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Everything posted by P.O.U.S.theWonderCat

  1. So because someone uses their real name when posting on public fora, they are immune from criticism? As for whether he is unable to defend himself, he has an account with this forum and was last here on Friday - as you may well know, Admin. He's more than capable of defending himself, although his style now appears to be to threaten litigation to administrators rather than addressing the criticism openly. Unfortunately for him, you can only sue for libel if the thing being said is untrue. I've bumped the thread evidencing what has been said. Sadly, the other forum deleted the posts in question, but you can gather what has been said from the context and there are plenty of people who read what he originally said who can bear it out. There are always ways to get hold of the original cached pages anyway. If the man once had the courage of his convictions to stand by the vile things he at least then believed, it woukd be a shame to use censorship to facilitate whitewashing.
  2. Bump for the Forum Wars thread
  3. Quite right Apple. We should all be tolerant of everyone's views. After all, telling a women she should have aborted her pregnancy because poor people shouldn't have children, or lauding Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech is just a another point of view. Nothing wrong with that. Good thing there are people like you to come and defend him. After all, it's not like he doesn't regularly come by here of his own accord anyway. Oh wait.
  4. Come to Honor Oak Park and educate the locals then...
  5. Mr Beach has somehow rebranded himself locally IRL in SE23 as some sort of nice guy and Mr Community. Given some of the sickening views he displayed beforehand, I still find this mind-boggling.
  6. Is it against his lease to smoke? I can't stand the smell of stale smoke either, but it is legal and not unreasonable for someone to smoke in their own home unless restricted by the lease. And smells travelling into halls is par for the course with shared common areas - I have to deal with smells from neighbours all the time, including unsavoury smells of nappy changing which are apparently coming through sockets and under the floorboards. Adding to the above remedies, you can get strong reed diffusers that a very good at masking smells. But obviously you have to like a strong perfume smell too.
  7. As a buyer, KFH took us to one property that met our spec then told us not to bother with it as there was a better one around the corner (which of course was overpriced). It ended up selling for ?50K less than asking, and this was in the boom market.
  8. uncleglen Wrote: > The last line says everything about what is wrong > with the UK today...STILL! The above says everything that is wrong with the UK today, still.
  9. Indeed. My post has gone as well now (although I don't care because his has too). I'm struggling to see what the Admin's issue here is though. My post was utterly factual - Frank has actually said in writing, in public, on this forum that he doesn't see anything wrong with a neo-nazi website. If you're taking a fine turn in semantics, you might say that Blah describing his view as being a neo-nazi sympathiser is a step further, but I think you'd struggle to find a judge who'd agree. What would be acceptable Admin? Posting a copy of what Frank wrote on any of those threads? Or indeed Blah posting a factual account of what message (s)he was sent by Sean and the context of its receipt without connecting the dots? It's very important that people who might use this forum for services are informed as to who they are hiring. And whilst it it can't be defamation if its true, it may well be criminal if it's threatening and/or supporting a procscribed group. I can't help but think the wrong people were targeted here, both from a moral and legal standpoint.
  10. I've never been able to find anyone who would take them unfortunately.
  11. Forgot to mention - most places will not take pillows or duvets.
  12. Can the admin determine whether the accounts are set up from the same IP address?
  13. Try TRAID. They'll collect. https://www.traid.org.uk/
  14. And for what it's worth, I also agree with your premise that suggesting racism is an essential part of being white working class is counterproductive. It's just that no-one here has actually done that.
  15. I compeletly agree that Frank doesn't represent working class. Neither I nor anyone else on this thread have suggested that. Frank was the one that introduced class into the discussion; Joe was responding to that particular point. No-one else on this thread, other than Sidebirds, has made any suggestion that any characteristic can be attributed to an entire class of people. Hence, your criticism of people doing so to working class people is misplaced. I repeat - the only people on this thread that have made generalisations about an entire class are the Frank and Sidebirds, who have made offensive representations of people who aren't working class. And not that it should be relevant, but I'm white working class myself.
  16. Amy A, it is equally offensive to suggest that non-working class people are not able to see the real world or have had everything handed to them on a plate, or that they are all latte-drinking, nibble-eating snobs. The only people on this thread that have made offensive generalisations about a whole class of people are Frank and Sidebirds. Your criticism is misplaced. [edited to correct typo]
  17. I don't know why you dignified it with a response Joe. It's either a troll or a Nazi sympathiser, so a waste of oxygen in either case.
  18. Actually, I clearly had it right in the first place. I'm terribly sorry your life is so small as to get off trolling on animal cruelty.
  19. alice Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It?s a dog. And you're a c... ...careless, unfortunate person if you think that is a reason not to be concerned by its suffering.
  20. Jim1234 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't see how personal insults of > right wingers do anything productive. Indeed, but it's a bit insulting to ordinary Conservative supporters to lump them in with pro-Nazi types.
  21. uncleglen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > and of course it gave the air-heads of > the theatrical world an opportunity for virtue > signalling- I mean it is VERY easy to be a libtard > when you are well off! Am I being dim or is this a non-sequitur? I don't understand what you're getting at.
  22. @ peckham_ryu Indeed. What is it about these "movements" that attract dim losers? They are clearly overcompensating for deficiences elsewhere with their tough guy routines.
  23. I was thinking more of an organisation that might want to use it rather than resell. Any suggestions gratefully received!
  24. I've got a printer/fax/scanner/copier that I no longer use since I changed jobs. I wanted to give it to local school or charity - any ideas how to find out if anyone could use it? I'd put it in the Items offered section but from previous experience I've not always attracted worthy recipients there - one chap claimed to belong to a homeless shelter then promptly sold the stuff on GumTree for a profit.
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