Hello! I have good news!! After several weeks of putting my cartons in the recycling bags (and then having them returned to me) I decided to contact the Council. The person that you need to speak to is Jessica Binks (don't ask me what's her job title). Anyway to cut a long story short there is a website where you can type in your location and it will tell you the nearest place to get rid of these things. Uptill several weeks ago every borough had somewhere except for..... you guessed it- Southwark! However Southwark Council have finally got off their backsides and I am pleased to tell you that there is 1 (yes 1) designated bin for Tetra Pak cartons in ED and it's @ Sainsbury's. I think that FH Sainsbury's already has one too. I pointed out to Jessica that it would be most helpful if the Council couuld put out flyers to tell residents not to put these cartons in their recycling bags. Apparently they are working on such a leaflet. I also told them about this ws and that perhaps they should tell all of you but as they haven't bothered I thought that I would do their job for them.