Penguin68 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, not in Southwark. - So, not, in fact, > 'anywhere they choose', then, despite your earlier > protestation. > > And your ignorance suggests you know very little > about the subject. There are many 'green' > alternatives to cremation - not the least freezing > and fracture (using liquid nitrogen) - then using > the resultant granules as mulch. You are clearly > not aware that people (survivors) who do chose > cremation often wish still to memorialise and > visit the 'graves' of their loved ones - even > where ashes and not bodies are interred. Burials > (all obsequies) are for the living, not the dead. > What I see from you is a rather nasty streak of > prejudice (your references to Israel and Mecca) of > which, frankly, you should be ashamed. Islam and > Judaism are by no means the only religions or > sects who choose burial. Very many Christians > (particularly Catholics) also are unhappy about > cremation. How is that prejudice pray tell? Jews and muslims were mentioned as examples by an earlier poster and that is why I mentioned those two places. The same comment applies to all religions be they catholic, CoE, hindu, sihk whatever. Jesus Christ, don't be so precious. In my opinion, there is no place for cemeteries in modern Britain - we simply do not have the room. I am mixed race by the way and my mother came to this country as an immigrant in the 50's so don't make yourself look even sillier with all your usual 'racist' rubbish. I respect all religions and faiths and the rights of all those who choose to follow them but your post is simply absurd. Hypothetically, if someone's faith dictates that they should be buried within 1 square metre of their birthplace then that is clearly very, very, very wrong and has no place in our society. In such circumstances, we would have to close down every SINGLE hospital in the country on a MONTHLY basis and turn the site into a cemetery and build brand new hospitals on brand new sites every MONTH just to accommodate that insane religious belief. Is that what you are advocating? What an idiotic, imbecilic and downright disgraceful viewpoint you hold. Next you will be telling us that if, hypothetically, a particular religion deems that it's menfolk should be allowed to take 10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN as their BRIDES and commit legalised peadophillia, we should abandon the rights of those CHILDREN and change our laws to fit in with their disgusting filthy depraved practices JUST BECAUSE THEIR RELIGION SAYS IT IS OK when everyone else on this planet knows that it ISN'T. Of course that is just a hypothetical situation and there is no religion on earth that promotes such vile and filthy practices... oh, hold on a minute. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror you ill-informed, pretentious disgrace to mankind before you start slinging horse manure in my direction.