My personal experience with Women Like Us is very positive. I have done the Welcome, which consists of an introduction into the organisation and for you to decide if you are in the right place to continue with their various seminars. You may decide that you are not ready to return to work, need some additional qualification, or want to continue. It is at this point that you complete the very lengthy funding form appropriate to your location etc. My understanding is if you a woman residing in Southwark, have children & are not currently working then funding is available - WLU help to complete forms and funding is for 6 months. I have previously had professional career coaching before children and WLU offer an equally professional service. Their workshops cover Career Coaching (2 parts), CV, Interview, Networking & Starting your own business. They also back up these seminars with 1:1 coaching, so you don't just go through the workshops and feel lost. The women who I have met varied in work experience from not having worked for 3 months (following redundancy), to 15 years being at home with kids, to becoming a Mum at University and not having any work experience. The range of professions was wide from PAs, teachers, Fund Managers. Retail, TV Producers & Investment Managers. My advice would be to register with them (doesn't cost anything & nothing to lose), you will then receive emails etc to get a good feel of what the organisation is about. They were formed by 2 women who were temping and were asked where their employers could find more women like them, ie. Mum's who wanted to return to work having had children and WLU was formed. They have certainly given me plenty of food for thought! Good luck!