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Everything posted by minder

  1. Curmudgeon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It will probably go down as unauthorised...affects > the school not the child, unless the child's > absence drops to below 85% > > Write to the headteacher to request, expect to be > refused. Do it anyway I'm sure it will affect the child too but each to their own reason for taking the child out. As long as it doesn't continue through to Year 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Schools are accountable for all absences as curlykaren has pointed out.
  2. Hi hind, your requirements probably apply to 99% of nannies in the area so hope you get lots of enquiries on here but if not go along to the local toddler/music group for a chat and recommendations.
  3. Totally agree with you Bellenden. Would be interesting to see how Ofsted view this under the EYFS for a 3 year old? A winter themed week like uncleglen suggested would be much better without having to bring in something like a popular film that only some of the class might have seen. Can also see jennyh's point about trying to separate home/nursery life so being presented with a week of something that is a treat at home seems odd.
  4. Like mybaby178 I've never deliberately woken any of my children to use a potty during the night. Just made sure they went to the toilet before bedtime.
  5. Our road was re-surfaced a while ago and somebody had parked their car in full view of a 'road is going to be resurfaced sign' and then walked up the road where there were more signs on lamp-posts and trees saying cars would be removed etc. They left it for a few days and on the day of re-surfacing it was the only car left outside my place. I put a note on it as I didn't want Conway knocking on my door at 7am asking if it was my car but they just turned up with a pick-up truck and literally lifted it and dropped it in the next street with just my note on it.
  6. Hope I've not put Astrid off but she's not replied to her original post for the past few days anyway.
  7. Sorry if my post was unclear to you newboots. I was covered with a very heavy strap (around 6 inches wide) on top of my stomach which recorded baby's heartbeat etc. as soon as I arrived at King's maternity. I was told not to move from that position and in no way was the machine portable or giving any kind of pain relief! This was at King's 22 years ago. It probably wasn't a TENS machine then, my mistake!
  8. The British Transport Police were investigating son's bike theft not the actual Police but if this low level crime is closed so easily then thieves will just carry on and surely this just escalates to home burglaries etc.? When my son asked station staff at ED that night about his bike they said it was happening at the station all the time.
  9. I would recommend gas and air for pain management but it works only if used correctly and with panting out the air in short sharp bursts. My first baby was 4 weeks early and he was born within 4 hours. I was strapped to the bed with a tens machine and couldn't move and only had gas and air which I took too much of. Of course I ended up with everything just going black and I felt as if I was on another planet. My dear Mum and sister were just voices in the background but I wouldn't have got through it without them. Next two babies were born 2 and 4 hours from first contraction and I managed with gas and air with a different technique as taught by myself and midwife and it worked. Then again I don't know how I would have coped with just gas and air if I'd had longer labours.
  10. I reported my son's bike theft to the Police late Summer. They were very good at the time, taking details etc. but then all of a sudden received a CALL phone call on my phone just before Christmas. One of those phone calls that you're not sure about but don't want to ignore? Spoke to somebody who said that "due to mis-communication etc. etc. and somebody their end not seeing it through, then the case was now closed". At the time I was busy looking after children etc. and just agreed with them.
  11. Very cute. It's being shown tomorrow evening (if I remember rightly) in the commercial break on ITV.
  12. Blah blah I don't think Sue has dragged the thread up but somebody else who seemed intent on it. Extremely sensitive threads have been dragged up on the forum since it began. I'm sure there will be many more in 4 plus years time that the EDF (if it's still going) will be playing host to and everybody will be looking back on!
  13. Good luck tomorrow Anya. I had my first child 22 years ago at King's and due to him being born 4 weeks early and born within 4 hours from first contraction until birth and then being strapped down on a bed, I vowed to do it differently the next time. I don't remember elective c's ever being an option then but I chose to stand up giving birth the second and third time around (the way a lot of women give birth in Third World countries I was told by my midwife) and everything was a lot better (just about)! Women on my ward had c's and couldn't get out of bed as it is a major op e.g. no lifting, even a kettle, or driving for at least 6 weeks but everybody has a different threshold. Anacarmen, don't worry, everything will be ok and you couldn't get better care than at King's and with Saffron's advice too.
  14. Hope your toys can go to good use JM. I took some toys/puzzles/skates into a local charity shop yesterday and was told couldn't take them due to health and safety reasons. They didn't want to even look at them. A poor Dad just behind me came in with a big bag of toys but was told the same thing. Luckily I had a car to put my things back in but this poor Dad had to carry his stuff home probably.
  15. You have a point. I hear the parakeets sqarwking? from over the way (near the Greendale area) and they seem to be getting nearer and nearer.
  16. That's strange as all the sparrows I see every day on my feeder have suddenly disappeared. Maybe it was something to do with the past few freezing mornings/nights we've seen? Everyday I have jays, magpies and loads of crows seeing the woodpigeons off. Also have a couple of robins that suddenly appear when I put out a feed (3 times a day in this weather) bluetits and starlings in groups. There's also at least 3 blackbirds that I see very early in the morning scuttling about for leftovers so they are still around.
  17. Yes, it is only during term-time and that's been in force for years now anyway in state school nurseries. Private nurseries and childminders have different terms and conditions.
  18. If it's day one of potty training then don't worry about it. I wouldn't put pants on under a nappy though as that's just more confusing and doesn't have any meaning for the child.
  19. That's terrible! Especially as it's the 3rd house in your street. Hope you get your bikes back but it's highly unlikely. What have the Police said?
  20. You have a good deal babymassage, with two children too. I keep my fees low per all day childcare so maybe the ?10 an hour you quote is for before/after school pick-ups etc. I don't know any childminders that charge ?10 an hour for a 10 hour day but maybe I'm out of touch and should start charging more!! For my term-time only childcare I only charged 2 weeks holiday pay out of the whole 13/16 weeks that parents had off but it worked for me at the time. Yes, childminders are allowed to have up to 3 children per person per day, not 4 unless in exceptional circumstances and depends on hours and ages too.
  21. Don't worry, try phoning your doctor's surgery in the morning and speak to somebody there. Do they have a health visitor around to give you advice?
  22. Thought it might be a Christmas car boot sale but seems not.
  23. Think you have a point about the factor 50 Sazzle but is it quite a thick cream to wear every day? Up until my mid 20s I used to sunbath on holiday in this country and in hot countries with just Johnson's baby oil frying on my face and body (aarrgh)! You're still young at 33. I'm 51 and don't think I've aged too badly (genes play a part too) but applying a SPF 15 cream and staying out of the sun is the advice I would give to anybody too. Will have to try the Kiehls factor 50 for myself as well as the Neals Yard stuff for my New Years resolutions!
  24. I used Astral on my face up until around 5/6 years ago as this was all my Mum had used up until she passed away last year. She would have been 81 this Christmas Day but was always mistaken for 20 years younger. For me Astral was great but I now use Olay total effects 7 in one day moisturiser with SPF 15 but now finding my eye area is beginning to sag a bit so might try the frankinscence cream.
  25. Went to a lovely Christmas Crib Service at St Faith's in North Dulwich today. The toddlers and children acted out the story of baby Jesus and I got to sing away to all the Christmas songs I've loved over the years. Always takes me back to morning assembly at Bessemer! They even had a play area at the back of the church for toddlers who couldn't sit still for long!
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