be eating a lot. > > Am also giving up coffee - there's only so much > Lemon and Ginger Twinings a man can drink. :'( --------------------------------------- Pervert W**F
  22. Well.. I'm more concerned with the stopping at the point of arrival, the place when we think or feel we've achieved the inner self portrait. The point where we freeze time & try to maintain image or perceived persona from thereon in. I see old bikers, ted's & glamour queens. I see majorca tanned men & puffed out bodybuilders, all grasping to a perfect " frame " of the ideal & possibly cinematic idea of themselves. The self delusion is what gets me. I'm more interested in the evolution of the self, the journey of where we're at, where I'm going next. Today I'm a parent of two boy's, I like me & I'm alright but it won't last so I'm interested in where I go next Really... W**F
  23. On the path, perfectly laid on it's side & lightly, erm... " gnawed to death " Sam, my youngest said "Oh it's like... who's the guy on a ten pound note? " I looked on a tenner " Darwin ? " " Yes Darwin, at Darwin's house he's got frog skeletons laid out on the table" I smiled W**F
  24. cate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is 'favourtite' a code word for horrible. Or did > you mean favourite in an ironic sense? ------------------- Well...? http://saveourspecies.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/glass_half_full.jpg W**F
  25. It is fabulous ( & a bit scary too ) W**F
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