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Everything posted by Toosmart1973

  1. What an idiot! They just dish out licenses to any old muppet these days, she's lucky she never killed anyone!
  2. Elphinstone's Army Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Toosmart1973 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Pugwash Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > It is virtually impossible to park anywhere > in > > the > > > vicinity of NorthX Rd, CP Rd and any of the > > side > > > streets on a Saturday. Suggest you consider > > > Darrell and Hindmans Road. > > > > Utter rubbish, its very possible to park on CP > > road, I do it all the time, especially on a > > Saturday, i'd suggest you go to a driving > school > > where they specialise with sessions on 'how to > > park your car' > > > why are you so rude and combative? coming from > Peckham and parking on CPR - 'I do it all the time > especially on a Saturday' does not makes you > cleverer than anyone else but makes it difficult > for my daughter with baby, > family/visitors/deliveries, or indeed any > residents to find a parking space close to their > own front doors to enable unloading/loading of > shopping/children/elderly on a Saturday morning. > This road and others nearby do not exist solely > for your convenience. > > > I dare say, you will be legally parked, and > 'entitled' but thoughtful and considerate clearly > does not factor. > nor your unnecessary and nasty put down of > Pugwash's parking skills and helpful suggestions. Myself and my neighbour both live on a road with a CPZ and Crystal Palace Road is the nearest road to us without a CPZ so we both park our cars on CPR pretty much daily and nightly, as its quite an effort to apply for a permit to park near our own homes!, hence me being somewhat knowledgable on parking on that road. Sorry for my tone coming across as rude, I was simply trying to help.
  3. Pugwash Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It is virtually impossible to park anywhere in the > vicinity of NorthX Rd, CP Rd and any of the side > streets on a Saturday. Suggest you consider > Darrell and Hindmans Road. Utter rubbish, its very possible to park on CP road, I do it all the time, especially on a Saturday, i'd suggest you go to a driving school where they specialise with sessions on 'how to park your car'
  4. Anywhere on Crystal palace road is fine
  5. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sexist as well, then. > > Great. Sexism is far from being "great" Sue!, what is it you find "great" exactly?
  6. Take Note Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's Mick Mac, @Toosmart1973. Really not that > smart. > > Who says (anything) .com? Brilliant! You've copied the earlier pun on my name!.....you must go down a storm in your local pub or WI meetings?
  7. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Toosmart1973 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Good grief! > > > > Can a grown man not innocently 'rub one out' in > > the privacy of some foliage anymore without > some > > self absorbed fitness fanatic pervertedly > watching > > them?? > > > > Whats the world coming to? > > > Maybe you should rename yourself Nottoosmart HA, ha, ha.....thats brilliant, you Mr Mick Max, are a very funny person indeed!, have you considered stand up?
  8. Good grief! Can a grown man not innocently 'rub one out' in the privacy of some foliage anymore without some self absorbed fitness fanatic pervertedly watching them?? Whats the world coming to?
  9. edhistory Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Toosmart1973 Wrote: > > > Excellent news, we use one in SE15, they're a > > godsend for our 3 bike household! > > What are the charges over in SE15? Its the same all over Southwark
  10. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > So a cycle hanger holds 6 Bikes and you want 3 > spaces for your family. ? > > Fox Immmmm no, I have one space in the hangar, so I keep 2 other bikes at home.
  11. Nigello Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good news for cyclists with nowhere safe to put > their wheels: according to a letter I got today, > the council wants to install a hangar near to the > junction with Upland. It will mean one parking > space will be gone but six people will have a > place to put their bikes. Excellent news, we use one in SE15, they're a godsend for our 3 bike household!
  12. patt1980 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "our husband" > ???.....well i'm sure his recovery will be aided by his two wives, unlucky on a bike but lucky in love it would seem!
  13. Duvaller Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Preobably being chased by a fox at the time. ...or even chasing the fox?? #foxeshavefeelingstoo
  14. A very decent thing to do, well done sir. RIP little cat
  15. loni Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good positive comments everyone. Look out in > Peckham Rye Park for some lovely posters designed > by our playgroup. And please do not be afraid to > confront the pickers, they have to be told. Saw these yesterday, wondered who'd done that, great idea! Thanks!
  16. rendelharris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've annoyed people on here by being evangelistic > about cycling as a way of overcoming the problems > of getting round this neck of the woods - but I > certainly wouldn't want an eleven-year-old, or > indeed anyone but an experienced and confident > adult, taking that route. Maybe it'll be better > if the CP-Elephant quietway is built, but at > present it's just too dangerous. Don't under estimate the abilities of an 11 year old! ;-)
  17. bargee99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If it's "downhill all the way" surely that means > it's "uphill all the way" in the other direction. > Every journey is composed of two halves and a lot > of people, me included, won't be able to do the > uphill part of the journey. Good point, well made, i'll get my coat!
  18. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > about 300 seconds from CP to ED ? > My that's very good going indeed. Its downhill all the way pretty much, when the lights are on your side its around 5-7 mins, slowest around 9 mins, don't forget on a bike you can take the quickest 'line', in a car you're restricted to keeping to the designated lanes which often increases the distance.
  19. I ride this route twice a day, via my commute, everyday of the week, takes me around 5 mins to get from CP to my home near Goose Green. Is cycling an option?
  20. woodstock Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Firstly the front garden was paved over years > before we bought the property and secondly are you > really suggesting that it is fine for people to > let their dogs go out excrete in other peoples' > front gardens?? That way they would also be > committing trespass as?well as fouling. > Can dogs commit trespass? Why don't you grow a pair Woodstock and stop twitching your curtains spying on potentially innocent passers by and speak to the dog owner next time he/she walks past?......as i'm sure you know most dog walkers frequent the same routes at around the same time. I'd bet the owner simply missed his/her beloved Shep curling one out whilst he/she was busy on the phone! I'm sure they'd apologise if they knew.
  21. woodstock Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > On Friday morning I discovered a large dog poop on > the pavement directly outside my house on > Dovercourt Road. Fortunately I recently installed > a CCTV system and have photos of the dog "in > action" and its owner - conveniently staring at > his mobile. > > Do you know them? > > People like this should be named and shamed - and > fined by the council. You need to get a life mate! Its a 7 second job with a bucket of water! If selfish people like you stopped paving over their gardens so they can park their precious cars then dogs might not need to take a dump on the pavement.
  22. Update....a further 78 have been installed in Southwark since the summer, taking the total hangars to around 99 I think!, my girlfriends using one and is most happy with it! :-)
  23. Phlox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here is a picture, sorry it's wonky, don't know > how to do screengrab. Cringe indeed. Better still, link to the offending tweet here https://twitter.com/ayres_the_baker/status/788394659097767937
  24. Don't see what all the fuss is about with regard to the scaffolding being stolen, I really doubt they'd have the time what with those badly tarmacked drives and the gathering of all that lucky heather they're busy with! ;-)
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