For the parents who are looking for swimming lessons for your LO, just want to make you aware of this swim company called Swim Baby Swim (run by Anne Hawley) and stay away from it. We've signed up for a swim course (6 classes) back in May 2015 for starting in June, it was supposed to be at this brand new pool in Bermondsey. We received an email a week before the course from Anne, saying that the new pool wasn't ready and the course would be postponed until September, but we'd be offered 10 classes stead of 6 for compensation. It was a shame, especially since we really wanted DS to start swimming in the summer, so we had to look hard again and finally found him another swimming course. I wrote back to Anne to ask for a refund instead (especially since it wasn't our fault that the course was postponed). 2 months later (2 emails and 2 phone calls), I still have not heard from her. I should add that she called us right back within an hour of our inquiry for her classes (back in May). Two other mums are experiencing the same thing. She went MIA on all of us! I may not know how her teaching is, but judging from her business conduct, I doubt that I'd want my DS to be taught by her. We mums have so many things to do, chasing someone for a refund for our LO surely should not be on our lists! Parents, if you want swimming lessons for your LO, there are other classes out there, get on the wait list of the Leisure Centre (both ED and Peckham Pulse) or Waterbabies is a good one too. Just stay away from Swim Baby Swim!