Hi Why don't you try the Irish Dancing Classes at the Community Hall in Darrell Rd (Saturday's at 11). My older one goes and it's much more enjoyable in her opinion than the ballet that she used to do.Have a search her for more info.
Hi There is a private cinema in Loughborogh Junction. I think it's called Whirled Cienma. It costs 30 pounds a year for m'ship. Also you must try Frank's Cafe on the roof of the car park in Peckham. You will defintely impress your friends! Don't be put off by bthe walk up to the top and enjoy the artwork!!
Might not be suitable for the youngest but the one and only Indoor Mini Golf Centre in the UK is in Hither Green. If I recall it's only ?3 for kids and there are 20 courses.
It's not so bad.... especially if it's a nice day with the sun rising. Stop for breakfast at B'ham. Lunch at Cumbria and then hot foot it all the rest of the way. Assuming no delays on the M6 you'll get to Stirling by 2pm. Your kinds will probably sleep the 1st part of the journey. Load up the night before.
These roads and pavements are a nighmare in winter. Remember we now have had 2 consecutive winters with snow. On the plus side though you will be close to The Horniman- best place around for sledghing
Hi I find that the best approachis to suddenly look down and tell them that they've dropped money. If it works it'll give you a good giggle as they look!
Hello Have booked family hol to US. Have driven there before but have a couple of queries: Am I right in thinking that I have to carry with me my Insurance Docs (and Passport) when I am driving? Recollect man at Disney being irate with me about this! Are you allowed to turn right on a red light? Journey time by car from Orlando to Everglades. Looked at Google maps and it says 4-5 hours. May stay overnight near there/ Miami- any recommendations re: cheapish hotels? Also if you buy an Amazon Kindle over there I assume it will workover here- is that correct? how much are they over there anyway? That's it for now! Thanks.
Hi Irish Dancing at Darrell Rd Community Centre every sat @ 11. Just had a show to see what they've picked up from Deborah the teacher in 8 weeks. All parents were very impressed.