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Everything posted by Chick

  1. From BBC: Don't forget to listen to the program which I think is this coming Sunday at 15.30. I'll confirm this tomorrow. (this is the correct time) I have asked to be invited again in April or May so will let you know. Chick From: Nicola Holloway <[email protected]> Sent: 31 January 2023 15:36 To: Nicola Holloway <[email protected]> Subject: Thank you Thank you for joining us for our recording with Cal Flyn and your excellent questions. I hope you enjoyed the experience, and the programme on Sunday. I have left in as many questions as I could. Our next recordings are on 16/02 with Nadifa Mohamed (The Fortune Men) and on 15/03 with Tan Twan Eng (The Garden of Evening Mists). These are both evening recordings in the Council Chamber at BBC Broadcasting House. All the details are on the website; do drop me a line if you would like to come to either. It’s a big space so there is room for plus-ones. I’m @nicolaholloway7 on Twitter if you’d like to follow me – I always tweet about upcoming recordings. And we put the details on our webpages as soon as authors are confirmed. Please don’t wait to be invited and please do tell your friends. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006s5sf With very best wishes Nicola
  2. Alouette at Biggin Hill is good and it's nearby: https://www.alouette.org.uk/
  3. Another fourteen year old child shot dead this morning. There's no end to it.
  4. Thanks to everyone who joined last night and a big welcome to Catherine. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 25th January at 7.00pm on zoom. Our next book is Islands of Abandonment by Cal Flyn. https://www.calflyn.com/nonfiction-books/islands-of-abandonment-nature-rebounding-post-human-landscape Hoping you all have a very good Christmas. All the best, Chick.
  5. I think it odd that both Cruela and Patel are the children of immigrants and yet both are hostile to immigrants whether refugees or they are fleeing human rights abuses or fleeing countries we have had a hand in bombing. Personally I would welcome all.
  6. House of Lords, why not have it elected on proportional representation basis?
  7. They are actively shooting journalist's and children: https://mondoweiss.net/2022/12/israeli-forces-kill-teenage-girl-during-raid-on-jenin/?ml_recipient=74382450481956613&ml_link=74382222253098368&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2022-12-13&utm_campaign=Daily+Headlines
  8. Dear book people, Thanks to every one who took part in last nights meeting. Our next book is The coroners Lunch by Colin Cotterill: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/243353.The_Coroner_s_Lunch The next meeting will be on Wednesday 21st on zoom at 7.00pm. Our next film showing will In Bruges in the Blake room at the Clockhouse at 7.30pm on Friday 27th January. https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmbl ... -in-bruges And don’t forget our end of year meal will be on 7th December at 7.30pm in the Thai Corner Café. Chick
  9. The Clockhouse usually is and the EDT I think
  10. We will be going to The Thai corner Cafe in Northcross Rd for 7.30pm every one welcome but I need to know numbers. Wednesday night 7th December. https://www.thaicornercafe-eastdulwich.com/
  11. Yes I did.
  12. Dear Book group, I am going to suggest we have our end of year meal on Wednesday the 7th of December at 7.00pm. Apart from the two restaurants I have mentioned I'll look at some others in Lordship Lane. Also I'll email details of the next film night in the Clockhouse, the film is In Bruges. https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2011/nov/18/my-favourite-film-in-bruges Every one welcome including new members to the group. Chick
  13. You could try the Clockhouse or EDT
  14. Our next book is "How to Be Good" by Nick Hornby. https://www.bookbrowse.com/reviews/index.cfm/book_number/832/how-to-be-good Our next meeting is on Wednesday 30th November but I'll confirm this over the weekend. Thanks to those of you who sent apologies and hope to see you next time. Time to think about our end of year meal. Chick https://www.facebook.com/groups/538840479475233
  15. Jeez what a bunch of moaners. Lighten up folks. With exception of M.
  16. Chick

    Haley's comet

    Taken by Chinese astronomer's in 1910!
  17. Dear book group, I am sorry to say we have to postpone In Bruges as the Clockhouse are refurbishing and the projector has been taken down. I will show either at the end of November or early December, it may not be on a Friday due to parties etc. Look forward to seeing some of you on 2nd November, I’ll send the link next week. Thanks again to Sahar for providing the link. Chick.
  18. this one is good and inexpensive: A.J.M Robson Vets in Peckham, London Rating 1.5 (1) Address 35 Highshore Road, Peckham, London, SE15 5AF,
  19. Can you please explain what you regard as gender-critical?
  20. but I don't feel I belong in Labour as long as they seem to be reluctant to nail their colours to the mast when it comes to safeguarding the rights of women and children, or even being able to simply define what a woman is. What exactly do you want from the Labour Party?
  21. Dear book group, Thanks to everyone who joined in last night and especially Peter who made a great effort. Our next meeting is Wednesday 2nd November and our next book is “A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K Dick: https://tvtropes.org/.../pmwiki.../Literature/AScannerDarkly I am also going to read The Trees by Percival Everett: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56269278-the-trees See you then, Chick
  22. Sorry don't think you have a chance.
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