Would anyone like our netball hoop? It is full height and has a plastic base that you fill with water to weigh it down. Offered free - collect from us.
Hello Our new Italian au pair would love to meet other au pairs in the area. What is the best way for her to do this? Is there a Facebook group for au pairs in Dulwich? Or a regular meeting point? thanks!
Hello Our new au pair, Giulia (22), has just arrived here in East Dulwich and would like to meet other au pairs in the local area. Please do get in touch with me by PM if your au pair would like to meet up with Giulia. thanks, Julia
I've just made a donation too. My kids have spent many a happy hour racing around the adventure playground having fun with their friends. The team who run the playground are just wonderful and I hope my donation will help with development plans. Thank you, DKHAP! http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1006023
Thank you for this. It's really lovely to hear parents' experiences first hand as that's something you just don't get at the school open day. I'm pleased to hear that, on the whole, you were happy with the school and that your sons flourished there. The additional music teaching and range of clubs and activities are certainly a big draw for us and we also like the idea of the single sex teaching within a mixed school environment. I think we'll carry on mulling it over for the next few days before we finally hit the 'submit' button on the form. :)
Hello, I'd really love to hear from anyone with a child at Hatcham College to find out what it's like there. Does anyone on here have experience of the school? Thanks very much.
Hello Our child has been offered a music scholarship at Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham in New Cross. We don't know any other families with children at the school and would love to hear from anyone whose child attends as a music scholar. It would be great to find out a bit more about what it's actually like to go there. Please PM me if you can help with any info or advice. Thanks v much.