Hi, Just to let you know that you can subscribe. We used to get one when we lived in the middle of ED but when we moved we didn't; so as not to miss out we took out a subscription which is ?30 per year i think.
My wife and daughter both use GMs on Melborne Grove and they always recommend them. However as my daughter is at primary school I wouldn't read too much into what she says (unless you're under 10)!
We went on Saturday. He was a bit surprised that people living in ED came all the way- but I pointed out it's not exactly a million miles. Best thing for us (apart from all the cakes that he makes- incl birthdays) is that he sells Movenpick Ice Cream! Now correct me if I am wrong but the nearest place to stock this is probably in Victoria.
Why don'y we settle 2 discussions at once? You can open up in that parade of shops opposite the Plough DIY- then we wouldn't hear anymore about a M&S Simply Food!!
Seen Hillary Alexander (Fashion Ed Daily Telgraph) in Sainsury's a few times. Judging by her face I don't think she was too impressed by how locals dress or maybe that's the way she always looks!!
Well maybe it's just me but you try explaining to a 5 year old what is a crayfish! (this was one of the w/e menu options). Nevermind my objection to paying 10 quid; in the full knowledge that she will spend her time moving everything around the plate and then say she's full!
I don't know if anyone else has heard this but i have been told by some people who have lived here since the 70s that the site this is now Mr Liu's was once owned by Nico Landenis (I hope I've spelt this right?) of Chez Nico. Apparently even then he was someone to be feared!!
Barry Rd I would guess is the responsibility of TFL. I would suggest contacting Val Shawcross who is our elected represesenative for the GLA. While you're at it get her also to do something about the junction at East Dulwich Rd & Peckham Rye. James Barber the local councillor is aware of this junction and how dangerous it is; but as of today nothing has been done.