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Elphinstone's Army

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  1. Gaynor Hill Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The plough > Went last year good price and excellent food We had Christmas lunch here two years ago after just moving 3 days before, and 'recommended' to eat here although we had our reservations. This was truly the most disgusting mess on a plate ever - ?50 each in advance - no ambience, atmosphere, just a plate of dry overcooked food shoved at us, very upsetting. We pushed it around the plate, could not believe this was served as a mid winter feast - walked home and made food. On leaving we were chased out by a barman who insisted we had not paid our bar bill - we said, we havn't had a tab, we have no bar bill? We have not had drinks at the bar? What a shambles This was the one and only time we attempted to eat out for Christmas lunch ; never again, we enjoy our own cooking/quality food too much How dare they charge so much for such pigswill and indeed, how dare they serve pigswill. Gaynor - honestly, this is a review which should never have been written Sue - this made me laugh
  2. Alice : late night philosophical thoughts : Karma takes too long - some people are fire proof and/or leave a trail of destruction behind them - also, doesn't Karma need to be hooked into a collective consciousness? which precludes villains as they have no conscience? The first post here I read as incomplete - at least he left the coins - and if a certain person was behind the desk exercising her 'how slow can I go' deliberations then I am not surprised a non valued customer 'stormed out' He certainly wasn't the first - I have been waiting patiently with a queue when a man accused of all manner of nefarious activity involving returning/purchasing was attempting to pay, took ages to sort out : another time, a man wanting to pay for a black tie and a jacket to attend a funeral that very afternoon of his friend, died suddenly, why are you asking him fool questions, take the money,stop causing a bad atmosphere, stop judging, making comments, there is a queue here and this man is distressed! He left the shop in a hurry, all composure gone. His wife stepped in and paid, the queue encouraged it. People 'storm out' of shops to make a point which St C main store would do well to consider. And stop Customer blaming, accusations, humiliation of the same and understand that Charity Status does not a holy state confer : that as a shop, with customers, providing funds and donations, to call someone out on a public forum is not a kind or productive way to do business. The original post is petty and pearl clutching, shock horror, he stormed out - but he left his coins, didn't he? The management changes regularly in this shop although there are regular stalwarts who do their best, the book ladies especially. To rob from someone's bag is wicked and criminal. Thieves abound here, from vehicles to wallets, animals to buggies. An assumption that as we are decent law abiding folks treating everyone respectfully with an expectation that this value will be reciprocated needs adjusting.
  3. You lot have all the decisiveness of the vultures in the Jungle Book - 'Watcha wanna do then'
  4. This shambolic station, with platform changes as the train is approaching, officiousmember of staff, stuck lift, melee beneaththe destinationboards/ticketmachine/ barriers and seldom open ticket/information counters is the reason those of us able to board the 40 to LB/Guy's feel relieved when riding past. There is however, a potential flaw in the exercising of this alternative transportation.
  5. Councillors, MP's, where art thou ?? c'mon now, show us your mettle, spare the 40.
  6. How is it that pubs restaurants cafes and shops appear to have been functioning from Saturday morning? is there a different supply to households and commercial premises? I cannot get through to Thames Water. It is frustrating that we are not told the supply is diminishing or will cease, in order to fill kettles, flush toilets etc. We are a household of four and only one of us had a shower this morning before cessation of supply. First up is the winner. Whilst considering parents of babies, having to make up feeds and keep little ones clean and fresh, and elderly who possibly cannot carry bottles of water and would not know the supply was variable.
  7. no water on CPR near the GE - enough this am tofill the Brita filter twice, flush the toilet !! quick ablute, we are all longing for a shower. Ideal drying days - in November! with washer disabled. Apparently the water was back on through the night?
  8. We have all (four of us) filled in the consultation form, 'cos every opinion counts.
  9. I'm still hopefully turning the tap on, still a drip and that's it - I am beginning to empathise with Injun Joe here
  10. only a kettle full now on CPR - out of my cold dead hands -
  11. Trickle only for a couple of hours on CPR - it seems that a wide area is affected
  12. ianr - someone did take their picture, of them standing with their backs to the bed. siousxiesue, I felt Giles and Mary were scripted, not something I would watch regularly, but just wanted to share, the willow bough connection, - if I read this in a novel, I would think, hmm, what an unlikely coincidence, (being cynical) but there you are, it happened, I was with a friend who had no idea who they were, so was a little disappointed that she could not understand or appreciate my delight.
  13. Slow speeds definitely - I have missed trains at DH through ponderous chugging bus up the hill, stopping at every stop, often with no passengers needing to board/alight. I would like a bus absolutely in the rush hour and possibly through the day (has this radical idea been mooted on here) stopping at designated stops only, as Dulwich Library, North Cross Road, East Dulwich Station, Denmark Hill Station, Kings, Camberwell Green, then limited stops to Oval, Vauxhall, etc. limited to transport/hospital links in order to speed the plough. The 37 to Brixton is notoriously capricious and ofttimes screamingly slow. The P.13 I have seen three at once on Whateley Road. Last week outside the Funeral Directors opposite M&S, two double decker buses pulled up short at the bus stop and the P.13 sailed past, leaving three elderly ladies quite upset. This is disgraceful, it is meant to be a 'service' Routes into central London have been opened up for cyclists, new cycle shops appear, safer routes advertised, showers provided at work, cycling gear improved, cycle trains, of course people are going to consider efficient travel, cost, health, control. Rendel Harris's influence here should not be discounted. Uber to Brixton dropped us off behind Morleys, requiring us to negotiate Brixton Road with luggage and struggle. We usually have a uber to a railway station for speed and safety, to avoid the struggle onto a bus, narrow gangways, poorly designed, no room for buggies and luggage. I want to ride on a streamlined, clean, airy, roomy bus with no chicken eating passengers with feet on seats or slamming windows closed, and room for feet (12) non aggressive drivers, and my pet hate, stopping next to bins/rubbish/pole/behind bus shelter, the belligerent driver ungracious and bloody minded, travel should not be this unpleasant. However for those who require transport into the London we can see on the skyline and suffered with Southern abandoning their side of the contract, cancellations, short trains and filthy slow busses, cycling will surely be appealing, although not in driving wind and rain, snow and ice, hardcore cycists, do you persist? This article you quote is speculative? reads like a Management Consultants report. For non cycists, the elderly, parents with small children, prams, buggies, bus pass wielding determined bus users or hospital bound travellers, this is not good news Busses travelling at walking speed is not a new phenomenon by any means and not much changed on certain routes over forty years.
  14. white adorned with scampering bunnies - now on the gatepost of 102 CPR
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