Hi, I travel from Ed or Peckham Rye to Syon Lane to work. Normally I buy a ticket ?2.60 each way. The journey takes me to Battersea Park where I change and walk to Queenstown Road to get a train which then takes me to Syon Lane. The barriers at the stations beep but the staff are normally happy to let me through as this is considered as one legitimate journey. I decided to start using Oyster but then get charged for two journeys. One option would be to go Battersea Park to Clapham Junction and then continue my journey from there. This is a real hassle in rush hour. The other option is to buy a weekly pass but often I don't have to make the journey enough times to make it viable. Any other options? (apologies for what is possibly the driest thread ever to darken your pixels).
He was a great character but not one of the game's greats, his stats back this point up. He started believing he was bigger than the team towards the end. England have moved on without him.
I've witnessed similar in central London. It's often a tactic used to steal money. They time it so once you've put your pin in they start some kind of arguement, whilst distracted one of them will quickly get money out of your account. Not saying these guys were up to this but sounds similar.
Train to Victoria from Peck Rye, then direct to BRTN, or, train to London Bridge, then direct (if a slower train jump off at East Croydon and change never a long wait)
What does NASA stand for? (apologies slight digression from OP, been watching Ronnie Corbett). Answer revealed at 23.30, winner gets a pint from Atticus at EDF drinks. No Google!
Just off Goose Green, I think it's open night on Thursdays for punters to play their own tunes, gd fun http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=the+gowlett&meta=&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
I also went and was equally impressed. The two children who showed us around were lovely and the school certainly lived up to the good ofsted report it recently received. However, there are very limited sports facilities. I'm new to all this and perhaps inner city state schools just dont' have sports facilities anymore (thanks Thatcher) Instead they use JAGS and ALLEYN'S sports facilities at the end of term, after the private school kids have broken :( They do have a small gym and a small playground.. it just doesn't seem anything like what we had as kids and sport is so important to us as a family. Do other schools have better facilities or is a move to the country the only option...? or go private!