Hi- I gave birth in one of the mid wife led birthing suites in January at Kings- I always thought I'd end up having an epidural (and made a note to remind the midwife that I may change my mind to this effect) but in the end the birthing pool was sooo much better than what I expected. I found the time I spent in the water with gas and air easier than the hours I spent outside the pool when I was only a few cm's dilated. I also found the midwife that took care of me in the room amazing- although I barely spoke to her until after my son was born my partner could also attest to how good she was. In my NCT class the instructor mentioned that as you have to meet certain criteria/ not want an epidural the rooms are generally available if you want one- despite there only being 2 rooms. Hearing from others in my NCT it also sounded like anyone who could use the room was able to, some spent part of their labour in there and then were moved when they needed more medical intervention and others finished in the room. If you have any questions at all message me and happy to answer!