I thought I'd follow up on this thread in case it is useful for anyone else out there, as I know I trawled the forum when I was looking for nursery place. We ended up going for Mother Goose on Upland Road and we are really pleased with our decision. I went back to have a look at Bright Horizons and Mother Goose Upland as they both offered us places, it turned out that I'd been misinformed about MG opening hours and in fact they are open 7.30am - 6.30pm, although they ask that if you are using the half hours at either end of the day that you don't use both (i.e. they don't really want children being left for the full 7.30-6.30, although I am not sure this is strictly enforced). Of the two, I preferred the set up at MG as the baby room only takes six babies and they have their own space upstairs, in particular at lunchtime they have their own darkened quiet room where they sleep. In comparison at BH they take more babies (I think they said 15 when I looked) and the area where they slept was open plan next to where the toddlers play, so I was a bit worried about how she would sleep. The staff at both seemed very nice but we thought she'd settle better at MG plus it was slightly more convenient for us location wise. We've been really pleased with our decision, the staff are all so lovely and once we got past the initial first couple of weeks settling in, our daughter seems really happy there. She sleeps well, eats well and is always smiling and waving as soon as we approach the door in the morning! I still haven't heard a peep out of Gumboots - from July 2014 when I first called them until March 2015 they told me the waiting list was completely closed to new applications. We went on the waiting list at the first open day they held when the list reopened (that was in March 2015), so it's now been a full 12 months with no updates. I followed up with them last August/September time when I heard from other nurseries and was promised I would get an update on the wait list shortly, but I've never received anything. We're really happy with MG so it doesn't really matter as we wouldn't move her now anyway, but I do think it's pretty poor of Gumboots to take people's money (in the form of a wait list registration fee) and then never get back to them.